by Dream Cast 06/29/2016, 11:59pm PDT |
I remember being super pumped and all bloated up with and like a big screaming hype baby to buy it day one (or whatever day Future Shop put the boxes on the shelves, I don't think they were terribly bothered back then). I remember thinking the writing was really good by videogame standards (and I guess also 15 year old me standards?), and the typically all-star Interplay voice cast did a heroic job with what they were given. I know Jonsey was upset about getting stuck with a floating eyeball right off the bat, but I think I appreciated Rob Paulsen enough as a human being to not really care what stupid thing they had him dressed up as. "What are we going to do tonight, chief?" "The same thing we do every night: update my journal."
Okay, after looking up Nameless One actor Michael T. Weiss on IMDb, I'm officially updating Torment's story from good for a videogame to good for a videogame OR a TV show. Here's a bio for his character on The Pretender (1996-2000), courtesy of a guy who I'm 90% sure is 100% sure it all really happened:
Jarod, a boy genius with a special gift for pretending, was kidnapped and held prisoner by a corporation that used him as a human simulator in their clandestine research. Escaping from The Centre more than 30 years later, Jarod now searches for clues to his true identity and family. He also uses his ability to quickly become an expert at anything to right wrongs and exact revenge on the wicked. All the while, Centre operatives led by Miss Parker work relentlessly to capture Jarod, and return him to The Centre.
Jarod was kidnapped at the age of four-five by AND/OR for a nebulous think-tank officially known like "The Centre". Jarod and The Centre are interlocked seeing this factory was created by Mr.Parker's grandfather, relying on mystic scrolls which ones predict the birth of a chosen called Jarod and The Centre's establishment. This "brain box" didn't settled for establish links with political and economic circles with perspective to improve social decisions through some leaders, but instead, secretly promote all connections likely to extend The Centre's power and influence at the international level. The Centre's ultimate aim for operate like an essential entity over the world involved an illegal and criminal basis in his hierarchy 's head. Besides, all The Centre 's decision-makers have a psychotic disorder of some kind or at least, big amoral behavior they excuse by power necessity. "To the rules of the art", do business with dictators, mafia, corrupted politicians, murderers, the military and "the criminal pyramid" in order to make profits and forge links for future interests, is an obvious fact for The Centre. What makes The Centre so dangerous of course is his huge network through all great academics, politics, wealthy people and other corporations, strategic military, high ranking religious and most unknown but just as powerful partners. But his true richness be found in his philosophy: The Center redirected the humanist principles to an opposite one... In fact, The Centre leaders attracted mass bigwig and brilliant specialist in every known fields of knowledge to teach all "subjects" studied in the complex, some of this experts have distant involvement in the projects but others have fixed their research at The Center and participate to long-term programs (like Sydney who is a psychiatrist) : This is a two-way exchange between the guinea-pigs and the scientists, in the case of the pretender project ("Pretender" is a code name who is synonym to the term "human simulator" in the context of the show), tests subjects (like Jarod, the greatest success of The Center from a scientific point of view) are submitted to a wide range of knowledge (for example Jarod was forced to learn the most possible number of different languages at an early age) and reciprocally, scientists study the ways their pretenders learn things and how they can put into practice this new knowledge in an extremely little bit of time. We have to understand that this beings haven't learned during many many years in The Center' complex before to perfect their skills, even if they have been trained most of the time to various activities. In fact, those "human simulators" are shown as being capable to display instantly the most accurate "response" to a specific "input" knowledge: For example, If one of them have to practice a coronary artery bypass in the afternoon all they need to do is to read an heart surgery manual in the morning. Consequently, all goes like if they don't need to be confronted to classical "learning chronology". It seems this people exposition to knowledge ,through books most of the time, is just a means to "appeal" some "invisible entities" from another reality, whose ones use them (pretenders) for a Greatest Work. This hypothesis can appear like a joke but it's a not at all one since their acts fellow too few technical input not to mention the time they have been expose to them. Additionally to that, the show itself rest upon mystical base: most of The Center inhabitant possess not only intellectual but also strange and beyond normal psychic abilities; Angelo who was initially intended to the pretender project on account of his genetic properties, only could hypothetically become a pretender by means of special drugs and shockwave treatment: He finally became an autistic man with scientifically unexplained ability to feel emotional issues and motives from people he have never encountered; Catherine Parker was invested by the power to heard voices from another reality (maybe the afterlife) and predicted future, besides, the reality of afterlife and of superior intelligences existence is confirmed when her daughter, Miss Parker, is empowered with the same gift in the adulthood, to point she can "communicate" with her deceased mother; and mystic influence in the show is finally extended to the raison d'ĂȘtre of The Centre himself at the end of the series. So, It appear that despite the show is ruled through logic and scientific coherence, extraordinary and even, "supernatural" have in fact a key role in the show. In this regard, it appear that pretender's abilities can't be seen like prodigy's abilities as impressive the latter appear: The pretenders power is far beyond the geniuses capability.
A fertility clinic called NuGenesis and owned by The Center who knew existence of the "pretender" long time ago, ran research on this extraordinary beings and have determined a common factor through them: Blood Type. In order to take advantage of theirs goose that laid the golden egg, The Centre evidently disregard the childhood of their "slaves": Jarod quotes in some episodes his "cultural past" like a child raised with "adult purposes", Sydney even told once that "Jarod was a man with a child body". At an early age Jarod, after being challenged through various tests, was considered "high potential" and gifted in term of performance. But this is his long term "unusual" training in the fields of medicine, engineering, computer science,sciences, languages, social sciences, poetry, literature, music (he practiced piano and probably some no quoted instruments), sculpture (he modeled busts with modeling clay at professional level in one episode) and painting, but also chess and studied this last to the point he became a grandmaster in his teenage years. Jarod finally became a renaissance man in the true meaning, a polymath, or a competent man according to Heinlein's mythology. It's difficult to think a man can acquires competence at nearly superhuman speed, in that case, this man would can be call God.
Simultaneously, The Centre allocate many projects to their "Pretenders": The pretender project is probably the more convertible into cash "sector" of The Center because those "intellectual giants" find completely new methodology that can be sell to some contractors ( more safe planes, better cure against some virus, strategic defense against some terrorist attacks, and so on). But in his rise for power, The Center establish itself offering in the same time supply and demand. Consequently, some of their pretender work for the better and some other ones work for the worse (Jarod vs Alex). Those valuable works are called simulations in reference to computer generated simulation. Jarod is used by The Centre to perform deep analysis of complex human reality: In the case of a plan crash with the lose of the black box, Jarod have to integrated both the technical data of the plan from the airline pilot point of view and the psychological state of the people involved in the critical moment. Simulations are recorded on data disc (DSA: Digital Simulation Archives) Jarod have taken with him when he escaped from The Centre. Jarod was trained in The Center's complex during 33 years, from 1963 to 1996, when he began to built on his tremendous practical experience of various specialty to help people which have been ruined by some nefarious other ones. From 1996 to 2001 Jarod discovered many "ordinary" things in society like candy, toys, comics, vernacular, or ice-cream and, set up lot of "special" friendships with people from different social level, to the point he insure they are fine long after helped them with their "big problem" by keeping in touch and catch up on them news. Jarod fought for come together again with his family and succeeded in find his brother Kyle (a pretender raised in The Center too, but under the care of Raines...) who was killed by Lyle in may 1998, he encountered his father too, "Major Charles", at the end of may 1999 and work together many times but have to stay far because of The Center's attacks.They discovered together that The Center have cloned Jarod in hope to take up again the pretender project with their "better member".They wrested this younger Jarod from The Center's hands and Major Charles take care of him. Jarod saved his sister Emily after she was thrown out of the window by a Center 's team of sweepers lead by Lyle. Jarod and Miss Parker discovered together they have an half-brother who came from Major Charles semen and introduced in Miss Parker's mother's uterus in order to create a being with both the "pretender ability" and "sixth sense". In fact, Miss Parker's mother (Catherine Parker) have developed throughout her lifetime, a parapsychological gift that enabled her to see and hear people which ones exist in another realm of existence (the afterlife), as well as make premonitions. This was made at the initiative of Catherine Parker herself who believed that Ethan would be the key to her own agenda: Catherine Parker a a woman of kindness in his purest meaning, wisdom and very brave was stayed in The Centre with the goal to show the criminal nature of The Centre as well as to save all the children and people convicted in the cell of the nightmarish sub-level of The Centre. Unluckily, she needed the help of the father (the demonic Abel Raines/Parker) of her beloved daughter (Miss Parker) to complete successfully her plan. But the latter manipulated her (Catherine Parker) to lead to his own plan using Ethan like a new kind of killer. Fortunately, Jarod and Miss Parker saved Ethan at the last moment in a metro explosion at washington, and dragged him out of Raines hands , in may 2000.
I didn't read much of that and I hope you didn't either. Anyway, I got as far as the undead city under the poor people city and just across from the city that's all one big rat king, only to encounter a game-ending bug where all the people I was subconsciously judging for being ugly and dirty and different like in a Neil Gaiman novel in actuality just wanted to murder me for no reason like in real life. And of course nobody in charge of challenging preconceived notions about skeletons at Black Isle had the foresight to put a key to the magically locked door on any of their bodies because what kind of real monster would kill all those ostensible monsters? So I just had to wait (what felt like?) a month for the patch and start over.
My second playthrough of the first half was a lot less fun than my first, and my first playthrough of the second half was more or less the same. John de Lancie also showed up to float around like an eyeball, though, so that was cool. I never played it again and I seriously doubt I ever will. Two stars. |
Games you quit early on and why by fabio 06/17/2016, 8:08am PDT 
Civ V by mark 06/17/2016, 9:39am PDT 
Metroid Other M by Mysterio 06/17/2016, 12:06pm PDT 
The Shadowgate remake. by Mischief Maker 06/17/2016, 5:40pm PDT 
I think I quit just before that by fabio 06/18/2016, 3:13am PDT 
Fallout 4 by Oom Shnibble 06/18/2016, 6:23am PDT 
Crazy Taxi for the PC by Worm 06/18/2016, 11:58am PDT 
Resident Evil 4 by Sly Marbo 06/18/2016, 8:06pm PDT 
WHAT ARE YA BOIEN NT by Mysterio 06/18/2016, 9:34pm PDT 
Sly Marbo, YOU'RE small time! NT by zing 06/18/2016, 10:20pm PDT 
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri by blackwater 06/19/2016, 2:03am PDT 
Crypt of the Necrodancer by Mischief Maker 06/20/2016, 10:35am PDT 
Are you doing All-Zones or the Story Mode? by Lurker 234523 06/20/2016, 11:38am PDT 
Planescape: Torment by laudablepuss 06/20/2016, 12:04pm PDT 
You monster NT by Entropy Stew 06/20/2016, 10:08pm PDT 
It's a wordy game too by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 10:11am PDT 
That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:35pm PDT 
Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 8:00am PDT 
GOG has it, but the infinity engine has not aged well at all NT by Rafiki 06/22/2016, 8:25am PDT 
That was a particularly clunky incarnation of the infinity engine, too NT by Entropy Stew 06/29/2016, 6:01pm PDT 
Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/22/2016, 11:47am PDT 
It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Welcome to Omsk 06/22/2016, 2:47pm PDT 
What frigging part of modern RPGs has outdone Planescape at narrative? NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/22/2016, 3:11pm PDT 
Planescape is...a game that doesn't thrive under even cursory reductive analysis by Welcome to Omsk 06/29/2016, 10:28pm PDT 
My experience with Torment. by Dream Cast 06/29/2016, 11:59pm PDT 
The awful quality of '97-2001 scifi dramas are one reason their leads consid by lending their time/voices to gaming 06/30/2016, 6:31am PDT 
Watched Jeffrey last night, spent the whole thing wishing it was Tim Daly in the NT by Michael T. Weiss role :( 07/05/2016, 10:10pm PDT 
You could give this reductive devil's advocate treatment to any game by fabio 06/30/2016, 1:09am PDT 
Everyone has a Dragonfall to slot into such statements by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:05am PDT 
I feel like this whole thing just comes back to voice acting by Worm 07/01/2016, 12:54pm PDT 
fully voiced choice simulators are in a different genre than old school cRPGs by Welcome to Omsk 07/02/2016, 12:27am PDT 
What part of "at narrative" don't you understand? by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 6:41am PDT 
It's inextricable from the overall presentation. And the fan patches for typos. by BELIEVE IN YOURSELF 06/30/2016, 7:05am PDT 
So give me an example of a modern CRPG that did narrative better. NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 7:44am PDT 
What I told Fabio, basically. There are no modern CRPGs, current RPGs are by different animals 06/30/2016, 9:54am PDT 
This is the worst internet analogy I've ever read by and that includes Qt3 07/06/2016, 11:17pm PDT 
Re: It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 12:56am PDT 
might be confusing it with eyeball in the 'eye' slot on equip/inventory screen by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 1:53pm PDT 
Well, since there's no screenshots in this thread, I suppose we agreed to disagr by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 4:10pm PDT 
I don't know if I'm George Burns or Gracie Allen in this thread anymore NT by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:17pm PDT 
Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun by Welcome to Omsk 06/20/2016, 4:29pm PDT 
Dead Space on PC. Only thing I've ever encountered that gave me motion sickness NT by Rafiki 06/20/2016, 8:53pm PDT 
Let's talk about games we bought and never even installed once by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 8:58am PDT 
Oh you guys. NT by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 1:54pm PDT 
I heard it was FER PEDOFULLLLLS NT by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 2:19pm PDT 
Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 2:00pm PDT 
Mass Effect NT by Slash fiction: the game 06/21/2016, 2:43pm PDT 
Seconding Assassin's Creed. Also: Mirror's Edge by Rafiki 06/21/2016, 3:22pm PDT 
It was not good in that it was fucking awful NT by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:19pm PDT 
Oh yeah, me too on AC. NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2016, 3:31pm PDT 
O shit I wasn't even playing and I think we've won NT by Roop 06/22/2016, 1:18pm PDT 
If anybody doesn't have one, Limbo is free on Steam right now. NT by Dream Cast 06/21/2016, 2:39pm PDT 
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:26pm PDT 
Bioshock by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:30pm PDT 
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:40pm PDT 
Battlefleet Gothic by fabio 06/22/2016, 7:11pm PDT 
Eveything by Entropy Stew 07/02/2016, 7:09am PDT 
Same. by Fullofkittens 07/02/2016, 8:40am PDT 
Re: Same. by Rafiki 09/23/2016, 4:39pm PDT 
The world ends with you by Mischief Maker 09/23/2016, 12:41pm PDT 
I set the top to auto and focused on stomping ass lower screen. by Might not be your cuppa 09/23/2016, 3:49pm PDT 
Oxenfree by fabio 10/24/2016, 2:57am PDT 
Space Rangers by Mischief Maker 10/24/2016, 6:29am PDT 
Re: Games you quit early on and why by moar pleeze 12/16/2024, 8:50pm PST 
Super Mario Odyssey by Respiv 12/17/2024, 9:28am PST 
Factorio by blackwater 12/17/2024, 10:01am PST 
Endless Space 2 by Mischief Maker 12/17/2024, 11:08pm PST 
Your mistake was buying the Awakening DLC, regarded as the 2nd worst NT by Mysterio 12/20/2024, 9:18pm PST 
No, this is base game with all DLCs disabled. by Mischief Maker 01/09/2025, 7:09am PST 
Amplitude just isn't good at making 4X games. by Told ya 01/08/2025, 9:53pm PST 
Crybaby shitlicker is back by ignore this baby 01/08/2025, 10:32pm PST 
The worthless posters are waddling back by Just ban them 01/08/2025, 10:46pm PST 
Ban anyone who thinks Cyberpunk and Amplitude games are imperfect by Do you hear yourself? 01/09/2025, 11:53am PST 
Try some preparation H you butthurt loser NT by Not Geryk 01/09/2025, 2:29pm PST 
Trying to "guess" who wrote something is the worst post possible. by Hangman 01/09/2025, 3:12pm PST 
I think making a dumb post with no content is the worst post possible by Not Geryk 01/10/2025, 11:54am PST 
Again, leave the site. Nobody wants you here. by Hangman 01/10/2025, 12:20pm PST 
Let's try again. What do you object to about the criticism of Amplitude? NT by not geryk 01/10/2025, 3:00pm PST 
Your name is "not geryk"? Really? That is what you're going with? by Start over 01/10/2025, 9:20pm PST 
I am the alpha here. NT by Start over 01/11/2025, 8:53am PST 
70,000 players a day on Steam for Cyberpunk by Hangman 01/13/2025, 3:58pm PST 
No Mans Sky has 10k. GOTY? Stop pretending to be retarded. NT by Its good but its not the best 01/13/2025, 4:08pm PST 
Why would you post that? NMS has nothing to do with anything. by Hangman 01/13/2025, 5:39pm PST 
He won't pick a nick because he would get so much more abuse by fucking moron 01/13/2025, 6:37pm PST 
The category is...GAMES THAT WERE SHIT ON LAUNCH FOR 500 NT by you dumb fyck 01/13/2025, 9:23pm PST 
It wasn't "SHIT ON LAUNCH" you screaming autistic retard. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 9:01am PST 
It was though. Why dies everyone keep trying to revise history? NT by COVID related memory loss? 01/14/2025, 10:20am PST 
Let's look at the reviews. Then I give up. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 10:36am PST 
Why don't you be nicer to him? He is at least contributing posts. by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 11:01am PST 
Nobody needs you white knighting for them "Dan" NT by Creepy and Concerning 01/14/2025, 11:37am PST 
Oh man how could I forget the 100% review from.....GamesRadar. You got me by Just one question 01/14/2025, 12:53pm PST 
For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by blackwater 01/14/2025, 4:19pm PST 
Re: For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:54pm PST 
The PS4 version wasn't ready. already been said. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:53pm PST 
You think talking about a game not being perfect is "Geryk posting" by Are you having a stroke? 01/10/2025, 1:12am PST 
Remember when we used to talk about talking about games? NT by Hank Hill 01/14/2025, 12:36pm PST 
Not really. No. NT by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 12:40pm PST 
Thanks for ruining another thread, you miserable NT by Fuckwad 01/09/2025, 7:47am PST 
Threads you quit early on and why by This one 01/14/2025, 12:46pm PST 