Your wife is really your sister who you've impregnated. NT by 12 Minutes 03/07/2022, 11:08pm PST 
Electronics Boutique stories by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/10/2019, 6:47pm PDT 
I was hoping that this was going to be a terrible retail story by Blackwater 04/10/2019, 9:48pm PDT 
I always thought this forum implied there was a movie named "Ripper" NT by The Happiness Engine 04/11/2019, 4:24pm PDT 
There is a game though! With Christopher Walken in it! by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/15/2019, 10:31am PDT 
Let's talk about Arrow. NT by Mysterio 01/21/2016, 12:36pm PST 
I don't know why Diggle's Mask needs a visor. by Worm 01/21/2016, 2:59pm PST 
I love that Caltrops is currently very concerned about Arrow spoilers. by It's better than Supergirl. 01/21/2016, 4:40pm PST 
It's just best enjoyed blind, even small things can ruin the transcendental joy. by Worm 01/22/2016, 8:46am PST 
5 episodes ago she was keeping a bloodthirsty zombie chained up in her basement. by She made the spiral her home. 01/22/2016, 12:20pm PST 
Also, the Atom. A show not afraid to make bold visor choices by bombMexico 01/27/2016, 8:56pm PST 
Waller would still be alive if those two Afghani vigilantes had done their job. by #TeamAllahuAkbar 01/28/2016, 1:11am PST 
How do you like THEM apples! by Possible catchphrase? 03/30/2016, 10:40pm PDT 
The Further Adventures of Failed Love Interest has been CANCELLED. by Now who Quentin gonna hang wit? 04/07/2016, 1:13am PDT 
I couldn't make it past S2 NT by Entropy Stew 04/07/2016, 10:54am PDT 
I could identify with a man whose only job was pull ups and lying to women. NT by Then his mom died, ULTIMATE FANTASY 04/07/2016, 12:10pm PDT 
Yeah, same here by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/21/2017, 9:32am PST 
Games where your boss turns out to be the villain by fabio 06/18/2013, 3:13pm PDT 
Eastside Hockey Manager NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/18/2013, 7:31pm PDT 
Bioshock NT by pinback 06/18/2013, 10:05pm PDT 
System Shock 2 NT by Worm 06/21/2013, 12:26am PDT 
Dead Space NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/21/2013, 12:49am PDT 
Deus Ex 2 by Roop 06/18/2013, 10:12pm PDT 
Sewer Shark (Sega CD), Red Faction 2, Assassin's Creed 1 NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/19/2013, 6:58pm PDT 
Haha, Sewer Shark, nice NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/19/2013, 10:19pm PDT 
Yeah, Ludwig JJ Wittgenstein himself would be proud NT by Eurotrash 06/20/2013, 12:04am PDT 
A MILLION POUNDS OF TUBE STEAK!!! NT by blackwater 06/27/2013, 12:40am PDT 
Syphon Filter, Jade Empire, Starcraft, Wing Commander 4, Ace Combat 5 NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/20/2013, 9:06am PDT 
I Wanna Be The Guy NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/20/2013, 6:39pm PDT 
The Immortal NT by fabio 12/21/2017, 1:24am PST 
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix NT by Mysterio "Lathered Tug Ho" 12/21/2017, 7:37am PST 
If JDM knew the Walking Dead producers had no testicles, would he have agreed to by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2016, 11:57am PDT 
What are you on about? NT by pinback 04/04/2016, 12:04pm PDT 
Marvel's Welcome Back Kotter by Holes & Mello-Rolls 03/02/2016, 12:42am PST 
Should I have played this game? by RetroRomper 01/22/2014, 9:57am PST 
Re: Should I have played this game? by Mysterio 01/22/2014, 10:40am PST 
Could have sworn my name was on that post NT by WITTGENSTEIN 01/22/2014, 10:49am PST 
Human Revolution is great. SS2 sucked. NT by - 01/22/2014, 11:47am PST 
The new guy can't afford it! Hahahahahah! by Leaped Frog 01/22/2014, 12:58pm PST 
If you have money trouble speak to Jerry, he is an expert in welfare fraud NT by Mysterio 01/22/2014, 3:25pm PST 
Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiler discussion by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/08/2012, 3:51am PST 
He had a cranial augmentation of some kind too. by WITTGENSTEIN 01/08/2012, 6:28am PST 
Re: He had a cranial augmentation of some kind too. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/08/2012, 1:11pm PST 
It had to do with the stupid chip upgrade thing, is he's saying I think. NT by Worm 01/08/2012, 1:25pm PST 
If you don't upgrade your chip, you never suffer another glitch again NT by WITTGENSTEIN 01/08/2012, 1:45pm PST 
Re: If you don't upgrade your chip, you never suffer another glitch again by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/08/2012, 5:16pm PST 
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiler discussion by motherfuckerfoodeater 01/08/2012, 8:31am PST 
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiler discussion by The Happiness Engine 01/08/2012, 5:54pm PST 
EMPs or something, right? NT by Worm 01/08/2012, 6:18pm PST 
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiler discussion by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/08/2012, 6:59pm PST 
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiler discussion by fabio 01/15/2014, 3:52pm PST 
David Sarif wasn't part of the conspiracy, I don't think. by WITTGENSTEIN 01/15/2014, 4:40pm PST 
Your parents are on vacation and your sister ran off with her lesbian lover NT by Gone Home 01/15/2014, 3:56pm PST 
Three episodes of the protagonist having hallucinations? NT by Shredder 02/17/2013, 10:49pm PST 
Haiku Quest RPG, voiced over by Christopher Walken by Mr. Kool 08/30/2010, 4:44pm PDT 
Commenters say it's a hoax :( by Bananadine 08/30/2010, 6:37pm PDT 
Shutter Island by Rafiki 04/02/2010, 11:16am PDT 
I'm gonna post as many nastolger cretic reviews as I can, starting with his late by Sword of Justice 03/31/2010, 11:59am PDT 
an average afternoon in christopher walken's limo by Sword of Justice 03/31/2010, 12:05pm PDT 
Mass Effect 2 final boss by Fortinbras 02/26/2010, 12:40pm PST 
Re: Mass Effect 2 final boss by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/26/2010, 1:03pm PST 
Jade Empire by FABIO 02/06/2010, 1:48am PST 
You say this...why? by Cannibal Dave 02/06/2010, 9:40am PST 
bioware has already learned the most important rule of scifi/fantasy writing by irony 02/06/2010, 11:07am PST 
that is the most useful youtubes ever. NT by Noi Dau Don 02/06/2010, 5:57pm PST 
Spoony's Ripper walkthrough review type thing is complete. O_O by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/04/2010, 8:46pm PST 
Dude, spoile-- oh, right NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/04/2010, 9:24pm PST 
This is a pretty good video walkthrough. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/04/2010, 11:30pm PST 
His Walken impression is kind of awful. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/04/2010, 11:33pm PST 
so... christopher walken wasn't really the ripper? by irony 02/05/2010, 5:47am PST 
In the hopes by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/06/2010, 1:37am PST 
Re: In the hopes by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/06/2010, 1:48am PST 
Nicolas Cage shooting his daughter in the chest. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 12/15/2009, 12:47pm PST 
Is it a good sign when the movie is finished before issue 8 is? by Last 12/15/2009, 1:45pm PST 
so were the rapidshare/megauploads posted here before? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/15/2009, 4:27pm PST 
kick-ass red band trailer by irony 12/23/2009, 8:35am PST 
my video doesn't work anymore :( so here's the official trailer by irony 12/23/2009, 3:45pm PST 
rapidshare links to the comics :D by irony 12/23/2009, 8:49am PST 
the rs links are not behaving at the moment without a sub here's a torrent link by irony 12/23/2009, 1:35pm PST 
8year old girl beating the shit out of people chopping legs off calling them cun by Rafiki 12/23/2009, 9:22am PST 
which I guess is the same thing irony posted, but this one works NT by Rafiki 12/23/2009, 9:27am PST 
Bleh by Mischief Maker 12/23/2009, 9:34am PST 
BLEH boy I sure to love the first 10 minutes of this bullet hell shmup by irony 12/23/2009, 9:49am PST 
THEY ARE ANIME SHRINE GIRLS NOT CONSTRUCTION PAPER DA NE NT by Serious Business Maker 12/23/2009, 11:23am PST 
You pedophiles are so defensive. NT by Mischief Maker 12/23/2009, 11:37am PST 
I have a feeling this movie is gonna be pedo heaven NT by irony 12/23/2009, 1:32pm PST 
Next thing you know he'll say he's tired of US! NT by Rapping, swearing grannies 12/23/2009, 10:53am PST 
Context! by The Gaijin 12/23/2009, 12:07pm PST 
Or, you know by The Gaijin 12/23/2009, 12:08pm PST 
The Confused Matthew "short intro" to his requested reviews. :( by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/01/2009, 4:17am PDT 
moolon rouge does suck horribly bad NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/01/2009, 11:41am PDT 
It might really be one of the worst movies ever. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/01/2009, 11:47am PDT 
This GUY. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/03/2009, 6:17pm PDT 
that's ENOUGH NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/03/2009, 7:40pm PDT 
I didn't want to say anything but Funny Arcade ruined it anyways so by Fortinbras 11/03/2008, 3:50pm PST 
For Ripper? Okay that's interesting, but who cares? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 3:56pm PST 
Left 4 Dead, actually =( NT by Fortinbras 11/03/2008, 4:00pm PST 
The ending does suck dick. by Worm 11/04/2008, 9:13pm PST 
Fallout 3 (some spoiler stuff, first hour or so, Megaton related) by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/01/2008, 6:15am PDT 
is anyone not playing as a girl? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/01/2008, 6:46am PDT 
Re: is anyone not playing as a girl? by Fortinbras 11/01/2008, 12:21pm PDT 
Is that supposed to be Peter Weller or Gackt? I can't tell. by Zsenitan 11/01/2008, 1:05pm PDT 
hm, which name makes me want to punch you in the face the least? by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/01/2008, 2:06pm PDT 
On the subject of nuclear ordnance by Fortinbras 11/01/2008, 3:01pm PDT 
Me by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/01/2008, 4:41pm PDT 
Known bug NT by Fortinbras 11/01/2008, 4:44pm PDT 
The screenshot thing being easy is also a relief by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/01/2008, 8:59pm PDT 
Also, I thought "You've Lost Karma!!" being there was lame, BUT, as it turns out by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/01/2008, 10:24pm PDT 
TOO SOON >:O by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/01/2008, 10:34pm PDT 
I will post screenshots at some point (I got some awesome ones) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/02/2008, 12:52am PDT 
The Fallouts make you want to tell everyone the story of your playthrough. by Jerry Whorebach 11/03/2008, 5:59am PST 
I like that he said he "finished" M&M6 in sneer quotes NT by Mischief Maker 11/03/2008, 6:18am PST 
Speaking of my playthrough by laudablepuss 11/03/2008, 1:11pm PST 
use a nuka grenade or a sniper weapon NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/03/2008, 2:35pm PST 
Or aim for the head. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 2:38pm PST 
That is my plan, such as it is. by laudablepuss 11/03/2008, 3:59pm PST 
Did I just call Creex Weyoun? Crap. NT by laudablepuss 11/03/2008, 4:02pm PST 
Shoot the Rocket Launcher by Fortinbras 11/03/2008, 4:05pm PST 
I think you got "small guns" and "big guns" mixed up. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 4:14pm PST 
Hunting rifle by Entropy Stew 11/03/2008, 4:41pm PST 
It's also nice being alerted to crippling someone's head when you watch them exp by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 5:06pm PST 
My brother was killed by a landmine :( NT by Quentin Beck 11/03/2008, 5:14pm PST 
Not a mine that you paid a Filipino nine pesos to shoot with an AK-47, we hope NT by Mister Eo 11/03/2008, 7:39pm PST 
if he had simply been a robot he could float over those fucking mines (FUCKING P NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/04/2008, 1:13pm PST 
you put all your points into big guns? by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/04/2008, 12:05pm PST 
Fucking SB .338 Lapua rounds in that thing NT by Entropy Stew 11/03/2008, 4:30pm PST 
Combat Shotgun! by Quentin Beck 11/03/2008, 2:57pm PST 
It cost nothing to repair. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 3:05pm PST 
Degrading weapons and maintainence? Be still my heart! NT by Mischief Maker 11/03/2008, 4:11pm PST 
They're really easy to manage in this game actually. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/03/2008, 4:16pm PST 
this is one of the games that really gets it right (as opposed to ss2 which does NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/04/2008, 1:16pm PST 
Eric is really way into Patapon right now. NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/25/2008, 2:23am PDT 
If you owned a piss shit pee you would be too! by Worm 07/24/2008, 8:24pm PDT 
The Happening is caused by Trees defending themselves from Man's Depredations by Jerry Whorebach 06/16/2008, 1:38am PDT 
theres more ways to die down here than in a bruce lee film NT by Grumah 06/16/2008, 1:53am PDT 
What ARE some of his films? ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/16/2008, 1:57am PDT 
The guy in The Mist mercy-kills his son right before being rescued. by Fullofkittens 05/24/2008, 12:19am PDT 
FoK barfs at the end of Cloverfield. by Fullofkittens 01/26/2008, 8:30pm PST 
This review has convinced me to go see this movie. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2008, 8:37pm PST 
Vomit sounds like the evil ectoplasm goo from Ghostbusters when you describe it NT by Ethan Steele 01/27/2008, 10:49am PST 
That's the sort of great writing JW is hoping to see when he plays the text game NT by Fussbett 01/27/2008, 1:37pm PST 
To clarify, I got motion sick, it's not disgusting. by Fullofkittens 01/27/2008, 5:43pm PST 
the kittens enjoy a nice evening out by bombMexico 01/27/2008, 10:58pm PST 
Yeah, the same thing happened in the 2nd Bourne movie, now that I think about it NT by Fullofkittens 01/27/2008, 11:25pm PST 
Heath Ledger dies in the end NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/22/2008, 4:45pm PST 
Oh, now I get it. NT by Last 01/22/2008, 5:08pm PST 
Yeah, that took me a few minutes. NT by Fullofkittens 01/22/2008, 5:45pm PST 
You're the hottest young dramatic actor in Hollywood. What do you do? by Jerry Whorebach 01/22/2008, 5:37pm PST 
Tom Waits AND Verne Troyer?! NT by The Happiness Engine 01/22/2008, 8:32pm PST 
I'd do Michelle Williams, get a divorce, order a masseuse and take lots of pills NT by Heath Ledger 01/22/2008, 8:46pm PST 
no sir, I don't yet see any evidence of a suicide NT by stupid nyc cop 01/22/2008, 10:53pm PST 
Jew York City Cops (They Ain't Too Smart) by Jerry Whorebach 01/23/2008, 2:22am PST 
It looks like they'll be making do by Vested Id 01/23/2008, 1:22am PST 
V in V for Vendetta imprisons natalie portman the whole time. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/23/2007, 4:03pm PST 
Some Liberals will become Neocons just for the chance to kill Bush. NT by Mischief Shai-hulud 11/23/2007, 4:26pm PST 
Only if they figure out how to make a gun out of hemp. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/23/2007, 4:40pm PST 
So what is the replacement for tv links co uk already? by Sick of waiting for something good. 10/31/2007, 10:57am PDT 
PS: of those in the list Quicksilverscreen seems best NT by Sick of waiting for something good. 10/31/2007, 11:01am PDT 
I just made you remember THE GAME NT by snicker snicker 10/22/2007, 2:13am PDT 
4chan is still down NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 10/22/2007, 2:13am PDT 
Trick question edition by Flavio 05/15/2007, 10:54am PDT 
Fire Walk With Me 2: Lost In New York NT by mark 05/15/2007, 11:15am PDT 
Bruce Wilis NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/15/2007, 12:47pm PDT 
Is it too early to ask for an answer key? NT by Jerry Whorebach 09/30/2007, 6:16am PDT 
My entire works NT by David Lynch 09/30/2007, 7:22am PDT 
R Kelly's "Trapped in a Cloet" NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/30/2007, 11:20am PDT 
closet NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/30/2007, 11:21am PDT 
CLOSET by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 09/30/2007, 11:44am PDT 
first, you say CLOSET, then you say CLOSET, then... you say CLOSET NT by Grumah 09/30/2007, 9:00pm PDT 
Bioshock question, possible spoiler by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/22/2007, 3:05am PDT 
I'm at roughly the same spot by Lizard_King 08/22/2007, 6:30am PDT 
Re: I'm at roughly the same spot by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/22/2007, 9:44am PDT 
Re: I'm at roughly the same spot by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/22/2007, 10:42am PDT 
Re: I'm at roughly the same spot by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/22/2007, 11:20am PDT 
bell801 is Jeff Bell by Jerry Whorebach 07/19/2007, 4:29pm PDT 
Re: bell801 is Jeff Bell by Souffle of Pain 07/19/2007, 4:50pm PDT 
Re: bell801 is Jeff Bell by Zseni had a job 07/19/2007, 7:34pm PDT 
Did we really get Zseni fired? Awesome! NT by Caltrops 07/19/2007, 9:14pm PDT 
I believe it NT by gullable man 07/19/2007, 10:17pm PDT 
Between gullable and the guy who fucked up the author field... NT by's turning into quite a thread 07/19/2007, 11:52pm PDT 
I want to show you photos of my "cunt." by Nancy 07/20/2007, 12:33am PDT 
I did not believe it and was pretty sure it was a "skit" like some wikipedia thi NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/20/2007, 11:19am PDT 
The problem with Quarter to Three: bad genes? by Jerry Whorebach 07/21/2007, 9:55pm PDT 
What happens in the new Harry Potter? NT by Asking For It Guy 07/18/2007, 12:09am PDT 
Potter gets hit cock wet, jokes about it with his mates, then eyes up a 12 Y/O NT by Quentin Beck 07/18/2007, 12:24am PDT 
4chan the movie NT by Grumah 07/19/2007, 12:56pm PDT 
Ace Combat Zero final mission spoilers, read if you want to know why youshudplay by aagrgarharharahgrhra Grumah 06/06/2007, 12:06am PDT 
More crazy mission shit. by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/08/2007, 6:06pm PDT 
Re: More crazy mission shit. by Jerry Whorebach 06/08/2007, 7:30pm PDT 
Today's IMDB Tags by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 6:16am PDT 
#2 - A Simple Plan NT by Bodybag 05/11/2007, 6:31am PDT 
Correct NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 7:56pm PDT 
Re: Today's IMDB Tags by Mischief Maker 05/11/2007, 7:44am PDT 
1, 2, 5 and 6: Correct NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 7:57pm PDT 
Re: Today's IMDB Tags by Motherhead 05/11/2007, 10:43am PDT 
2, 5, 7 and 8: Correct NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 7:57pm PDT 
Re: Today's IMDB Tags by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/11/2007, 11:11am PDT 
8 and 9: Correct NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 7:58pm PDT 
Music Score Composed By Director is what gave it away. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/12/2007, 1:56am PDT 
#3 - The Ice Harvest NT by Vested Id 05/11/2007, 7:41pm PDT 
Yeah, that's it. by Motherhead 05/11/2007, 7:44pm PDT 
Correct. Care to try your hand at #4? NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 7:59pm PDT 
The Ice Storm NT by of course 05/11/2007, 10:33pm PDT 
Of course. by Jerry Whorebach 05/11/2007, 10:49pm PDT 
Okay, the IMDB tag game needed new rules. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 8:29pm PDT 
Re: Okay, the IMDB tag game needed new rules. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 9:19pm PDT 
8 isn't Robocop, but Robocop is in the list. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 9:21pm PDT 
I thought they were all Robocop. by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 9:44pm PDT 
More guesses. by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 9:48pm PDT 
Yet another guess. by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 9:54pm PDT 
4 and 6 yes. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 10:08pm PDT 
#3 by Jerry Whorebach 04/14/2007, 2:16pm PDT 
#8 by Jerry Whorebach 04/14/2007, 2:21pm PDT 
8 yes. How could you possibly get 3 wrong? HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/14/2007, 3:01pm PDT 
Okay it's... by Richard Gayriot 04/14/2007, 3:08pm PDT 
That was not hard at all. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/14/2007, 7:51pm PDT 
#9 by Jerry Whorebach 04/15/2007, 7:27pm PDT 
#10 by Jerry Whorebach 04/15/2007, 7:29pm PDT 
Yes and yes. ARE YOU CHEATING????????? NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 8:38pm PDT 
If I were cheating, my best guess for #2 probably wouldn't be "Darkman" :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/15/2007, 9:41pm PDT 
Atm Machine (someone tries to feed it a stray cat). NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/16/2007, 12:01am PDT 
answer key plz NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/05/2007, 10:36pm PDT 
Oh yeah. :( by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/06/2007, 8:25am PDT 
Re: Oh yeah. :( by Jerry Whorebach 05/10/2007, 1:30am PDT 
Jhoh conceded defeat to this one by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 04/13/2007, 10:12pm PDT 
Re: Jhoh conceded defeat to this one by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 10:16pm PDT 
DRAMADY NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 10:19pm PDT 
Yes NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 04/13/2007, 10:33pm PDT 
that isnt a tv show NT by Grumah 04/14/2007, 3:01am PDT 
Falling Down. NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2007, 2:16pm PDT 
Re: Okay, the IMDB tag game needed new rules. by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 11:34am PDT 
Yes. :3 NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 2:48pm PDT 
Encore! by Quentin Beck 04/15/2007, 7:00pm PDT 
Yas. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/15/2007, 8:39pm PDT 
Guess the TV show! by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 1:14pm PDT 
Round 2. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 1:26pm PDT 
Half of those are really easy o_O by Jerry Whorebach 04/12/2007, 1:43pm PDT 
Spoilers. You got EVERY ONE wrong. >:O by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 2:11pm PDT 
Re: Spoilers. You got EVERY ONE wrong. >:O by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 2:12pm PDT 
This list is retarded. by Mischief Maker 04/12/2007, 2:18pm PDT 
I said something to that effect to kraid. :( NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 2:22pm PDT 
I agree about Lost in Space - that was my guess which I didn't even give by I need clarification 04/12/2007, 7:24pm PDT 
Re: Spoilers. You got EVERY ONE wrong. >:O by Jerry Whorebach 04/12/2007, 5:03pm PDT 
This game probably DOES need some extra rules. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 6:42pm PDT 
Here are some easy ones for people who don't watch much TV, smoke pipes instead. by Jerry Whorebach 04/12/2007, 7:35pm PDT 
Re: Here are some easy ones for people who don't watch much TV, smoke pipes by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 7:43pm PDT 
You're three for three :/ NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 12:08pm PDT 
I'll quit while I'm ahead then. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 12:13pm PDT 
Re: Here are some easy ones for people who don't watch much TV, smoke pipes inst by Mischief Maker 04/13/2007, 12:31pm PDT 
Indie Post-Mortem: Guess the TV show! Round 4 by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2007, 9:07pm PDT 
Re: Indie Post-Mortem: Guess the TV show! Round 4 by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/13/2007, 9:18pm PDT 
Re: Round 2. by Mischief Maker 04/12/2007, 2:08pm PDT 
No. :( NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 2:11pm PDT 
Bullshit. It's totally Quincy. NT by Mischief Maker 04/12/2007, 2:14pm PDT 
Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 2:24pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Mischief Maker 04/12/2007, 4:28pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 4:30pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Jerry Whorebach 04/12/2007, 4:51pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Ray of Light 04/12/2007, 5:28pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Quentin Beck 04/12/2007, 5:54pm PDT 
Re: Round 3, Mranudh's list. Or Jso's. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 6:44pm PDT 
Remington Steele was made for NBC NT by Pedant 04/12/2007, 6:12pm PDT 
Re: Round 2. by Jhoh Cable o_O 04/12/2007, 8:24pm PDT 
Fun! by Worm 04/12/2007, 7:00pm PDT 
Sony kills Lik-Sang in the end NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/24/2006, 2:03pm PDT 
This has all happened before, and it will all happen again. NT by Cylon prophecy 10/24/2006, 3:10pm PDT 
Also, frak. NT by unwritten Cylon prophecy 10/24/2006, 3:11pm PDT 
WHERE WILL I GET MY GP2X GAMES NOW? NT by Entropy Stew 10/24/2006, 4:06pm PDT 
Creexul's dick was too small and limp to fuck a real girl. by Duh Gay Ball Bruddas 05/06/2006, 11:02am PDT 
Media-spoilers only, please! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/06/2006, 12:51pm PDT 
I was worried about my dick being too limp on the second fuck by Quentin Beck 05/07/2006, 12:05am PDT 
Understood. We've all been there. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/07/2006, 12:30am PDT 
When did he try to fuck a real girl? NT by I need clarification 05/07/2006, 6:23pm PDT 
"Spoil Sport" from Crank magazine. by Creexul :( 05/07/2006, 1:13pm PDT 
In MI3 the bad guy kills Cruise's wife, but it's really a mask on someone else. by Creexul :( 05/07/2006, 9:00am PDT 
Little Mac loses to Bald Bull... by Bald Bull 05/06/2006, 11:08pm PDT 
Stand up to him, Mac! NT by Doc 05/06/2006, 11:19pm PDT 
Natalie Portman was secretly kidnapped and tortured by V, not the government. by Creexul :( 05/05/2006, 11:22am PDT 
You don't "get it." It was totally symbolic NT by Mischief Coffehouse Type 05/05/2006, 12:52pm PDT 
I've heard people say it's the best philisophical movie perhaps EVER. NT by Creexul :( 05/06/2006, 4:51am PDT 
How does Star Control 2 end? by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/04/2006, 2:11am PDT 
Re: How does Star Control 2 end? by Blobbio 05/04/2006, 4:04am PDT 
Re: How does Star Control 2 end? by up with pod people 05/04/2006, 12:59pm PDT 
or just be a cheap whore and kill everything in the game with a single Utwig NT by Blobbio 05/04/2006, 3:57pm PDT 
Never got into Utwig. Took out a Kohr-Ah Marauder with an Arilou, though. NT by up with pod people 05/04/2006, 4:58pm PDT 
they're utt(wig)erly invincible against all but a couple ships NT by Blobbio 05/04/2006, 6:31pm PDT 
I guess, if you're patient enough to get the timing exactly right. NT by up with pod people, not patient 05/04/2006, 7:57pm PDT 
Re: I guess, if you're patient enough to get the timing exactly right. by Blobbio 05/04/2006, 11:36pm PDT 
God, you're making me want to play by up with pod people, not patient 05/05/2006, 5:13pm PDT 
Re: God, you're making me want to play by Blobbio 05/05/2006, 8:04pm PDT 
Re: God, you're making me want to play by up with pod people 05/05/2006, 9:05pm PDT 
Ripper by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/05/2006, 1:43pm PDT 
I don't think anyone knows what you're talking about anyway. But thanks! NT by Fussbett 05/05/2006, 2:00pm PDT 
Also it had "Don't Fear the Reaper" on the soundtrack by Johnny Merzbow 05/05/2006, 3:04pm PDT 
Can someone ruin the entire story of "Ico" for me? NT by Mischief Colossus 05/04/2006, 2:52pm PDT 
just read the manual by Blobbio 05/04/2006, 3:57pm PDT 
Here is a forum for spoilers in the thread title by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2006, 2:15am PDT 
Don don dan dow, dun dow, dun dow, dun dan don don dan dow, dun dow, dun dow NT by Blue Öyster Cult 04/04/2006, 5:57pm PDT 
I got a FEVAH NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/05/2006, 5:30pm PDT 