Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
There's a new patch that harms the most underpowered class even further by Grumah 04/13/2007, 8:52am PDT

I occasionally check the shaman forums on the wow site. Unlike the other class boards which are filled with people crying about non-existant "nerfs" which balance the game, the shaman class got hard fucked because they are the horde's faction specific class (3 races can be shamans to the alliance's 1 race), so it's a good example of how blizurd are all faggots playing elves because it's the least imaginative or unique fantasy race ever.

The latest patch changes a ton of shit which should have been fixed a long time ago (the fucking lfg channel is back, so we can finally make some attempt to do non-instance quests while being flooded with morons chatting about dumb shit), but also introduces a new lame nerf which will exaggerate an already undeniable problem with the shaman class. The spell caster talent tree has a passive ability which used to give shamans a chance at a free spellcast, which was a small benifit to counter a very very horrible mana efficiency problem. Now that benifit is reduced for no good reason.

They are nerfing elemental mana efficiency....WE DIDNT HAVE EFFICIENCY TO BEGIN WITH.

I let my account expire at the start of this month, but I figured I would get back to my wonderful funderful cow sometime in the future. But when I was still playing daily I would check the shaman forums to familiarize myself with blizagas intense hatred of 30% of their paying customers, because it is a helpful reminder of who my money goes to. This new information just makes me want to stick to my far more productive time spent replaying Castlevania Symphony of the Snot and Milkwarrior 4/BK/Mercs Maxpayne1&2 Nes roms Snes roms and beating Final Fantasy 12 (finally).

There are some interesting new changes to hunters tho, not like anyone would want to invite another tauren hunter to any guild or anything because hey we dont have the end game raiding racials like blood rage or zerking. :(

Sad endgame story that convinced me to finally stop playing this time: my really good lvl 70 priest got kicked from a guild because I asked for an instance run without being an officer. Hey, non officers are like a dime a dozen, you can just kick them whenever you want and they can't complain because who cares if they're extremely good or really polite and helpful they don't know their place amirite? So if good players get punished while the morons get rewarded, why do I need to pay a monthly fee for that?

Hopefully L4D is nothing like wow.

This post may be followed by a 4chan wow thread I copied to a txt.
There's a new patch that harms the most underpowered class even further by Grumah 04/13/2007, 8:52am PDT NEW
    Enjoyably depressing forum posts from the wowboards :( by Grumah 04/13/2007, 9:03am PDT NEW
        CLASS *ELIMINATOR* by Grumah 04/13/2007, 9:26am PDT NEW
        Night Elf Priest? by On my server? 04/13/2007, 3:04pm PDT NEW
            Re: Night Elf Priest? by Quentin Beck 04/13/2007, 3:29pm PDT NEW
            Thank you, perfect example of stupid overpopulated goldfarmer player NT by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:34pm PDT NEW
    Best of shaman board subject lines. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:26pm PDT NEW
        Lots of people quitting over this. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:41pm PDT NEW
            The thread that was posted in was deleted. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:43pm PDT NEW
                "People" being you and/or your brother? NT by Helpful Monkey 04/13/2007, 12:49pm PDT NEW
                    Our accounts expired, you can't post in the wow boards without an active account by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:51pm PDT NEW
                    You can't post in the wow boards without an active account, our accounts expired NT by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:37pm PDT NEW
                Blizzard hates horde. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:50pm PDT NEW
                    Blizzard continues to hate horde. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 1:42pm PDT NEW by Grumah 04/13/2007, 12:34pm PDT NEW
    So MMOs continue to suck, is that what you guys are saying? NT by Mischief Maker 04/13/2007, 3:34pm PDT NEW
        no, thats not what we are saying by Grumah 04/13/2007, 3:38pm PDT NEW
    HAhahahahah hunters = greater than ever by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/13/2007, 6:02pm PDT NEW
        It's also very funny to see hunts protesting about how they are nerfed every day by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/13/2007, 6:03pm PDT NEW
            Maybe every hunter I meet sucks at playing by Fullofkittens 04/14/2007, 8:38am PDT NEW
                Re: Maybe every hunter I meet sucks at playing by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 4:51pm PDT NEW
        Okay thanks for interviewing yourself there. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        It's spelled "rogue." Rouge is something you put on your cheeks ^_^ NT by Helpful Monkey 04/13/2007, 7:34pm PDT NEW
            WELL MAYBE NOT HER SPECIFICALLY BUT NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                Breaking News: fat women, ugly women, transvestites never wear makeup. NT by SOMEONE CALL LIZ TAYLOR 04/13/2007, 8:16pm PDT NEW
        Did I mention that we can hot our pets (beatiality pron)? by Grumah 04/14/2007, 3:04am PDT NEW
            Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 6:54am PDT NEW
                get within 8 yards and hunters cant do shit NT by Grumah 04/14/2007, 10:17am PDT NEW
                    So it's basically a really slow abstract deathmatch you pay a monthly fee for? NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2007, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                        That still sounds better than the thousand-man virtual ren faire I conceived. NT by Richard Gayriot 04/14/2007, 2:23pm PDT NEW
                        That's just PVP. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/14/2007, 2:59pm PDT NEW
                        No NT by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:20am PDT NEW
                    You're the guy whining about shaman nerfs in a game you don't even PLAY O_o by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/14/2007, 4:54pm PDT NEW
                        WoW is first an avenue for bitching and secondarily a game! by Worm 04/14/2007, 9:58pm PDT NEW
                Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:13am PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 5:15am PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes, hunters are the cheapiest class forever. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 5:49am PDT NEW
                    Yeah, except I do more damage than everyone else in the BG. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/15/2007, 9:21am PDT NEW
                        And this is at what level? 20? NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                            NO, dummy, 19. by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/16/2007, 12:55pm PDT NEW
                                Hahahahaha by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                                    oh yeah and by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:14pm PDT NEW
                                        oops by Quentin Beck 04/16/2007, 6:21pm PDT NEW
                                            It's been so long you forgot lvls 1 through 9 don't give talent points. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/16/2007, 6:25pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Hahahahaha by Grumah 04/16/2007, 6:28pm PDT NEW
                                    Spin like a what now? NT by laudablepuss 04/17/2007, 11:14pm PDT NEW
                                Those groups must suck if an alliance shaman topped one of the boards. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/16/2007, 6:28pm PDT NEW
                                    There are three or four good alliance players in the entire bracket by Zseni (is a BM hunt) 04/16/2007, 7:28pm PDT NEW
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