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Once you go Ix or Uprising by you never go back 02/08/2025, 10:13am PST
Once you get some games under your belt, you start noticing the shortcomings of the base game.

Rise of Ix is an expansion for the base game, Uprising is a whole separate standalone reimagining

-There are a LOT of junk cards never worth buying. You would think that even 1 cost cards are better than the starting cards, but no. None of the 1 cost are worth buying, or most of the 2. Too much junk, and you can get screwed by getting a super high influence turn (but not enough to get a Spice Must Flow victory point card) but nothing on the market but junk. Uprising solves this by introducing atomics. Each side gets one use per game they can use to wipe the market board and refresh with new cards.

-Solari was mostly useless once you got the council seat and swordmaster
-Not all the faction abilities are created equal. Emperor and Guild were the least useful spaces (until someone got enough spice to use the Guild super Heighliner ability). Ix tries to fix both these with new spaces replacing the old Spice market spaces with a new Guild freighter exchange track. This creates a new problem that the Guild track is now too good. You can use money to buy stronger military "dreadnought" pieces. I didn't care for them.

- Too much luck with 1st player token. You could get blocked and screwed by the dumb luck of who had the 1st player token on an important turn. Now you can plan ahead by putting spies on spaces. Those spaces will still be available to you even if occupied by another player.

Uprising also tweaks the endgame with sandworms showing up to blow up late battles. Makes the endgame come a bit sooner with a more apocalyptic feeling. Opinion is divided on them. Personally I love em.

I enjoy Uprising more than I do base + Ix. The modest majority thinks base + Ix is better. Everyone who's tried them thinks either option is better than the base game alone. Base + Ix will run you $90-100, just Uprising is $60.
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            Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 8:18pm PST NEW
                Re: Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mysteriobama 02/06/2025, 5:47pm PST NEW
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            Thanks for the suggestion! NT by MM 02/05/2025, 2:31pm PST NEW
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        Once you go Ix or Uprising by you never go back 02/08/2025, 10:13am PST NEW
            Wholehearted agree NT by Mysterio 02/08/2025, 1:53pm PST NEW
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