Forum Overview :: Rants
Caltrops to outlast Penny Arcade by (forums) 12/30/2024, 2:48am PST

On October 25th 2024 we were informed by PA Corporate that they had decided to end the Penny Arcade Forums, our home. We were told that we would be given until the end of 2025 before they shut the lights off, because of their contract with Vanilla, the hosting/service company the forums run on. But wait! There's a shocking twist! A few days later we were informed that they were wrong about the contract expiration and that we would actually be given the boot on May 21st, 2025 -- more than 6 months sooner than expected. This news kicked a lot of things into high gear. Before long numerous forumers began offering their time and spitballing ideas. After a lot of conversations between some of these intrepid users, a diverse group of volunteers with the time and spoons to devote to the project of standing up a new forum came together and started working in earnest on all the hundreds of projects, small and substantial, that need to be completed before we can have a safe, new home. We refer to ourselves as the Transition Team, and we'll be your guides through this journey. But don't sit back just yet -- we'll eventually need to call on many of you for your own expertise and assistance with some of the jobs to come. And we'll continue to take feedback from the entire community to help guide us through the most complicated decisions in the process.

I'm guessing the Merch, Kickstarter fleecing, and Lookouts money are finally slowing to a trickle. Costs were cut by outsourcing the comic to whatever the fuck Asian sweatshop AI has been pumping them out for the past half decade, but the time has come to put the forums on the chopping block.

Is it finally over for PA as a whole? Anyone knowledgeable venture a guess on how much it could possibly cost per year to host those forums? 0.1% of what they make on PAX? Is PA finished? Or are Pig and Bald just that greedy and realize that all fan goodwill has dried up and they only need to placate PAX related incomes now?

Bonus laughter in how they're treating their new utopia like a goddamn constitutional convention
Which is the forum to complain about mods? by too ashamed 12/22/2013, 11:14pm PST NEW
    Please invite your friends over here. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/22/2013, 11:27pm PST NEW
        DEAR PENNY ARCADE FORUM, I HAVE MADE A COMIC FOR YOU by jawo 12/25/2013, 12:26am PST NEW
    EVERYWHERE! by Mischief Maker 12/22/2013, 11:29pm PST NEW
    Technically? We Love Katamari NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 8:16am PST NEW
    Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by Souffle of Pain 12/23/2013, 9:53am PST NEW
        Re: Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/23/2013, 11:40am PST NEW
        Re: Tube is the biggest piece of shit on the internet! Look at this guy! by too ashamed 12/23/2013, 5:59pm PST NEW
            Will do, sir. And thanks. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 10:23am PST NEW
            Realize this is probably going to get me banned! NT by than everyone else 12/24/2013, 2:20pm PST NEW
                How would they know who you are? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 2:32pm PST NEW
                Re: Realize this is probably going to get me banned! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 2:37pm PST NEW
                    It's "Indie Game Review Weekly" and I post there as "japan." Thanks a lot. NT by Indie Game Review Weekly. 12/24/2013, 2:38pm PST NEW
                        This is my favorite thread so far. NT by John Gulp 05/10/2014, 8:39pm PDT NEW
        You can change your username if you donate to Child's Play. by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 2:31pm PST NEW
    The "what are you doing with your life?" line is becoming way to much of a go to by Worm 12/23/2013, 10:20am PST NEW
        If you buy PA merch, perhaps a few moments are in order to reflect on your life. by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 2:15pm PST NEW
        I love how they try to frame their shittiness with having more GOODWILL CHEER by than everyone else 12/23/2013, 6:09pm PST NEW
    update by too ashamed 12/23/2013, 6:01pm PST NEW
    Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by Digger Nicks 12/23/2013, 6:28pm PST NEW
        SLURP SLURP SLURP NT by SLURP 12/23/2013, 6:34pm PST NEW
            Jsoh, please, that's enough. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 10:26pm PST NEW
        Yes, why would anyone point out retards to laugh at? by This week fucking sucked you guys 12/23/2013, 6:43pm PST NEW
            Re: Yes, why would anyone point out retards to laugh at? by Mysterio 12/23/2013, 6:52pm PST NEW
        Can you tell Tube we're all laughing at him? by Mysterio 12/23/2013, 7:58pm PST NEW
        You guys should probably call it the Kristmas Koncentration Kamp by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 10:10pm PST NEW
    Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by lol 12/24/2013, 8:58am PST NEW
    Jesus, what awful people they are. NT by Last 12/24/2013, 9:20am PST NEW
    One of their shit-licking moderators, "Jacobkosh," found this thread. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/24/2013, 9:51am PST NEW
        Ha, one of them had their brains scrambled by the threaded forum NT by devin 12/24/2013, 9:56am PST NEW
            Threaded comments are why that "Reddit" site will never take off. NT by Flat4evr 12/25/2013, 10:59pm PST NEW
        I love it when people find this thread on Caltrops! Welcome PA faggots! NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 10:48am PST NEW
        So many gems by skip 12/24/2013, 11:40am PST NEW
            Re: So many gems by Mysterio 12/24/2013, 11:56am PST NEW
            Re: So many gems by Flat4evr 12/25/2013, 11:14pm PST NEW
                Re: So many gems by Mysterio 12/25/2013, 11:35pm PST NEW
                Claiming personal ownership for a community is probably the shittiest thing ever by Worm 12/26/2013, 11:43am PST NEW
        I'm honestly curious how they found the thread by than everyone else 12/24/2013, 2:38pm PST NEW
            #4. - Narcissistic faggots with google alerts set for their username & PA NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/24/2013, 7:25pm PST NEW
        Best Christmas Ever? NT by False Premise 12/24/2013, 11:27pm PST NEW
        Re: One of their shit-licking moderators, "Jacobkosh," found this thread. by jawo 12/24/2013, 11:42pm PST NEW
    Re: Which is the forum to complain about mods? by Mysterio 12/24/2013, 10:28am PST NEW
    Ha ha, this has become so beautiful. NT by Last 12/24/2013, 10:31pm PST NEW
    My favorite part was by Kenji Carter 12/27/2013, 4:08pm PST NEW
        Who? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/12/2014, 12:54pm PDT NEW
    Guess which dumb fuck admins ruined their forum again? by PA Insider 12/24/2014, 10:17am PST NEW
        My new favorite Christmas tradition. NT by Souffle of Pain 12/24/2014, 10:23am PST NEW
    More PA faggotry by fucking faggots 03/05/2015, 9:07pm PST NEW
        Toxic can be declared insensitive to ecologically minded people. NT by Worm 03/05/2015, 9:38pm PST NEW
            to narcissistic faggots NT by Vested Id 03/06/2015, 12:09am PST NEW
        We don't have cancer in Moscow. NT by Doctor Zhivago 03/05/2015, 11:17pm PST NEW
    Almost that time again NT by Merry Christmas! 12/21/2015, 12:03am PST NEW
        I also returned in order to enjoy this thread. Merry Christmas. NT by Kenji Carter 12/21/2015, 10:25am PST NEW
        That piece of shit Tube is at it again! by fuckers 12/23/2015, 6:58am PST NEW
            Re: That piece of shit Tube is at it again! by Mysterio Lollerson 12/23/2015, 3:33pm PST NEW
                Lining up to praise so they won't be next by fuckers 12/23/2015, 4:45pm PST NEW
            More bannings and thread closings! by Tube of PA is a piece of shit 12/24/2015, 3:54pm PST NEW
                Tube the Penny Arcade mod is a subhuman piece of shit NT by Google alert notifications 12/24/2015, 3:56pm PST NEW
    Back again! Did you guys miss us? by The world's most worthless people 12/23/2016, 4:15pm PST NEW
    and they stopped doing it! I declare victory. NT by too ashamed 12/25/2020, 8:31am PST NEW
        Finally, 2020 has a happy ending with something. NT by Horus Truthteller 12/25/2020, 1:32pm PST NEW
        Tube the Penny Arcade mod is a subhuman piece of shit update by Tube of PA is a giant piece of shit 12/27/2020, 9:31pm PST NEW
    Back at it NT by That Faggot Tube 12/25/2021, 1:17pm PST NEW
    Just noticed this by fuck Tube and mods 01/01/2023, 10:21pm PST NEW
        I love how this is still causing outrage, so many years later by blackwater 01/03/2023, 1:56pm PST NEW
    Caltrops to outlast Penny Arcade by (forums) 12/30/2024, 2:48am PST NEW
        in fact let's take a look at the state of the comic by (forums) 12/30/2024, 3:05am PST NEW
            I like the misogyny NT by Stay frustrated fellas 12/30/2024, 2:28pm PST NEW
                I thought that was supposed to be Gabe in a wig NT by art is SO bad 12/30/2024, 4:21pm PST NEW
            I think I understand everything about this except what the joke is(?). NT by Fullofkittens 12/31/2024, 9:05am PST NEW
        'Have enough spoons' metaphor NT by HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE 12/30/2024, 10:25am PST NEW
        Re: Caltrops to outlast Penny Arcade by The Gorak Sessions 12/30/2024, 12:44pm PST NEW
        It’s weird that Pig and Bald are too cheap to pay for a forum by Blackwater 12/30/2024, 10:52pm PST NEW
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