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Doom III
by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/13/2014, 11:28am PDT |
a generation earlier - WITTGENSTEIN wrote:
Galaga 17 would be pretty fucking amazing though with a Oculus Rift.
It's not something human beings are capable of. (Well, except the Xenonauts crew.)
Putting aside the fact that controllers like the Paperboy handlebars and Major Havok roller will never be replicated for consoles (which is fine, they shouldn't be) it's a rare gift that a developer can look at a successful game and just update the graphics and smooth over UI bumps.
There was a Warlords for the 360. It was a disaster.
There was a port of Robotron. It was a disaster. A two-player game ends for both players when the first guy dies.
Paperboy is ballooned up to, what, 800x600? It's the MAME version, basically. Whoever put that on Gold Live couldn't give it a new graphics engine?
And the new versions of these things are also terrible. The 360 Live Xbox Arcade version of BurgerTime has you jumping over things. Jumping! Let's also give Mario a gun. Let's give the Outrun guy a bus ticket.
I haven't thought about it for more than two seconds, but I think Xenonauts is the first example of someone actually keeping the best parts of gameplay for a classic while updating the "right" things.
(I should mention that the original games we have now by and large blow the shit out of the arcade era.)
I admit defeat. You've beaten me, id. by Rafiki 06/12/2014, 2:02pm PDT 
I want to see the same movies forever and play the same games forever NT by laudablepuss 06/12/2014, 3:27pm PDT 
The problem is we get the same games and movies, but worse by EuroKramer 06/13/2014, 2:10am PDT 
This is also why I keep reading Warhammer 40K books by EuroKramer 06/13/2014, 2:19am PDT 
Something I loved about Doom was the thematic consistency of the episodes. by Jerry Whorebach 06/13/2014, 3:55am PDT 
Excellent writeup, totally legit by EuroKramer 06/13/2014, 2:27pm PDT 
No, the real problem is with sequels by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/13/2014, 6:46am PDT 
I can't complain about that, because I just bought Mario Kart 8 after owning 1-7 by Rafiki 06/13/2014, 9:55am PDT 
I wonder if Jonesy is bitter that endless reheated crap didn't get served by a generation earlier - WITTGENSTEIN 06/13/2014, 10:50am PDT 
Re: I wonder if Jonesy is bitter that endless reheated crap didn't get served by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/13/2014, 11:28am PDT 
This is a really crazy post to find in a thread about Galaga... by Jerry Whorebach 06/14/2014, 6:53am PDT 
I would call those ports, not sequels NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/14/2014, 11:59am PDT 
That would make them astonishingly inaccurate ports. by Jerry Whorebach 06/14/2014, 12:51pm PDT 
I admit the Galaga title is a sequel, the Pac Man CE was a port. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/14/2014, 8:26pm PDT 
Aren't all the levels different? I feel like you're abusing the word 'port' here by Worm 06/14/2014, 9:25pm PDT 
Also by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/14/2014, 10:41pm PDT 
Tons of great arcade games are clones! Come on! by Worm 06/15/2014, 10:42am PDT 
Oh man, you have got to play Pac-Man CE *right now* by Jerry Whorebach 06/15/2014, 6:50am PDT 
In an effort to get even more off-topic has anyone played Wonder Project J? NT by Worm 06/15/2014, 10:19am PDT 
Have we ever talked about Gaming in the Clinton years? by fabio 06/15/2014, 10:35am PDT 