Alien: Isolation
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This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 09/02/2020, 9:12pm PDT NEW
    Please keep us posted on the adventure(s) by Pvt. Mysterio 09/02/2020, 10:20pm PDT NEW
        Re: Please keep us posted on the adventure(s) by Mysterio 09/03/2020, 8:35am PDT NEW
            Holy shit, Strindberg and Helium NT by laudablepuss 09/03/2020, 11:46am PDT NEW
    I'm pretty laid back, and don't like drama by laudablepuss 09/03/2020, 7:31pm PDT NEW
        Is anyone looking for someone who’s real? NT by Rafiki 09/03/2020, 8:21pm PDT NEW
    I'm especially enjoying the profiles where they are already mad at you by laudablepuss 09/04/2020, 11:05pm PDT NEW
        The egg timer challenge is apt by DON'T CLICK my dating profile! 09/05/2020, 12:04pm PDT NEW
        They're terrible at it because they can be. NT by Mysterio 09/25/2020, 6:47pm PDT NEW
    Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by blackwater 09/05/2020, 11:44pm PDT NEW
        Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 09/25/2020, 6:35pm PDT NEW
    I like my women like my reality shows: naked and afraid NT by New profile 09/18/2020, 5:15pm PDT NEW
        I hate that show by laudablepuss 09/25/2020, 6:37pm PDT NEW
    Fluent in sarcasm | partner in crime | must love the oxford comma NT by Mysterio 10/12/2020, 5:01pm PDT NEW
        haha "must love the oxford comma" by laudablepuss 10/12/2020, 5:31pm PDT NEW
        "Eating ALL the tacos!" NT by lol so random 10/13/2020, 2:46am PDT NEW
    Have you tried Seeking Arrangement? by Mysterio 10/12/2020, 6:36pm PDT NEW
        Haha, too bad Matt Gaetz isn't a lurker on here! NT by laudablepuss 04/12/2021, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        How many Seeking Arrangements/Ashely Madison members were BURNED by yesterday's by emergency test? 10/05/2023, 1:33am PDT NEW
            I didn't post that NT by Me neither 10/05/2023, 3:08am PDT NEW
    A dozen pictures of exotic vistas with her as a tiny, indistinguishable figure NT by (while wearing thick parka) 10/13/2020, 10:36am PDT NEW
        It's also shocking how many profiles Angela White has NT by laudablepuss 10/13/2020, 2:05pm PDT NEW
        30% of all womens' profile are of me! NT by Machu Picchu 10/13/2020, 6:04pm PDT NEW
    Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 04/12/2021, 2:38pm PDT NEW
    I started playing Tinder by Rafiki 10/03/2023, 7:57pm PDT NEW
        No way, $18.99/week? NT by laudablepuss 10/03/2023, 9:02pm PDT NEW
            Oh, it's $18.99 for 1 week (still insane) or $140/6mo NT by Rafiki 10/03/2023, 9:25pm PDT NEW
                I would rather be isolated lol NT by Oh 10/04/2023, 9:44am PDT NEW
        Welcome, Brother! by PUA Chapter Master 10/05/2023, 2:39am PDT NEW
            Forgot my favorite chick profile by PUA Chapter Master 10/05/2023, 6:16am PDT NEW
            Hinge! by Rafiki 10/16/2023, 8:54pm PDT NEW
                Well that's simple by PUA Chapter Master 10/16/2023, 9:08pm PDT NEW
                Coffee Meets Bagle- seeing likes is no longer free by PUA Chapter Master 06/05/2024, 11:47am PDT NEW
        "WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!" NT by fucking barf 10/15/2023, 1:25pm PDT NEW
            u hAev f0rg00tt000en thE c0d3 by thE c0De 06/05/2024, 12:17pm PDT NEW
                The code! The code! by Figure out the code! Yesterday, 4:52am PDT NEW
    Unreasonable red flags by Giga Chode 02/25/2025, 11:44am PST NEW
        yoga NT by Comrade Mysterio 02/25/2025, 12:09pm PST NEW
            That's a good one! by forgot it on my list 02/25/2025, 2:00pm PST NEW
        Re: Unreasonable red flags by LurkerDan 02/25/2025, 1:28pm PST NEW
        Re: Unreasonable red flags by Vested Id 02/25/2025, 1:47pm PST NEW
        Vegan/vegetarian by goes without saying 02/26/2025, 2:23am PST NEW
        People should probably exercise...? by Fullofkittens 02/26/2025, 8:43am PST NEW
            That is not the point of the thread. NT by Comrade Mysterio 02/26/2025, 9:01am PST NEW
            FoK! You're trapped in a cult! by We're here to save you! Yesterday, 4:49am PDT NEW
                My counter is "that makes team sports a cult" but I do think that NT by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 12:18pm PDT NEW
        "Jim Halpert" by Instant swipe left Today, 6:58am PDT NEW
            Did she really say that? NT by ... Today, 12:13pm PDT NEW
                I've seen at least half a dozen of those NT by Instant swipe left Today, 2:18pm PDT NEW
                    So... what you're saying is... NT by ... Today, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                        Looks directly into camera NT by :| Today, 3:32pm PDT NEW

Saw this article and thought of this site. by Gary 07/13/2024, 10:18pm PDT NEW

Can these marriages be saved? by SHOULD they? 07/09/2021, 12:05pm PDT NEW
    You sound like a person who has never been married. by pinback 07/10/2021, 1:13pm PDT NEW
        Correct. We're expecting better things from SHOULD THEY for her second post. NT by Kenji Carter 07/10/2021, 1:40pm PDT NEW
        Nerd alert by Install NT 07/10/2021, 4:25pm PDT NEW
        Bragging that you and your spouse can't stand each other to own the singles NT by Subtle Pinback L 10/17/2023, 1:33pm PDT NEW
            Spending one night apart != can't stand each other NT by You're single. 10/17/2023, 6:32pm PDT NEW
                Making a special event celebration out of it by just get a divorce, coward 10/18/2023, 1:10am PDT NEW
                    They did it on Bob's Burgers. by pinback 10/18/2023, 3:49am PDT NEW
                        I do worry about Eugene Mirman's ability to live on his own NT by laudablepuss 10/18/2023, 7:45am PDT NEW
                        In the trenches of the culture war, Gen Xers identified their own with questions NT by about "Bob's Burgers" (a TV show) 10/18/2023, 9:49am PDT NEW
                            If he gave her a "Spa Weekend" while watching the kids, nobody would bat an eye. NT by Nerd-on-nerd violence 10/21/2023, 10:12am PDT NEW
                                Trips to the spa are normal and make your wife more attractive NT by Virgin teller 10/22/2023, 3:57am PDT NEW
                                My post below basically agrees with this one. by Johnny Fivedicks 10/22/2023, 1:39pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: My post below basically agrees with this one. by Virgin teller 10/22/2023, 4:06pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Making a special event celebration out of it by Johnny Fivedicks 10/21/2023, 8:43am PDT NEW
                        It's an asshole thing, asshole by asshole 10/21/2023, 5:39pm PDT NEW
                            Perma-virgin explains marriage, human relationships... right here on Caltrops NT by film at 11 10/21/2023, 10:13pm PDT NEW
                                "I'm not a virgin, I'm married" by Or maybe... you still are? 10/22/2023, 3:52am PDT NEW
                                    Re: "I'm not a virgin, I'm married" by Johnny Fivedicks 10/22/2023, 1:36pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: "I'm not a virgin, I'm married" by Virgin teller 10/22/2023, 4:05pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: "I'm not a virgin, I'm married" by Johnny Fivedicks 10/22/2023, 7:56pm PDT NEW
                                                The fairy tale said AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER by When Incels Attack 10/22/2023, 8:29pm PDT NEW
                                                Re: "I'm not a virgin, I'm married" by Virgin teller 10/22/2023, 9:39pm PDT NEW
                                                    Does it not matter that the actual women in the OP sounded delighted? by MM 10/22/2023, 10:13pm PDT NEW
                                                        Circular argument, I guess we're done here NT by Virgin teller 10/23/2023, 1:43am PDT NEW
                                                            I think we found some common ground. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/23/2023, 7:29am PDT NEW
                            You know, there was a nice way to say that. NT by pinback 10/22/2023, 1:36am PDT NEW
                You got me a single night stay away from you, Tragedeigh, and Mysstake?! NT by you're the best sweetie!!! Xoxoxo 10/18/2023, 7:15pm PDT NEW
    "My one joke of the year didn't land! I must fight to defend the post! RAAAUGH!" by Mischief Maker 10/22/2023, 5:27am PDT NEW
        Re: "My one joke of the year didn't land! I must fight to defend the post! RAAAU by Virgin teller 10/22/2023, 5:56am PDT NEW
        The whining is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE NT by Mysterio 10/22/2023, 11:33am PDT NEW
        So many anti-social idiots losing their MIND over someone pointing and laughing by at their solo hotel room "gift" 10/22/2023, 1:24pm PDT NEW
            I wish we were brave like this by fucking coward 10/22/2023, 1:32pm PDT NEW
            You know, there was a nice way to say that. NT by pinback 10/22/2023, 5:48pm PDT NEW

Alien Isolation retrospective by MandaloreGaming 12/09/2022, 9:59am PST NEW

Anyone seen a bunch of anti-vaxxer dating profiles lately? by wtf 06/18/2021, 11:00am PDT NEW
    I'm seeing a lot of bug reports for "superlike" here. by Workaround: 06/18/2021, 1:00pm PDT NEW

Okcupid slides beyond parody into virtue signal mess by just wanna stick my dick in bitches 04/09/2021, 9:28pm PDT NEW
    jesus NT by Mysterio 04/10/2021, 11:39am PDT NEW
    What's the problem? by pinback 04/10/2021, 2:23pm PDT NEW
        Climate change, unlike the female orgasm, exists. NT by Mysterio 04/10/2021, 3:53pm PDT NEW
            No it doesn't by Vested Id 04/10/2021, 4:02pm PDT NEW
                Is this a joke? Are you joking? NT by Vidinfox 04/10/2021, 7:00pm PDT NEW
                    Ice Age NT by Cocaine Guy 04/10/2021, 8:57pm PDT NEW
                    What NT by Vested Id 04/10/2021, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                    Climate is a function of the orbit by Vested Id 04/11/2021, 7:51pm PDT NEW
                        Before I answer, tell me how old you think the Earth is NT by Jimmy Juice 04/11/2021, 11:42pm PDT NEW
                            None of my business NT by or yours 04/11/2021, 11:45pm PDT NEW
                            The Scripture is clear. NT by COUNT WHACKULA 04/12/2021, 8:15am PDT NEW
                            The only reason not to answer this is because the answer is in by The Thousands 04/12/2021, 9:49am PDT NEW
                        Earth is simply shifting its orbit. by Mischief Maker 04/12/2021, 7:47am PDT NEW
                        Good point. Venus is the way it is because its orbit changed, not runaway CO2. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 04/12/2021, 7:52am PDT NEW
                        Hahahaha NT by laudablepuss 04/12/2021, 8:21am PDT NEW
                            Why are you laughing? by Vested Id 04/12/2021, 9:54am PDT NEW
    This thread turned into the perfect snapshot of Caltrops right now by Just wanna stick my dick in bitches 04/12/2021, 12:57pm PDT NEW
        Ahhhhh he's a good man. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/12/2021, 4:40pm PDT NEW
        "Only Convenient Principles" is a bold philosophy by Anti-bleachers LITERALLY believe th 04/12/2021, 6:05pm PDT NEW
            "Anti-Bleachers" is a good line. NT by We're enjoying the forum 04/12/2021, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                You don't use that word! NT by That's OUR word now! 04/12/2021, 11:12pm PDT NEW
    And if you liked that, you’ll like this too by OKC Algorithm guy 04/14/2021, 12:06am PDT NEW
        Wow, how many decades has it been since hipster jokes like that were fresh? by MM 04/14/2021, 8:02am PDT NEW
            Says the guy dropping "Star Wars is JUST Hidden Fortress!" revelations in 2020!! NT by bwa ha ha ha 04/14/2021, 8:58am PDT NEW
                And we've all seen how GREAT Star Wars has been since diverging from the HF plot by MM 04/14/2021, 9:40am PDT NEW
            I'll allow it. NT by Oh boy 04/14/2021, 9:45am PDT NEW
            I only watch youtubes of shows taped on actual videotape. by Droz 04/14/2021, 11:46am PDT NEW

Why did this base jump to the top of the forum list? NT by pinback 11/15/2020, 5:38am PST NEW
    I mean, before I just posted that. NT by pinback 11/15/2020, 5:38am PST NEW
        Spambot that was subsequently deleted. NT by MM 11/15/2020, 8:10am PST NEW

I am not having any fun with it. by pinback 10/08/2014, 6:13pm PDT NEW
    I thought its reason for being was a pants-shitting Oculus Rift experience. NT by Fullofkittens 10/08/2014, 6:39pm PDT NEW
    It looks exactly like Outlast by fabio 10/08/2014, 7:45pm PDT NEW
    Rather than buying the 50 dollar stealth game where you're a girl. by Worm 10/08/2014, 11:11pm PDT NEW
        Re: Rather than buying the 50 dollar stealth game where you're a girl. by TAFKAM 10/09/2014, 4:35am PDT NEW
            It's made by Cyanide studios by fabio 10/09/2014, 5:05am PDT NEW
            It's fun, and I'm really liking it. by Worm 10/09/2014, 5:40am PDT NEW
                They made the competent Aarklash: Legacy by Lurker 15954 10/09/2014, 8:12am PDT NEW
                    Spiders is the bad one by Lurker 15954 10/09/2014, 8:16am PDT NEW
                    Watch your GPU temp with that one! NT by Mischief Maker 10/09/2014, 8:39am PDT NEW
                    Bullet points! by Lurker 204958 10/10/2014, 5:31am PDT NEW
                        What is this Goblin game? No idea what you're all talking about. NT by Mysterious Stranger 10/10/2014, 6:22am PDT NEW
                            I need a fucking answer now, dicks. NT by Mysterious Stranger 10/10/2014, 10:25am PDT NEW
                                Styx NT by dick 10/10/2014, 11:20am PDT NEW
                                Re: I need a fucking answer now, dicks. by TAFKAM 10/10/2014, 11:45am PDT NEW
                                    Oh. You all had mentioned it, in fact. I have been a fool. by Mysterious FOOL. 10/10/2014, 6:10pm PDT NEW
                        Some things I don't like by Lurker 204958 10/10/2014, 9:25pm PDT NEW
    You get to go back and do EVERY level in reverse by Lurker 15954 10/16/2014, 9:02am PDT NEW
        Yeah I took a break when I got to that part as well. by Worm 10/16/2014, 10:48am PDT NEW
            You're doing EVERY level over again. No exception. by Lurker 15954 10/25/2014, 3:09am PDT NEW
                Now this is 10/10 to me because I love giving up! NT by Worm 10/25/2014, 6:35am PDT NEW
    Hmm. by Eurotrash 10/21/2014, 1:46pm PDT NEW
        I finished it, it's pretty good. by Eurotrash 11/05/2014, 12:13am PST NEW
    It's a piece of shit. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/20/2017, 11:05pm PDT NEW
        For this particular game, I think the fixed save stations are best because atmos by Eurotrash 05/21/2017, 3:39pm PDT NEW
            Agreed, BUT, it should save after I complete a mission. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/21/2017, 3:42pm PDT NEW
    Alyern Isolatiom by Rafiki 08/14/2020, 10:59am PDT NEW
        "Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth" is the only one I think that killed you. by The Happiness Engine 08/14/2020, 3:56pm PDT NEW
        Like coming out, it gets better by Rafiki 08/16/2020, 1:57pm PDT NEW
            Awesome! Can we articleize it? NT by Mr. 3000 08/16/2020, 8:42pm PDT NEW

2.00 on Steam for the next 45 hours NT by Eury 04/26/2020, 2:05pm PDT NEW
    Yoink NT by thanks Eury 04/26/2020, 7:54pm PDT NEW
    Lookit Eury pumping it up NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/26/2020, 8:19pm PDT NEW

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