Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
So give me an example of a modern CRPG that did narrative better. by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 7:44am PDT
Games you quit early on and why by fabio 06/17/2016, 8:08am PDT NEW
    Civ V by mark 06/17/2016, 9:39am PDT NEW
    Metroid Other M by Mysterio 06/17/2016, 12:06pm PDT NEW
    The Shadowgate remake. by Mischief Maker 06/17/2016, 5:40pm PDT NEW
        I think I quit just before that by fabio 06/18/2016, 3:13am PDT NEW
    Fallout 4 by Oom Shnibble 06/18/2016, 6:23am PDT NEW
    Crazy Taxi for the PC by Worm 06/18/2016, 11:58am PDT NEW
    Resident Evil 4 by Sly Marbo 06/18/2016, 8:06pm PDT NEW
        WHAT ARE YA BOIEN NT by Mysterio 06/18/2016, 9:34pm PDT NEW
        Sly Marbo, YOU'RE small time! NT by zing 06/18/2016, 10:20pm PDT NEW
    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri by blackwater 06/19/2016, 2:03am PDT NEW
    Crypt of the Necrodancer by Mischief Maker 06/20/2016, 10:35am PDT NEW
        Are you doing All-Zones or the Story Mode? by Lurker 234523 06/20/2016, 11:38am PDT NEW
    Planescape: Torment by laudablepuss 06/20/2016, 12:04pm PDT NEW
        You monster NT by Entropy Stew 06/20/2016, 10:08pm PDT NEW
            It's a wordy game too by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 10:11am PDT NEW
                That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                    Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 8:00am PDT NEW
                        GOG has it, but the infinity engine has not aged well at all NT by Rafiki 06/22/2016, 8:25am PDT NEW
                            That was a particularly clunky incarnation of the infinity engine, too NT by Entropy Stew 06/29/2016, 6:01pm PDT NEW
                        Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/22/2016, 11:47am PDT NEW
                            It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Welcome to Omsk 06/22/2016, 2:47pm PDT NEW
                                What frigging part of modern RPGs has outdone Planescape at narrative? NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/22/2016, 3:11pm PDT NEW
                                    Planescape is...a game that doesn't thrive under even cursory reductive analysis by Welcome to Omsk 06/29/2016, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                                        My experience with Torment. by Dream Cast 06/29/2016, 11:59pm PDT NEW
                                            The awful quality of '97-2001 scifi dramas are one reason their leads consid by lending their time/voices to gaming 06/30/2016, 6:31am PDT NEW
                                                Watched Jeffrey last night, spent the whole thing wishing it was Tim Daly in the NT by Michael T. Weiss role :( 07/05/2016, 10:10pm PDT NEW
                                        You could give this reductive devil's advocate treatment to any game by fabio 06/30/2016, 1:09am PDT NEW
                                            Everyone has a Dragonfall to slot into such statements by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:05am PDT NEW
                                                I feel like this whole thing just comes back to voice acting by Worm 07/01/2016, 12:54pm PDT NEW
                                                    fully voiced choice simulators are in a different genre than old school cRPGs by Welcome to Omsk 07/02/2016, 12:27am PDT NEW
                                        What part of "at narrative" don't you understand? by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 6:41am PDT NEW
                                            It's inextricable from the overall presentation. And the fan patches for typos. by BELIEVE IN YOURSELF 06/30/2016, 7:05am PDT NEW
                                                So give me an example of a modern CRPG that did narrative better. NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 7:44am PDT NEW
                                                    What I told Fabio, basically. There are no modern CRPGs, current RPGs are by different animals 06/30/2016, 9:54am PDT NEW
                                                        This is the worst internet analogy I've ever read by and that includes Qt3 07/06/2016, 11:17pm PDT NEW
                                Re: It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 12:56am PDT NEW
                                    might be confusing it with eyeball in the 'eye' slot on equip/inventory screen by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 1:53pm PDT NEW
                                        Well, since there's no screenshots in this thread, I suppose we agreed to disagr by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 4:10pm PDT NEW
                                            I don't know if I'm George Burns or Gracie Allen in this thread anymore NT by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:17pm PDT NEW
    Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun by Welcome to Omsk 06/20/2016, 4:29pm PDT NEW
    Dead Space on PC. Only thing I've ever encountered that gave me motion sickness NT by Rafiki 06/20/2016, 8:53pm PDT NEW
        Let's talk about games we bought and never even installed once by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 8:58am PDT NEW
            Oh you guys. NT by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                I heard it was FER PEDOFULLLLLS NT by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 2:19pm PDT NEW
    Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 2:00pm PDT NEW
        Mass Effect NT by Slash fiction: the game 06/21/2016, 2:43pm PDT NEW
        Seconding Assassin's Creed. Also: Mirror's Edge by Rafiki 06/21/2016, 3:22pm PDT NEW
            It was not good in that it was fucking awful NT by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:19pm PDT NEW
        Oh yeah, me too on AC. NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2016, 3:31pm PDT NEW
            O shit I wasn't even playing and I think we've won NT by Roop 06/22/2016, 1:18pm PDT NEW
    If anybody doesn't have one, Limbo is free on Steam right now. NT by Dream Cast 06/21/2016, 2:39pm PDT NEW
    Jagged Alliance - Back in Action by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:26pm PDT NEW
    Bioshock by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:30pm PDT NEW
    Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:40pm PDT NEW
    Battlefleet Gothic by fabio 06/22/2016, 7:11pm PDT NEW
    Eveything by Entropy Stew 07/02/2016, 7:09am PDT NEW
        Same. by Fullofkittens 07/02/2016, 8:40am PDT NEW
            Re: Same. by Rafiki 09/23/2016, 4:39pm PDT NEW
    The world ends with you by Mischief Maker 09/23/2016, 12:41pm PDT NEW
        I set the top to auto and focused on stomping ass lower screen. by Might not be your cuppa 09/23/2016, 3:49pm PDT NEW
    Oxenfree by fabio 10/24/2016, 2:57am PDT NEW
    Space Rangers by Mischief Maker 10/24/2016, 6:29am PDT NEW
    Re: Games you quit early on and why by moar pleeze 12/16/2024, 8:50pm PST NEW
    Super Mario Odyssey by Respiv 12/17/2024, 9:28am PST NEW
    Factorio by blackwater 12/17/2024, 10:01am PST NEW
    Endless Space 2 by Mischief Maker 12/17/2024, 11:08pm PST NEW
        Your mistake was buying the Awakening DLC, regarded as the 2nd worst NT by Mysterio 12/20/2024, 9:18pm PST NEW
            No, this is base game with all DLCs disabled. by Mischief Maker 01/09/2025, 7:09am PST NEW
        Amplitude just isn't good at making 4X games. by Told ya 01/08/2025, 9:53pm PST NEW
            Crybaby shitlicker is back by ignore this baby 01/08/2025, 10:32pm PST NEW
                The worthless posters are waddling back by Just ban them 01/08/2025, 10:46pm PST NEW
                    Ban anyone who thinks Cyberpunk and Amplitude games are imperfect by Do you hear yourself? 01/09/2025, 11:53am PST NEW
                    Try some preparation H you butthurt loser NT by Not Geryk 01/09/2025, 2:29pm PST NEW
                        Trying to "guess" who wrote something is the worst post possible. by Hangman 01/09/2025, 3:12pm PST NEW
                            I think making a dumb post with no content is the worst post possible by Not Geryk 01/10/2025, 11:54am PST NEW
                                Again, leave the site. Nobody wants you here. by Hangman 01/10/2025, 12:20pm PST NEW
                                    Let's try again. What do you object to about the criticism of Amplitude? NT by not geryk 01/10/2025, 3:00pm PST NEW
                                        Your name is "not geryk"? Really? That is what you're going with? by Start over 01/10/2025, 9:20pm PST NEW
                                            I am the alpha here. NT by Start over 01/11/2025, 8:53am PST NEW
                                        70,000 players a day on Steam for Cyberpunk by Hangman 01/13/2025, 3:58pm PST NEW
                                            No Mans Sky has 10k. GOTY? Stop pretending to be retarded. NT by Its good but its not the best 01/13/2025, 4:08pm PST NEW
                                                Why would you post that? NMS has nothing to do with anything. by Hangman 01/13/2025, 5:39pm PST NEW
                                                    He won't pick a nick because he would get so much more abuse by fucking moron 01/13/2025, 6:37pm PST NEW
                                                    The category is...GAMES THAT WERE SHIT ON LAUNCH FOR 500 NT by you dumb fyck 01/13/2025, 9:23pm PST NEW
                                                        It wasn't "SHIT ON LAUNCH" you screaming autistic retard. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 9:01am PST NEW
                                                            It was though. Why dies everyone keep trying to revise history? NT by COVID related memory loss? 01/14/2025, 10:20am PST NEW
                                                                Let's look at the reviews. Then I give up. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 10:36am PST NEW
                                                                    Why don't you be nicer to him? He is at least contributing posts. by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 11:01am PST NEW
                                                                        Nobody needs you white knighting for them "Dan" NT by Creepy and Concerning 01/14/2025, 11:37am PST NEW
                                                                    Oh man how could I forget the 100% review from.....GamesRadar. You got me by Just one question 01/14/2025, 12:53pm PST NEW
                                                                        For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by blackwater 01/14/2025, 4:19pm PST NEW
                                                                            Re: For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:54pm PST NEW
                                                                        The PS4 version wasn't ready. already been said. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:53pm PST NEW
                        You think talking about a game not being perfect is "Geryk posting" by Are you having a stroke? 01/10/2025, 1:12am PST NEW
                            Remember when we used to talk about talking about games? NT by Hank Hill 01/14/2025, 12:36pm PST NEW
                                Not really. No. NT by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 12:40pm PST NEW
            Thanks for ruining another thread, you miserable NT by Fuckwad 01/09/2025, 7:47am PST NEW
    Threads you quit early on and why by This one 01/14/2025, 12:46pm PST NEW
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