Which is the forum to complain about mods? by too ashamed 12/22/2013, 11:14pm PST
Please invite your friends over here. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/22/2013, 11:27pm PST
EVERYWHERE! by Mischief Maker 12/22/2013, 11:29pm PST
Technically? We Love Katamari NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 8:16am PST
Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by Souffle of Pain 12/23/2013, 9:53am PST
Re: Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/23/2013, 11:40am PST
Re: Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by too ashamed 12/23/2013, 5:59pm PST
Will do, sir. And thanks. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 10:23am PST
Realize this is probably going to get me banned! NT by than everyone else 12/24/2013, 2:20pm PST
How would they know who you are? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 2:32pm PST
Re: Realize this is probably going to get me banned! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 2:37pm PST
It's "Indie Game Review Weekly" and I post there as "japan." Thanks a lot. NT by Indie Game Review Weekly. 12/24/2013, 2:38pm PST
This is my favorite thread so far. NT by John Gulp 05/10/2014, 8:39pm PDT
You can change your username if you donate to Child's Play. by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 2:31pm PST
The "what are you doing with your life?" line is becoming way to much of a go to by Worm 12/23/2013, 10:20am PST
If you buy PA merch, perhaps a few moments are in order to reflect on your life. by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 2:15pm PST
I love how they try to frame their shittiness with having more GOODWILL CHEER by than everyone else 12/23/2013, 6:09pm PST
update by too ashamed 12/23/2013, 6:01pm PST
Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by Digger Nicks 12/23/2013, 6:28pm PST
SLURP SLURP SLURP NT by SLURP 12/23/2013, 6:34pm PST
Jsoh, please, that's enough. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 10:26pm PST
Yes, why would anyone point out retards to laugh at? by This week fucking sucked you guys 12/23/2013, 6:43pm PST
Re: Yes, why would anyone point out retards to laugh at? by Mysterio 12/23/2013, 6:52pm PST
Can you tell Tube we're all laughing at him? by Mysterio 12/23/2013, 7:58pm PST
You guys should probably call it the Kristmas Koncentration Kamp by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 10:10pm PST
Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by lol 12/24/2013, 8:58am PST
Jesus, what awful people they are. NT by Last 12/24/2013, 9:20am PST
One of their shit-licking moderators, "Jacobkosh," found this thread. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 9:51am PST
Ha, one of them had their brains scrambled by the threaded forum NT by devin 12/24/2013, 9:56am PST
Threaded comments are why that "Reddit" site will never take off. NT by Flat4evr 12/25/2013, 10:59pm PST
I love it when people find this thread on Caltrops! Welcome PA faggots! NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 10:48am PST
So many gems by skip 12/24/2013, 11:40am PST
Re: So many gems by Mysterio 12/24/2013, 11:56am PST
Re: So many gems by Flat4evr 12/25/2013, 11:14pm PST
Re: So many gems by Mysterio 12/25/2013, 11:35pm PST
Claiming personal ownership for a community is probably the shittiest thing ever by Worm 12/26/2013, 11:43am PST
I'm honestly curious how they found the thread by than everyone else 12/24/2013, 2:38pm PST
#4. - Narcissistic faggots with google alerts set for their username & PA NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 7:25pm PST
Best Christmas Ever? NT by False Premise 12/24/2013, 11:27pm PST
Re: One of their shit-licking moderators, "Jacobkosh," found this thread. by jawo 12/24/2013, 11:42pm PST
Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by Mysterio 12/24/2013, 10:28am PST
Ha ha, this has become so beautiful. NT by Last 12/24/2013, 10:31pm PST
My favorite part was by Kenji Carter 12/27/2013, 4:08pm PST
Who? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/12/2014, 12:54pm PDT
Guess which dumb fuck admins ruined their forum again? by PA Insider 12/24/2014, 10:17am PST
My new favorite Christmas tradition. NT by Souffle of Pain 12/24/2014, 10:23am PST
More PA faggotry by fucking faggots 03/05/2015, 9:07pm PST
Toxic can be declared insensitive to ecologically minded people. NT by Worm 03/05/2015, 9:38pm PST
to narcissistic faggots NT by Vested Id 03/06/2015, 12:09am PST
We don't have cancer in Moscow. NT by Doctor Zhivago 03/05/2015, 11:17pm PST
Almost that time again NT by Merry Christmas! 12/21/2015, 12:03am PST
I also returned in order to enjoy this thread. Merry Christmas. NT by Kenji Carter 12/21/2015, 10:25am PST
That piece of shit Tube is at it again! by fuckers 12/23/2015, 6:58am PST
Re: That piece of shit Tube is at it again! by Mysterio Lollerson 12/23/2015, 3:33pm PST
Lining up to praise so they won't be next by fuckers 12/23/2015, 4:45pm PST
More bannings and thread closings! by Tube of PA is a piece of shit 12/24/2015, 3:54pm PST
Tube the Penny Arcade mod is a subhuman piece of shit NT by Google alert notifications 12/24/2015, 3:56pm PST
Back again! Did you guys miss us? by The world's most worthless people 12/23/2016, 4:15pm PST
and they stopped doing it! I declare victory. NT by too ashamed 12/25/2020, 8:31am PST
Finally, 2020 has a happy ending with something. NT by Horus Truthteller 12/25/2020, 1:32pm PST
Tube the Penny Arcade mod is a subhuman piece of shit update by Tube of PA is a giant piece of shit 12/27/2020, 9:31pm PST
Back at it NT by That Faggot Tube 12/25/2021, 1:17pm PST
Just noticed this by fuck Tube and mods 01/01/2023, 10:21pm PST
I love how this is still causing outrage, so many years later by blackwater 01/03/2023, 1:56pm PST
Caltrops to outlast Penny Arcade by (forums) 12/30/2024, 2:48am PST
in fact let's take a look at the state of the comic by (forums) 12/30/2024, 3:05am PST
I like the misogyny NT by Stay frustrated fellas 12/30/2024, 2:28pm PST
I thought that was supposed to be Gabe in a wig NT by art is SO bad 12/30/2024, 4:21pm PST
I think I understand everything about this except what the joke is(?). NT by Fullofkittens 12/31/2024, 9:05am PST
'Have enough spoons' metaphor NT by HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE 12/30/2024, 10:25am PST
Re: Caltrops to outlast Penny Arcade by The Gorak Sessions 12/30/2024, 12:44pm PST
It’s weird that Pig and Bald are too cheap to pay for a forum by Blackwater 12/30/2024, 10:52pm PST