Forum Overview :: Might & Magic X: Legacy
No scaling in the full version by Lurker 410942 04/20/2014, 8:44pm PDT
I wasted about 3 hours bashing my face against an orc meat wall before I realized i had skipped over 2 MUCH easier dungeons right next to the town. Now everything's pretty smooth sailing.

I fucking hate that in order to find secrets, you can either:
-Use a spell that only ONE class has. If you didn't pick it, fuck you.
-Buy expensive scrolls to use the spell. Each one MIGHT find you one secret.
-Wait until 10 hours in when you can hire a dog to find everything for you.
-Wait 15 hours to get permanent secret-find.

Why wasn't it just tied to perception? Wouldn't that make sense? Isn't that what every other RPG does?
Ohhhhhhhhhh boy by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/28/2014, 9:40pm PST NEW
    The whole game is embarrassing, the spiders in the well are probably the peak by jeep 01/28/2014, 10:20pm PST NEW
        The whole game is embarrassing, the spiders in the well are probably the peak by John Gulp 01/29/2014, 6:32am PST NEW
            Is enemy level autoscaling the worst design possible? by Entropy Stew 01/29/2014, 9:04am PST NEW
                It felt like a lazy design choice by people who should know better. For unknown by RetroRomper 01/29/2014, 10:06am PST NEW
            No scaling in the full version by Lurker 410942 04/20/2014, 8:44pm PDT NEW
                Kinda wish there was some now by Lurker 410942 04/23/2014, 5:00am PDT NEW
                    I'll never understand why developers insist on ruining perfectly good... by Jerry Whorebach 04/23/2014, 2:16pm PDT NEW
                        I think this problem may speak to a perversion of the core concept. by Jerry Whorebach 04/23/2014, 6:38pm PDT NEW
                            What's your ideal save system then? by Lurker 410942 05/28/2014, 5:31am PDT NEW
                                This is like asking what my ideal health system is! by Jerry Whorebach 05/28/2014, 4:18pm PDT NEW
                        I feel like you have a wealth of information regarding successful RPGs by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/24/2014, 7:39am PDT NEW
                            Fuck it, some questions for Jerry. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/24/2014, 3:58pm PDT NEW
                                I don't think you should be taking RPG advice from a guy who doesn't play them. by Jerry Whorebach 04/24/2014, 9:06pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I don't think you should be taking RPG advice by jeep 04/24/2014, 11:32pm PDT NEW
                                    I should've brought up Capcom vs. SNK instead of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 by Jerry Whorebach 05/27/2014, 4:41pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Fuck it, some questions for Jerry. by Mischief Maker 04/25/2014, 2:09pm PDT NEW
                                    I'll understand if you don't want to argue RPGs with a shutin, but I have to try by Jerry Whorebach 04/25/2014, 4:46pm PDT NEW
                                        Characters are just classes with personalities. Think of Team Fortress 2. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/25/2014, 4:55pm PDT NEW
                                            These replies have all been great. Still processing it all. Thanks, everyone. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/25/2014, 5:47pm PDT NEW
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