by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:52am PST |
Persona 3 is equal parts shenmue lite, japanese dating game lite, and rogue lite. It takes all those elements and uses them sparingly way before they become boring, pathetic, or obtuse. You basically go to school, keep a schedule, improve social skills (3 social skills), make friends, and when you feel like it go to a dungeon and fight monsters. A boss monster appears every full moon so you have to at least invest a couple of days every month in-game to going to the dungeon and leveling up. However the dungeon quickly gets difficult enough that when you run into bosses you can lay the smack down. |
Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Fullofkittens 11/13/2007, 10:02pm PST 
there is someone who exists that didn't totally love GTA:VC? NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/13/2007, 10:23pm PST 
The Red Star, Zone of the Enders 2, S.L.A.I., Ace Combat Zero, Taito Legends 2 NT by Belbo Jacopo 11/13/2007, 10:24pm PST 
Ace Wombat Zero has the best final boss music ever. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/14/2007, 3:38am PST 
Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:29pm PST 
Somehow I'm going to put Persona 3 above that Disney shit. by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:52am PST 
Also did you mean Ape Escape 2 or 3? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:30pm PST 
Resident Evil 4, Beyond Good & Evil, and Viewtiful Joe are all good choices. NT by (Unless you also have a GC or Wii) 11/14/2007, 1:34am PST 
I forgot to list RE4 and BG&E. I'll look up VJ, though! NT by Fullofkittens 11/14/2007, 5:52am PST 
Re: Ok(ami), what PS2 games did I miss? by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:56am PST 
The 2d sections broke the game for me by Lizard_King 11/14/2007, 5:07pm PST 
Horror? by FABIO 11/14/2007, 3:38pm PST 
Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/15/2007, 12:56pm PST 
I forgot Ico, too! I have that and RE4 and the other one I forgot (twice) NT by Fullofkittens 11/15/2007, 4:07pm PST 
Warriors by Last 11/16/2007, 7:53am PST 
Re: Warriors by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/14/2025, 8:19pm PST 
Here's my collection, maybe you should try and copy it exactly? by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:12am PST 
I finished Twisted Metal Black about 10 times. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/25/2007, 10:28am PST 
Battle of the emotionally stunted shut-ins! NT by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 11:31am PST 
I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 11:52am PST 
Re: I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 12:31pm PST 
That could possibly be it. I never could watch the Crystal Maze after that by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 3:14pm PST 
Still less gay than Tom Cruise in "Legend." NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/25/2007, 3:44pm PST 
Do you have any TIPS? NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:40pm PST 