Forum Overview :: Lemonade Stand
Re: Update: scrapped idea by Choson 02/16/2009, 7:48am PST
Ray of Light wrote:

Because that's complicated, too. At my institution you can't but that stuff without a margin account and credit checks etc. Plus everything I read says these are very sophisticated instruments and that the average idiot should not try to buy them.

Actually, it's probably a lot simpler than whatever strategy the fund you bought into was using to mimic the price of oil -- if it's like the ones that got caught up in the commodity drop last fall, it probably uses those same futures and rolls them over every month, which is where they'd be taking hits on contango and underperforming. So I'm not really sure using a fund is using a less sophisticated instrument. But I hear you about wanting to stick to cash transactions and away from margin, it's definitely a root cause of the current big problems with the financial industry.
Long bets: crude oil edition by Ray of Light 01/14/2009, 7:24pm PST NEW
    Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by Choson 01/15/2009, 10:27am PST NEW
        Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by Creexuls, a monster >:3 01/15/2009, 11:30am PST NEW
        Good point! It's more of a fat bet than a long one. NT by tell us which you prefer 01/15/2009, 4:38pm PST NEW
    Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by motherfuckerfoodeater 01/15/2009, 10:47am PST NEW
    Re: Update: scrapped idea by Ray of Light 02/15/2009, 4:41pm PST NEW
        Welp, better start tipping. NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/15/2009, 5:31pm PST NEW
            I've been tipping all along! You probably just read Zseni's post. NT by Ray of Light 02/16/2009, 5:09am PST NEW
        Bitten by contango on futures? NT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2009, 6:05pm PST NEW
        Re: Update: scrapped idea by Choson 02/15/2009, 11:20pm PST NEW
            Re: Update: scrapped idea by Ray of Light 02/16/2009, 5:30am PST NEW
                Re: Update: scrapped idea by Choson 02/16/2009, 7:48am PST NEW
                    I'd better not see nickels in my tips from any non-NT poster in this thread. NT by Fussbett 02/16/2009, 8:49am PST NEW
    oil prices up 70% since mid-January, now seems like a good time to take profits NT by Ray of Light 05/22/2009, 8:32pm PDT NEW
        Listen to him boast! He invested thinking instability would drive up his price! NT by QuĂ©tinbec 05/23/2009, 1:28am PDT NEW
            QB: does this raise or lower your opinion of Ray, of Light? NT by discuss. 05/23/2009, 2:23pm PDT NEW
                Well, it's no slippery beef grab but... still impressive. NT by Last 05/23/2009, 2:27pm PDT NEW
    Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/27/2009, 9:15am PDT NEW
        gasoline will never sell for beyond what americans can afford to pay for it NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/27/2009, 9:48pm PDT NEW
            gas costs more in canada/europe than america NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:19pm PDT NEW
                Look up how many Candians and Euros there are and then Americans, retard NT by discuss. 08/27/2009, 10:36pm PDT NEW
                    how old is your arm rest insurance? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:56pm PDT NEW
                    about twice as many? NT by gruman 08/28/2009, 12:38am PDT NEW
                gasoline will never sell for beyond what americans can afford to pay for it NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/27/2009, 10:50pm PDT NEW
                    so I guess you mean in the future when a gallon of gas will cost like $50 NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:54pm PDT NEW
                        I think by 'Americans' he doesn't mean welfare recipients. NT by President Barak H. Obama 08/28/2009, 8:54am PDT NEW
                            they don't drive cars or have jobs do they NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:04am PDT NEW
                                Not cars or jobs that matter. NT by "Mr. President," to you. 08/28/2009, 11:36am PDT NEW
                                    obama cares about the poor, haha just kidding no he doesn't NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:52am PDT NEW
                                        Don't be silly, son. I'm proud of you. NT by President Barak H. Obama 08/28/2009, 6:06pm PDT NEW
        this is a riskier bet than the one I made by Ray of Light 08/28/2009, 11:11am PDT NEW
            Re: this is a riskier bet than the one I made by Mischief Maker 08/28/2009, 11:42am PDT NEW
            mm meant per barrel I guess, no wonder he was wrong NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:50am PDT NEW
            Did you make money, Ray? NT by Rudeboy 05/26/2010, 7:24am PDT NEW
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