Hell is other wow players by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/18/2006, 6:17pm PDT
Re: Hell is other wow players by Quentin Beck 10/18/2006, 8:06pm PDT
Razorgore is why WOW fails at boss and raid instances. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 8:08pm PDT
Re: Hell is other wow players by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/18/2006, 10:06pm PDT
Well it's the best MMO ever made, so it has that going for it by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/18/2006, 11:38pm PDT
Too bad, my time is valuable now (it's worth two-thirds of an X-Box 360). NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/18/2006, 11:43pm PDT
Re: Hell is other wow players by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 11:47pm PDT
PS, some more of WOW's advantages. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 11:53pm PDT
Someone pls explain how Everqueerst ever made any money by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/19/2006, 5:10am PDT
It was first NT by duh 10/19/2006, 6:24am PDT
ultima online was before everquest NT by you fucking moron DUH!!! 10/19/2006, 9:20am PDT
Sounds like a good reason to play a better game doesnt it NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/20/2006, 10:17pm PDT
Re: Someone pls explain how Everqueerst ever made any money by Entropy Stew 10/19/2006, 10:54am PDT
Re: Hell is other wow players by Zsenicorpse 10/19/2006, 6:56pm PDT
Battleguard Sartura is worse by Rafiki 10/19/2006, 11:06pm PDT
And this should have been a reply to Razorgore is why WoW fails at bosses NT by Rafiki 10/19/2006, 11:07pm PDT
I think their biggest mistake of WOW's bosses. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/19/2006, 11:52pm PDT
I have to blame the players also by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/20/2006, 12:00am PDT
Technically you can figure out a fight on the first try by Rafiki 10/20/2006, 12:10am PDT
That's why I was wondering why you'd NEED!!!!!!!!!! ctmod to be in raid guilds. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/20/2006, 7:09am PDT