Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Blizzard continues to hate horde. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 1:42pm PDT
"Magma Totem": This totem will now correctly do damage on its 10th tick, right before despawning.

So the last damage tick wasn't going off the entire time, and blizzard didn't notice or something? This is more like a bug that should be fixed in a beta, not months after an expansion release.

"Mental Quickness": This talent now correctly reduces the cost of "Purge", "Flame Shock", "Frost Shock", "Earth Shock", "Bloodlust", "Heroism", "Lightning Shield", "Cure Poison", and "Cure Disease".

Mental quickness is a talent deep into the enhancement tree that claimed to reduce the mana cost of your instant cast spells. I got full talents into this because shaman mana efficiency is so FUCK!!!!!!!!!ing bad, and every instant cast spell that shamans have wasn't being affected. I put 5 talent points into a talent that wasn't doing anything, and blizzard didn't notice until now. And shamans are the only class that has these kinds of problems. And why. Because blizzard hates horde, for not being night elves.

"Shadowguard": The rank 7 tooltip is now consistent with all other ranks of "Shadowguard"

This is a priest skill. They put it in the shaman section because they didn't notice the difference.

Trainer Animations: All new Shaman abilities will now correctly play the training animation when learned

This seems to be the only positive thing that shamans are getting in the next patch.

"Elemental Focus": This talent now reduces the cost of the next damage spell by 60%.

Biggest nerf to happen to shamans in about a year. It wasn't even necessary. I had a talent in this too, because it used to be a CHANCE on spell cast to get a "clearcast" buff that made your next attack spell totally free. They recently changed it so the chance was replaced with if your spell crit, which meant for casting shamans that your clearcasting chance was going way up and it was pretty awesome and people were pretty happy, and talked about how this was definitely helping the mana problems shamans inherently had (the only people who complained were enhancement shamans who were all dual wield and didn't even cast spells because they were dumb, and all their gear had no spell crit, it was all hunter mail with the + attack power stats, and no caster stats). Now it's undone, so everyone who forgot can remember how much blizzard hates them.

"Earth Elemental Totem": This pet will now come into the game with full health, including that gained from a percentage of its master's stamina.
"Fire Elemental Totem": This pet will now come into the game with full health and mana, including that gained from a percentage of its master's stamina and intellect. It will also now properly get increased stamina from a percentage of its master's stamina.

These are almost a buff except they're more like a bug fix. It's not really clear how this is working, but it makes it look like the earth and fire elementals will be getting more health and mana. How much more it doesn't say, IF it's any more it doesn't say, and if blizzard is "stealth nerfing" by making up for the percentage of your stamina by reducing the overall health it doesn't say (they've done stuff like that before though). And the cooldown on these totems is 20 minutes. LE SIGH. Again, something they should've fixed a long time ago.

"Windfury Weapon": Mixing two different ranks of "Windfury Weapon" while dual-wielding will no longer increase the number of "Windfury Weapon" procs.

Ha ha you sneaky shaman players thought you found a way around blizzard's confusing and unwritten rules of windfury in order to squeeze out more damage, but no more. This would probably be bitched about the most on the shaman boards, except for the clearcasting nerf which is one of the worst, changing what was a perfectly fine and reasonable optional talent and totally erasing it with something considerably lamer. Also I'm sure shamans are used to windfury being fucked up over and over and over again. They must've nerfed this skill like 10 times in the past year, in different ways, changing the damage type and the rule and reducing the amount of damage and bloo bloo stuff.

Incidentally, since enhancement shamans are the only casters capable of offhanding a weapon, I think it would be highly appropriate to mention in your post that the only offhandable caster/healing weapons are being switched to mainhand-only.

Clearly Blizzard are unaware of the scope of the patch in regards to our class.

Just one more nerf to pile up here, blizzard didn't even think of putting this in the shaman catagory but it really only applies to them. It doesn't mean a whole lot (except for dual wielders who had an off hand mace with + healing in case they'd have to off heal an instance or something). It affects almost no one but still, in the long run it's a nerf.

Someone's sig.

fix - (fiks) , fixed or fixt, fix•ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to castrate or spay

This is not what Shaman meant when we said fix us.
There's a new patch that harms the most underpowered class even further by Grumah 04/13/2007, 8:52am PDT NEW
    Enjoyably depressing forum posts from the wowboards :( by Grumah 04/13/2007, 9:03am PDT NEW
        CLASS *ELIMINATOR* by Grumah 04/13/2007, 9:26am PDT NEW
        Night Elf Priest? by On my server? 04/13/2007, 3:04pm PDT NEW
            Re: Night Elf Priest? by Quentin Beck 04/13/2007, 3:29pm PDT NEW
            Thank you, perfect example of stupid overpopulated goldfarmer player NT by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:34pm PDT NEW
    Best of shaman board subject lines. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:26pm PDT NEW
        Lots of people quitting over this. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:41pm PDT NEW
            The thread that was posted in was deleted. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:43pm PDT NEW
                "People" being you and/or your brother? NT by Helpful Monkey 04/13/2007, 12:49pm PDT NEW
                    Our accounts expired, you can't post in the wow boards without an active account by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:51pm PDT NEW
                    You can't post in the wow boards without an active account, our accounts expired NT by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:37pm PDT NEW
                Blizzard hates horde. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:50pm PDT NEW
                    Blizzard continues to hate horde. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 1:42pm PDT NEW by Grumah 04/13/2007, 12:34pm PDT NEW
    So MMOs continue to suck, is that what you guys are saying? NT by Mischief Maker 04/13/2007, 3:34pm PDT NEW
        no, thats not what we are saying by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:38pm PDT NEW
    HAhahahahah hunters = greater than ever by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/13/2007, 6:02pm PDT NEW
        It's also very funny to see hunts protesting about how they are nerfed every day by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/13/2007, 6:03pm PDT NEW
            Maybe every hunter I meet sucks at playing by Fullofkittens 04/14/2007, 8:38am PDT NEW
                Re: Maybe every hunter I meet sucks at playing by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 4:51pm PDT NEW
        Okay thanks for interviewing yourself there. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        It's spelled "rogue." Rouge is something you put on your cheeks ^_^ NT by Helpful Monkey 04/13/2007, 7:34pm PDT NEW
            WELL MAYBE NOT HER SPECIFICALLY BUT NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                Breaking News: fat women, ugly women, transvestites never wear makeup. NT by SOMEONE CALL LIZ TAYLOR 04/13/2007, 8:16pm PDT NEW
        Did I mention that we can hot our pets (beatiality pron)? by Grumah 04/14/2007, 3:04am PDT NEW
            Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 6:54am PDT NEW
                get within 8 yards and hunters cant do shit NT by Grumah 04/14/2007, 10:17am PDT NEW
                    So it's basically a really slow abstract deathmatch you pay a monthly fee for? NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2007, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                        That still sounds better than the thousand-man virtual ren faire I conceived. NT by Richard Gayriot 04/14/2007, 2:23pm PDT NEW
                        That's just PVP. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/14/2007, 2:59pm PDT NEW
                        No NT by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:20am PDT NEW
                    You're the guy whining about shaman nerfs in a game you don't even PLAY O_o by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 4:54pm PDT NEW
                        WoW is first an avenue for bitching and secondarily a game! by Worm 04/14/2007, 9:58pm PDT NEW
                Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:13am PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:15am PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 5:49am PDT NEW
                    Yeah, except I do more damage than everyone else in the BG. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/15/2007, 9:21am PDT NEW
                        And this is at what level? 20? NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                            NO, dummy, 19. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/16/2007, 12:55pm PDT NEW
                                Hahahahaha by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                                    oh yeah and by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:14pm PDT NEW
                                        oops by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:21pm PDT NEW
                                            It's been so long you forgot lvls 1 through 9 don't give talent points. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/16/2007, 6:25pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Hahahahaha by Grumah 04/16/2007, 6:28pm PDT NEW
                                    Spin like a what now? NT by laudablepuss 04/17/2007, 11:14pm PDT NEW
                                Those groups must suck if an alliance shaman topped one of the boards. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/16/2007, 6:28pm PDT NEW
                                    There are three or four good alliance players in the entire bracket by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/16/2007, 7:28pm PDT NEW
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