Forum Overview :: Alien: Isolation
Welcome, Brother! by PUA Chapter Master 10/05/2023, 2:39am PDT
Rafiki wrote:

It took me a day and a half to become completely disillusioned with it. I don't see how anyone that isn't a 20-something with the body of an Olympic athlete just looking for hookups could possibly meet anyone on here. It's so terrible.

I feel like it's designed to sabotage you. When I signed up it asked to upload 2 photos and pick a few interests. Ok, but....shouldn't I be able to type in some kind of bio? I mean, people want to know something about me, right? Oh, you get that option AFTER you save your profile and it goes live. I took the time to crop some photos in a way that centered me and cut out all the background bullshit, and then when I uploaded it Tinder decided it didn't like the dimensions and awkwardly re-cropped it into a shittier photo. So I had to spend half an hour playing with the dimensions and uploading photos to get them to look the way I wanted. Then the drag-and-drop reorder didn't work, so I had to spend another 10 minutes solving the puzzle of how to add and delete photos so they'd be in the order I wanted.

The photo ordering is indeed retarded. I don't think I ever figured it out, other than deleting until the only one left was what I wanted for my main, then re-adding the rest in the right order. It is CURRENT YEAR.

When I saw all the additional options for customizing a profile, I turned off discovery until I filled in everything. My profile was active for maybe 5-10 minutes after I signed up. In that time Tinder told me I got 12 likes! Uh-huh. All I have to do is pay 18.99/week (who in the FUCK are they kidding) and I can match right away!

That might actually be legit, because new profiles get put out more. The downside to this is momentum that the ALGORITHM builds up, so a mediocre profile is just going to fall further and further behind. You are indeed correct that only models and the truly desperate with extreme lowered standards may apply.

Every single thing posted in this thread and the one in Hunie Pop is dead on. The women who are already angry, all of the clichés (I'm an easy-going dogmom who likes to laugh, the outdoors, and have fun, and my 5 kids are my whole world), sarcasm, partners in crime, and tacos. WHY TACOS? Women from 25-55 all making that stupid fucking kissy face.

"Always searching for my next destination! Send me travel tips! Trying to fill out my passport! Goal is 2 countries/year!"

Every guy reading that immediately thinks of this. Then we think of the logistical headache of constant sitting in airports and thousands of dollars wasted all so you can be the ten millionth tourist to take a "holding up the Leaning Tower" picture. Finally, we think about just what kind of void you're filling with all of this. There's a healthy curiosity of wanted to experience other cultures, and then there's travel junkies.

Also, ladies, we could not possibly care less what food you like while swiping ("ALL the tacos!!!^_^").

I guess clueless people post the pictures that would impress themselves, so they think that will impress the opposite sex. That's why so many dudes post shirtless pics, and that's why so many chicks post retarded vista shots. Women constantly complain about all the "shirtless fishing" pics, and trust me gals your pictures with you as a tiny figure on top a mountain or checking off Europtean tourist traps are less than useless to us.

The same Chinese supermodel in obvious fashion photos with names like Olga (nice try, Russia).

>95% chance of any profile with Instagram/Snapchat name posted is just there to boost their viewers

"I don't check this profile much. Come follow my Snap!"

Anyways, forget Tinder. I've tried that app on and off for nearly ten years, and the one and only action I ever got out of it was a 6/10 wife out for revenge after discovering her husband was cheating.

Okcupid is slightly less bad, but they really tried to turn it into Tumblr Tinder the last 5 years.

Bumble is Tinder in that you have to be a model, but with the added bonus of having to wait until the NO HOOKUPS!!!! chicks message you first.

Coffee Meets Bagel is okay. Their selection is real but a bit blah. Limited profiles per day gets annoying. Perfectly functional free features (they show you every like you get), with the absolute worst premium features I've seen. $5 each time I want someone to see my like 1-2 business days sooner? Who the fuck would ever pay that and how are they still in business?

What you want is Hinged. Best balance of attractive, but real people. They show you every like you've received for free. You can send a short message with every like you send. They have a "standout" section of the most attractive users, but not as ridiculously unattainable as Tinder's "Top Picks" (or as bland as OKC's "Cupid's Picks"). Standout likes take a "rose" to send, but you get one free one per week and can buy them for $2-3 each. I've gotten responses and actual dates from the Standouts. So yeah by far the best current dating app when it comes to selection, function, and results.

Good luck!

(holy fuck though, how I wish Tinder had been around when I was 18-25. During the college years? Jesus)
This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 09/02/2020, 9:12pm PDT NEW
    Please keep us posted on the adventure(s) by Pvt. Mysterio 09/02/2020, 10:20pm PDT NEW
        Re: Please keep us posted on the adventure(s) by Mysterio 09/03/2020, 8:35am PDT NEW
            Holy shit, Strindberg and Helium NT by laudablepuss 09/03/2020, 11:46am PDT NEW
    I'm pretty laid back, and don't like drama by laudablepuss 09/03/2020, 7:31pm PDT NEW
        Is anyone looking for someone who’s real? NT by Rafiki 09/03/2020, 8:21pm PDT NEW
    I'm especially enjoying the profiles where they are already mad at you by laudablepuss 09/04/2020, 11:05pm PDT NEW
        The egg timer challenge is apt by DON'T CLICK my dating profile! 09/05/2020, 12:04pm PDT NEW
        They're terrible at it because they can be. NT by Mysterio 09/25/2020, 6:47pm PDT NEW
    Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by blackwater 09/05/2020, 11:44pm PDT NEW
        Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 09/25/2020, 6:35pm PDT NEW
    I like my women like my reality shows: naked and afraid NT by New profile 09/18/2020, 5:15pm PDT NEW
        I hate that show by laudablepuss 09/25/2020, 6:37pm PDT NEW
    Fluent in sarcasm | partner in crime | must love the oxford comma NT by Mysterio 10/12/2020, 5:01pm PDT NEW
        haha "must love the oxford comma" by laudablepuss 10/12/2020, 5:31pm PDT NEW
        "Eating ALL the tacos!" NT by lol so random 10/13/2020, 2:46am PDT NEW
    Have you tried Seeking Arrangement? by Mysterio 10/12/2020, 6:36pm PDT NEW
        Haha, too bad Matt Gaetz isn't a lurker on here! NT by laudablepuss 04/12/2021, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        How many Seeking Arrangements/Ashely Madison members were BURNED by yesterday's by emergency test? 10/05/2023, 1:33am PDT NEW
            I didn't post that NT by Me neither 10/05/2023, 3:08am PDT NEW
    A dozen pictures of exotic vistas with her as a tiny, indistinguishable figure NT by (while wearing thick parka) 10/13/2020, 10:36am PDT NEW
        It's also shocking how many profiles Angela White has NT by laudablepuss 10/13/2020, 2:05pm PDT NEW
        30% of all womens' profile are of me! NT by Machu Picchu 10/13/2020, 6:04pm PDT NEW
    Re: This seems like a good place for dating website notes by laudablepuss 04/12/2021, 2:38pm PDT NEW
    I started playing Tinder by Rafiki 10/03/2023, 7:57pm PDT NEW
        No way, $18.99/week? NT by laudablepuss 10/03/2023, 9:02pm PDT NEW
            Oh, it's $18.99 for 1 week (still insane) or $140/6mo NT by Rafiki 10/03/2023, 9:25pm PDT NEW
                I would rather be isolated lol NT by Oh 10/04/2023, 9:44am PDT NEW
        Welcome, Brother! by PUA Chapter Master 10/05/2023, 2:39am PDT NEW
            Forgot my favorite chick profile by PUA Chapter Master 10/05/2023, 6:16am PDT NEW
            Hinge! by Rafiki 10/16/2023, 8:54pm PDT NEW
                Well that's simple by PUA Chapter Master 10/16/2023, 9:08pm PDT NEW
                Coffee Meets Bagle- seeing likes is no longer free by PUA Chapter Master 06/05/2024, 11:47am PDT NEW
        "WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!" NT by fucking barf 10/15/2023, 1:25pm PDT NEW
            u hAev f0rg00tt000en thE c0d3 by thE c0De 06/05/2024, 12:17pm PDT NEW
                The code! The code! by Figure out the code! Yesterday, 4:52am PDT NEW
    Unreasonable red flags by Giga Chode 02/25/2025, 11:44am PST NEW
        yoga NT by Comrade Mysterio 02/25/2025, 12:09pm PST NEW
            That's a good one! by forgot it on my list 02/25/2025, 2:00pm PST NEW
        Re: Unreasonable red flags by LurkerDan 02/25/2025, 1:28pm PST NEW
        Re: Unreasonable red flags by Vested Id 02/25/2025, 1:47pm PST NEW
        Vegan/vegetarian by goes without saying 02/26/2025, 2:23am PST NEW
        People should probably exercise...? by Fullofkittens 02/26/2025, 8:43am PST NEW
            That is not the point of the thread. NT by Comrade Mysterio 02/26/2025, 9:01am PST NEW
            FoK! You're trapped in a cult! by We're here to save you! Yesterday, 4:49am PDT NEW
                My counter is "that makes team sports a cult" but I do think that NT by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 12:18pm PDT NEW
        "Jim Halpert" by Instant swipe left Today, 6:58am PDT NEW
            Did she really say that? NT by ... Today, 12:13pm PDT NEW
                I've seen at least half a dozen of those NT by Instant swipe left Today, 2:18pm PDT NEW
                    So... what you're saying is... NT by ... Today, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                        Looks directly into camera NT by :| Today, 3:32pm PDT NEW
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