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Forbidden Desert by Mischief Maker 02/15/2025, 8:22pm PST
I really wanted a co-op game in the style of Pandemic, but nobody had any interest in the theme after Covid-19 lockdown. Fortunately the Pandemic designer also made the "Forbidden" series, and this was the one that had the most positive reviews overall.

The premise is you're an archeological survey that flew to the site of an ancient buried city to find a long-lost airship, but their helicopter got caught in a gigantic sandstorm and crashed. Now you MUST find and assemble the lost airship to escape before you die of thirst or get buried in sand by the never-ending storm.

The game takes place on a 5X5 array of location cards with a hole in the center representing the storm. Each player has 4 action point every turn that can be used to move between squares, clean up one sand tile, excavate a tile to reveal the hidden city under the desert, or collect a piece of the airship, once its location has been revealed by two clue cards. After each player's turn, a number of storm cards are drawn which do bad things, mostly by moving the storm around and rearranging the map, leaving sand tiles in its wake that cost precious action points to dig up before the tiles can be excavated.

It's such a great little game. It has the "fire-fighting" gameplay of something like Pandemic with an added exploration mechanic. We have a house rule that in 2-player games we each control two party members, so nobody gets stuck with just a useful-but-relatively boring support class all game long.

About the only complaint I have, and it's incredibly minor, is that the airship model itself is pretty derpy in design.

Fun fun fun!
I'm designating this the boardgaming forum by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 4:34pm PST NEW
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        This is why I got kicked out of law school, I guess. by Mysteriobama 02/04/2025, 7:09pm PST NEW
            Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 8:18pm PST NEW
                Re: Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mysteriobama 02/06/2025, 5:47pm PST NEW
    Onitama by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 7:57pm PST NEW
    Azul by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 9:12pm PST NEW
        If you like Azul, Art Society is a variant on it with different strategy by Fullofkittens 02/05/2025, 11:40am PST NEW
            Thanks for the suggestion! NT by MM 02/05/2025, 2:31pm PST NEW
        Re: Azul by Mysterio 02/07/2025, 7:23pm PST NEW
    Patchwork by Mischief Maker 02/06/2025, 9:00pm PST NEW
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        Once you go Ix or Uprising by you never go back 02/08/2025, 10:13am PST NEW
            Wholehearted agree NT by Mysterio 02/08/2025, 1:53pm PST NEW
    Forbidden Desert by Mischief Maker 02/15/2025, 8:22pm PST NEW
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    Under Falling Skies by Mischief Maker 02/25/2025, 6:11pm PST NEW
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