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JHOH CUSTOM ART LESSON #1: One-point perspective by Fussbett 12/12/2008, 9:37am PST
A common lesson early on in art class is to draw a room with a one-point perspective. Understanding perspective is huge to drawing, so this is all valuable stuff.

The first lesson here is to draw your room. Or David Caruso's room, or troll lab, or whatever. But drawing your room is probably easiest. Start with an X to the diagonals of the page, the meeting point of which in the center will be your vanishing point. Draw a rectangle with perfect horizontal and vertical lines for the back wall. Then, start drawing in big details like doors and windows...'s like cheating! No need to wonder where each line goes, you just plot it back to vanishing point or make it perfecting horizontal or vertical. Use Photoshop, not that Okami web drawing shit. Leave out difficult items like the various fans for now. Just draw all square stuff like tables and desks and monitors and giant refrigerators and Jsoh.

Eventually it should look something like this:

...but your amount of Metallica posters may vary.

So here's the XKCD bed you had trouble with:


Rumpled blankets aside (rumpled because the author had all kinds of sex in there with that girl) the bed is all parallel horizontal lines, parallel vertical lines, and then perspective lines that meet in a vanishing point above the crazy chick's head. Then the author disregarded his vanishing point and started a new one for the ceiling line (red line) and also the window. But you know, he's close. It's a comic of stick figures and cloying faggotry, so expectations aren't high for the visuals.
JHOH CUSTOM ART LESSON #1: One-point perspective by Fussbett 12/12/2008, 9:37am PST NEW
    Early AIM pre-reation by Fussbett 12/12/2008, 9:38am PST NEW
    Re: JHOH CUSTOM ART LESSON #1: One-point perspective by laudablepuss 12/12/2008, 12:57pm PST NEW
    Wow I really learned an excellent amount from this lesson. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 12/14/2008, 2:24pm PST NEW
        Marked by Fussbett 12/15/2008, 9:51am PST NEW
            Check out the taskmaster! Expecting a Cable to master in only days/weeks NT by what 5th graders master in an hour 12/15/2008, 10:23am PST NEW
            They look close enough for me I don't see the problem so I won't make any change NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 12/15/2008, 11:08am PST NEW
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