Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
1up buries their site in fresh sockshit, and disgraces themselves. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 2:22am PDT

Just outside an Alliance stronghold in Borean Tundra, giant Crypt Lords and spider-like Crypt Fiends -- undead mockeries of an ancient civilization of sentient insectoids -- hurl themselves at waves of Alliance defenders. Inside the hold of a "safe" Alliance ship, cultish traitors plot to bring down Human-, Gnome-, and Dwarfkind. In the great temple of Zul'Drak, the Ice Trolls have resorted to sacrificing their own animal gods to keep the Scourge at bay. We three travelers -- Gnome Warlock Jeff Green, Night Elf Hunter Demian Linn, and Night Elf Priest Sean Molloy -- have just come off the boat from old Azeroth and docked at the troubled frontier of Northrend, where Arthas has finally reemerged after years of secret plans and preparations to claim the world for the Scourge.


This is so bad it's almost like a wow post written by zensy (holy shit that is bad). Taking the wow lore or environment seriously should be grounds for immediate FIRING, and probably killing in real life.

All of Lich King's raids will have both 10- and 25-person versions. Every damn one of them. The 25-person versions will have better loot, and the specific mechanics will have to be adjusted accordingly -- Jeff Kaplan has a bunch to say about that on our Legendary Thread podcast this week -- but as someone who loved 10-person Karazhan and Zul'Aman but was utterly, completely demoralized when we hit 25-person Serpentshrine, this news is huge.

I don't know how long they've been playing the game, but if you can't tell that a milder form of sockshitting is still sockshitting, then you should be ashamed. You WOULD be, if you knew any better, but you don't because you are actually looking forward to raids. It's like looking forward to your computer crashing. Looking forward to gear, yeah I can understand that, even if you have to suffer through raids to do it (which is still, no matter how bilge tries to hype their new raids, is all you'll be doing in them). The novelty of playing with large groups of other people wears off quick when they fuck up because they are stupid stupid idiots and because the instance was designed too hard first and only meant to be played after multiple brutal failures, punishing you for even trying to play by breaking your armor and making you pay for repairs and wasting time preparing buffs and mats and pots and shitsocks.

I'm sure a subset of the snobbier, "l33ter" players are going to feel that Blizzard has lessened the experience by letting the lower-class rabble in, but screw those people.

He's implying there's a huge difference. The difference between the 25 man raid and 10 man raid is that there are less people to blame when there's a wipe. They are still going to be raids, therefore inherently flawed, designed by sock shitters who shit into socks TO PLAY EVERQUEST, a sucky unfun game for faggots.

The more players who get to experience the content, the better. Blizzard, of course, feels this way because it's their content

This has to be some kind of sick joke. Two words: black temple. Now pack up your shit and get out.

Blizzard, of course, feels this way because it's their content, and they've spent a lot of time making it, and we know that it has frustrated them over the years that sometimes their best stuff only ends up getting seen by a minority of players.

Who are these MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? bilge was really disappointed yeah, when they INTENTIONALLY made their raid instances so that not even 1% of their player base would ever even see the fucking inside of them. THEY HIRED PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY TO DESIGN RAID INSTANCES THIS WAY. They went and looked for people who would make sure that almost no one who plays their (fucking) (piece of shit) game would be able to get into these instances. Before they could EVEN HAVE A CHANCE AT BEING FRUSTRATED by this, THEY'D HAVE TO BE FRUSTRATED BY THE PEOPLE THEY CHOSE TO HIRE TO MAKE THIS GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1up buries their site in fresh sockshit, and disgraces themselves. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 2:22am PDT NEW
    GATHERING MORE RAEG by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 2:51am PDT NEW
        Did Jhoh really just quote Thoreau? NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 05/13/2008, 2:55am PDT NEW
            Yep. NT by Wikiquote 05/13/2008, 12:14pm PDT NEW
        Warning: the word "lore" is used in this post. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 3:03am PDT NEW
            Re: Warning: the word "lore" is used in this post. by bombMexico 05/14/2008, 1:19am PDT NEW
                Did you end up getting my home address by the way? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/14/2008, 1:30am PDT NEW
                    I think you're getting confused again, we're on the same side here by bombMexico 05/14/2008, 6:22pm PDT NEW
                        PS: Yeah we covered all this a year ago thanks wrom. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/12/2008, 2:05am PDT NEW
        sounds like they are increasing the reliance on cc and aoe tanking NT by Grumah 05/13/2008, 2:26pm PDT NEW
    Even ign's blowjob puff piece is more insightful. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 3:26am PDT NEW
        I have-a special key for-a your magic box! NT by Bee Mario 05/13/2008, 10:34am PDT NEW
            I miss Bee Mario already. :( SEXUALLY HARASSING EVERYONE NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/03/2008, 10:29am PDT NEW
                Life ain'ta nothin but-a tha beetches and-a tha gold coins NT by Bee Mario 06/03/2008, 8:51pm PDT NEW
                    PEARL STOP YOU MAKEA SUCH BROAD CARICATURES (O SOLO MIO) NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/12/2008, 2:04am PDT NEW
    the saddest part by Grumah 05/13/2008, 12:29pm PDT NEW
    I joined a real guild kind of! by Zsenitigole 05/13/2008, 2:15pm PDT NEW
        playing an unbalanced class doesn't make wow not suck by Grumah 05/13/2008, 2:28pm PDT NEW
        You haven't been paying attention, it will probably take you a while. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 8:23pm PDT NEW
            I fucked up the quotes (ruuuuuu this terrible ass forum design). by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/13/2008, 8:59pm PDT NEW
                FUCK YOU NT by Entropy Stew 05/14/2008, 2:27am PDT NEW
                    Hey I would like to add a suggestion for a button that adds quote tags. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/14/2008, 2:34am PDT NEW
                Re: I fucked up the quotes (ruuuuuu this terrible ass forum design). by Zsenitigole 05/15/2008, 6:10pm PDT NEW
                    You play on a roleplaying server? by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2008, 12:45am PDT NEW
                        Re: You play on a roleplaying server? by Zsenitigole 05/16/2008, 3:07pm PDT NEW
                            Re: You play on a roleplaying server? by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2008, 3:45pm PDT NEW
                                Re: You play on a roleplaying server? by Zsenitigole 05/16/2008, 5:01pm PDT NEW
                            I was very disappointed by the lack of faggotry on the RPPVP server. by Fullofkittens 05/16/2008, 4:04pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I was very disappointed by the lack of faggotry on the RPPVP server. by Zsenitigole 05/16/2008, 4:53pm PDT NEW
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