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Doom III
by Rafiki 04/15/2005, 11:27am PDT |
There were some people from NASA who did a bunch of work with accurately simulating sounds for space walking simulations for astronauts, and then some of them founded a company using the research to make soundcards. Like a sponge bed for your ears. Anyway, they didn't come up with a 400 speaker setup for accurate sound positioning, they faked it using their nerd math. Using some insane calculus equations the sound card would modify the pitch, tone, volume, etc. of the sounds so it would trick the tiny brain inside your ears into thinking the sound came from a place it DIDN'T. It also took into consideration the materials in the room, and wall thickness, etc. This was all, like, 5+ years ago, so I don't know how rigorous the calculations were given the processing speed available back then, but Half-Life and Thief made specific use of the technology and it was pretty tits. Not perfect, but way better than any other sound card I've ever used. So much so that I only grudgingly ditched my Aureal card this year after changing to XP. Of course, Creative drove them out of business, they filed for bankruptcy, and Creative bought all their remaining assets and is now sitting on the tech that they're never ever going to use in favor of shoveling out their pieces of shit that are supported by a software team that can't write a driver to save their life. Whenever I have a computer lockup or crash, the last thought that enters my head is, "maybe it was the soundcard," unless there's a Creative card inside. |
I was able to get Doom 3 installed. by Creexul :( 08/05/2004, 11:11am PDT 
Re: I was able to get Doom 3 installed. by laudablepuss 08/05/2004, 12:23pm PDT 
Re: I was able to get Doom 3 installed. by FABIO 08/05/2004, 12:52pm PDT 
Hey, I thought I should get back to you on this! by Creexul :( 04/13/2005, 11:12pm PDT 
How long had you played it when you posted this? by Bill Dungsroman 04/13/2005, 11:56pm PDT 
It was probably on the first day. Maybe the second. by Creexul :( 04/14/2005, 1:20am PDT 
So your entire article is basically wrong then and you owe me an apology NT by Darren Gladstone 04/14/2005, 1:46am PDT 
I'm sorry, anonymous loser pretending to be Darren. by Bill Dungsroman 04/14/2005, 9:34am PDT 
Re: I'm sorry, anonymous loser pretending to be Darren. by bink 04/14/2005, 9:46am PDT 
bink is mad that BDR took his MAYUN and blew him with a zest of irony. NT by binkbotting Casual observer 04/14/2005, 11:27am PDT 
Your personal life is so interesting lets hear more by George Thorogood - I Drink Alone.mp 04/14/2005, 5:47pm PDT 
Yes, a retarded shut-in virgin with dubious hygiene is MUCH more interesting. by Casual Observer 04/14/2005, 6:35pm PDT 
Re: Yes, a retarded shut-in virgin with dubious hygiene is MUCH more intere by Creexul :( 04/14/2005, 7:08pm PDT 
And the savant has spoken. NT by Casual Observer 04/14/2005, 7:13pm PDT 
The O in "observer" is not capitalized by Casual observer 04/14/2005, 7:33pm PDT 
Why are all speaker setups two dimensional by Andrew 04/14/2005, 2:59pm PDT 
Dude, they just recently managed to flank and surround you. Progress takes time! by Bill Dungsroman 04/14/2005, 4:43pm PDT 
Star Trek tangent - set phasers on gay! by bombMexico 04/14/2005, 6:50pm PDT 
Re: Star Trek tangent - set phasers on gay! by FABIO 04/14/2005, 8:18pm PDT 
Gorn were featured prominently in the tabletop SFB game, is why. by Bill Dungsroman 04/14/2005, 9:09pm PDT 
reminiscing on Star Trek almost made me forgot about taxes, i lead a sad life by bombMexico 04/15/2005, 2:08am PDT 
BOY STAR TREK IS GREAT HUH? by Creexul :( 04/15/2005, 3:14am PDT 
Re: BOY STAR TREK IS GREAT HUH? by Best Linux Certification 07/12/2021, 10:09am PDT 
genius advertising NT by laudablepuss 07/12/2021, 1:26pm PDT 
Shit. My PO Box is at the PO that stays open til midnight. Better get the mail! by Bill Dungsroman 04/15/2005, 5:36am PDT 
Resident B5 macrofaggot chiming in by Entropy Stew 04/15/2005, 2:58am PDT 
The screen blinks red when you get hit, who needs sound? by bombMexico 04/14/2005, 7:00pm PDT 
*Ahem!* NT by Nintendo DS 04/15/2005, 6:43pm PDT 
This is why Aureal was rad by Rafiki 04/15/2005, 11:27am PDT 
Re: This is why Aureal was rad by Andrew 04/15/2005, 12:33pm PDT 
Re: This is why Aureal was rad by Rafiki 04/15/2005, 1:59pm PDT 
If you didn't play Thief with A3D, you didn't really play it. NT by Mischief Maker 04/15/2005, 6:34pm PDT 
Re: I'm sorry, anonymous loser pretending to be Darren. by Creexul :( 04/14/2005, 6:59pm PDT 
:( NT by Bill Dungsroman 04/14/2005, 9:05pm PDT 