Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Someone pls explain how Everqueerst ever made any money by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/19/2006, 5:10am PDT
Jhoh Cable o_O wrote:

I heard that the normal enemies in say Everquest are as strong as the elites in WOW (an elite is an enemy that takes double or triple the damage a normal enemy of the same level has, with extra armor, and usually you can't take an enemy elite on the same level you are on without having party members, or pulling out all the stops, and then god help you if another enemy aggros on you because you're dead).

I heard the same thing more than a few times from people who have played both EQ(ueer) and WOW. So why did anyone bother with a game where all the enemies can't be beaten without using a shitload of valuble health potions and half-hour cooldowns?
Hell is other wow players by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/18/2006, 6:17pm PDT NEW
    Re: Hell is other wow players by Quentin Beck 10/18/2006, 8:06pm PDT NEW
        Razorgore is why WOW fails at boss and raid instances. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 8:08pm PDT NEW
    Re: Hell is other wow players by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/18/2006, 10:06pm PDT NEW
        Well it's the best MMO ever made, so it has that going for it by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/18/2006, 11:38pm PDT NEW
            Too bad, my time is valuable now (it's worth two-thirds of an X-Box 360). NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/18/2006, 11:43pm PDT NEW
        Re: Hell is other wow players by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 11:47pm PDT NEW
            PS, some more of WOW's advantages. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/18/2006, 11:53pm PDT NEW
                Someone pls explain how Everqueerst ever made any money by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/19/2006, 5:10am PDT NEW
                    It was first NT by duh 10/19/2006, 6:24am PDT NEW
                        ultima online was before everquest NT by you fucking moron DUH!!! 10/19/2006, 9:20am PDT NEW
                        Sounds like a good reason to play a better game doesnt it NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/20/2006, 10:17pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Someone pls explain how Everqueerst ever made any money by Entropy Stew 10/19/2006, 10:54am PDT NEW
        Re: Hell is other wow players by Zsenicorpse 10/19/2006, 6:56pm PDT NEW
    Battleguard Sartura is worse by Rafiki 10/19/2006, 11:06pm PDT NEW
        And this should have been a reply to Razorgore is why WoW fails at bosses NT by Rafiki 10/19/2006, 11:07pm PDT NEW
            I think their biggest mistake of WOW's bosses. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/19/2006, 11:52pm PDT NEW
                I have to blame the players also by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/20/2006, 12:00am PDT NEW
                Technically you can figure out a fight on the first try by Rafiki 10/20/2006, 12:10am PDT NEW
                    That's why I was wondering why you'd NEED!!!!!!!!!! ctmod to be in raid guilds. by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/20/2006, 7:09am PDT NEW
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