by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:12am PST |
An asterisk means I've actually played a particular game. Two asterisks mean I've beaten it. Three mean I've collected everything in Jak & Daxter, even the completely useless stuff.
Ace Combat 4
I was really into Highway to the Danger Zone for a while and thought this game might give me a good excuse to put it on repeat. Turns out it was just a phase, by the time this arrived in the mail I was mostly listening to Werd Up by Cameo, so I didn't EVEN bother.
Devil May Cry 3 (Special Edition)
Quarter to Three gave wrom a hard time for liking this, so I bought it out of spite.
God Hand
You like it, Caltrops likes it, Eric Wolpaw likes it... but the real critics hated it. So now I don't really know what to believe. I think I'm just going to wait until this all blows over.
God of War**
It's Diablo II in 3D. And you can only play as a barbarian. And someone already named him with a stupid name. I missed the sex scene on my playthrough because I didn't rotate the concentric puzzle rings counter-clockwise enough, or maybe too much, I forget.
Gradius V
They're still making these. Good for them.
Gran Turismo 4*
Gran Turismos used to have painstakingly-translated hand-written descriptions of each car. I learned everything I know about cars from those, like how stricter Japanese safety regulations resulted in a '96 Mazda Miata that was heavier and less responsive than the '89 model, or how the Nissan Silvia produces a refreshing feeling of wholesome drive. Well, they don't have those anymore.
I barely have the inclination to play all those games with GREAT box art, what chance does this stand?
Jak & Daxter***
I liked the big streaming world with no load times. I also liked it when Daxter would say something funny or trip over his own feet. I was an elf but they didn't beat me over the head with it so I didn't really give a shit. A++
Katamari Damacy
Looks like fun!
The Mark of Kri**
See my review. (SPOILER: it's not an especially insightful review.)
I beat the almighty hell out of the sequel, Maximo vs. [the] Army of Zin, then immediately traded it in for this one because I couldn't wait to play more. In retrospect that was a mistake, this one blows. The camera blows because you can't maneuver it on the run, the enemies blow because there's no skillful way to kill them without randomly taking hits, the hub levels blow because hub levels in platformers ALWAYS blow, and everyone already knows why the save system blows. Amazingly they managed to fix all that for the sequel, so HATS OFF to you, FUCKBAGS.
Metal Gear Solid 3 (Subsistence)
I remember why I bought this, it was because I heard it was set in the '60s and you could take your shirt off and writhe around in the mud and eat fresh fish. What I don't remember is why I thought that sounded like something I would want.
I used to walk a dog whose owner insisted he was part wolf. I didn't really see it, he looked more like a malamute to me, but he did bite two different children on two non-consecutive occasions. This just reminds me how much I miss the adorable scamp :(
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
One reviewer said the opening cinematic alone was worth the price of admission, so I know I'll get my money's worth whenever I get around to watching it. That's called peace of mind and you can't put a price on it.
Ratchet & Clank
I bought all three of these, but not the Ratchet: Deadlocked spinoff. Your guess is as good as mine as to why.
I'm waiting to play this on XBLA (for the achievements).
Ridge Racer V*
Ridge Racer 4: awesome. Ridge Racer 6: awesome. Ridge Racer 5: mediocre. Someone explain how that can happen.
Shadow of the Colossus
I'm going to play this at some point before I see that Adam Sandler movie where his family is trapped in Shadow of the Colossus and he has to get into the game, LITERALLY, to save them or whatever the real plot was. There are some other things I'm going to do before seeing that movie but I won't get into them here, it's a pretty long list.
Sly Cooper
Smells like furries.
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Smells like anime.
Tekken 5
According to experts, this is the worst fighting game I own. I think I picked it up because one of the guys looks like Rutger Hauer and another looks like Wesley Snipes, and I wanted to see who was tougher. I don't remember why, exactly.
Twisted Metal: Black*
It was hard so I gave up.
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution*
See above.
I'm still searching for a copy of Klonoa 2.
Next time: multiformat titles, best enjoyed on PS2. |
Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Fullofkittens 11/13/2007, 10:02pm PST 
there is someone who exists that didn't totally love GTA:VC? NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/13/2007, 10:23pm PST 
The Red Star, Zone of the Enders 2, S.L.A.I., Ace Combat Zero, Taito Legends 2 NT by Belbo Jacopo 11/13/2007, 10:24pm PST 
Ace Wombat Zero has the best final boss music ever. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/14/2007, 3:38am PST 
Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:29pm PST 
Somehow I'm going to put Persona 3 above that Disney shit. by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:52am PST 
Also did you mean Ape Escape 2 or 3? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:30pm PST 
Resident Evil 4, Beyond Good & Evil, and Viewtiful Joe are all good choices. NT by (Unless you also have a GC or Wii) 11/14/2007, 1:34am PST 
I forgot to list RE4 and BG&E. I'll look up VJ, though! NT by Fullofkittens 11/14/2007, 5:52am PST 
Re: Ok(ami), what PS2 games did I miss? by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:56am PST 
The 2d sections broke the game for me by Lizard_King 11/14/2007, 5:07pm PST 
Horror? by FABIO 11/14/2007, 3:38pm PST 
Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/15/2007, 12:56pm PST 
I forgot Ico, too! I have that and RE4 and the other one I forgot (twice) NT by Fullofkittens 11/15/2007, 4:07pm PST 
Warriors by Last 11/16/2007, 7:53am PST 
Re: Warriors by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/14/2025, 8:19pm PST 
Here's my collection, maybe you should try and copy it exactly? by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:12am PST 
I finished Twisted Metal Black about 10 times. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/25/2007, 10:28am PST 
Battle of the emotionally stunted shut-ins! NT by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 11:31am PST 
I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 11:52am PST 
Re: I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 12:31pm PST 
That could possibly be it. I never could watch the Crystal Maze after that by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 3:14pm PST 
Still less gay than Tom Cruise in "Legend." NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/25/2007, 3:44pm PST 
Do you have any TIPS? NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:40pm PST 