Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
This would get you banned from the wow boards. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/12/2008, 9:18pm PDT
Burning Crusade named everything fel and nether. Now in WHATLICK I mean Wrath of the Lich King, everything is going to be called malefic and frost.

So, the powerful and evil malefic forces of frost nether their fels to concentrate enough fel energy to summon a nether creature who is fel and quite nethery at the same time, gathering its malefic nether until it becomes so fel that it is frost, and the malefic nether fel frost fels to nether malefic nether fel fel nether frost nether fel frost malefic nether fel.

Is it just me, or is this whole "lore" thing the most shitfucking retarded bullshit ever shit up by shitty writers who suck ass?

This would get you banned from the wow boards. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/12/2008, 9:18pm PDT NEW
    My name indicates that I am brutal by Brutallus 04/12/2008, 10:21pm PDT NEW
        I would not inflict wow raiding on 24 of my best friends assuming I even had tha NT by Grumah 04/12/2008, 10:30pm PDT NEW
            The NYT had a knob-polishing piece about Chris Metzen when BC was in development by Fortinbras 04/13/2008, 1:21pm PDT NEW
                I would have guessed you'd get AT LEAST one or two "who's Chris Metzens?" NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2008, 4:00pm PDT NEW
                most wowfag dev excuses = "that person doesn't design such and such" NT by Grumah 04/13/2008, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                    Or HOW MANY GAMES HAVE YOU MADE THEN? THEN SHUT UP by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/13/2008, 10:13pm PDT NEW
                        bilge hating their customers. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/13/2008, 10:30pm PDT NEW
                            "See you in Age of Conan" is the worst taunt ever by Fortinbras 04/13/2008, 10:37pm PDT NEW
                                That and they're apparently going to stay in wow until it comes out. :( NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/13/2008, 10:44pm PDT NEW
                            Shamans being broken is just a symptom of the game being broken. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/13/2008, 10:44pm PDT NEW
                                I'm farming rep I don't EVEN need by Zsenitan Sporeggar 04/14/2008, 1:20pm PDT NEW
                                    But how many poopsocks have you accumulated? NT by Fortinbras 04/14/2008, 1:23pm PDT NEW
                                        I store all the poop in my massive rolls of fat. Pics inside. by Zsenitan Sporeggar 04/14/2008, 1:31pm PDT NEW
                                        She wouldn't have any at 62. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 10:42pm PDT NEW
                                    psh fuck that shit I got a baby croc from the fishing dailies NT by Grumah 04/14/2008, 4:22pm PDT NEW
                                        OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG CUTE what color? NT by Zsenitan loves the crock 04/14/2008, 5:34pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I'm farming rep I don't EVEN need by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 10:40pm PDT NEW
                                        Also CC that isn't a rogue or mage is great for heroics. by Worm 04/14/2008, 10:59pm PDT NEW
                                            IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE SNOWGLOBE FOR THE XPAK START YOUR NEW CHARACTERS NOW NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 11:37pm PDT NEW
                Re: The NYT had a knob-polishing piece about Chris Metzen when BC was in develop by FABIO 04/14/2008, 2:45pm PDT NEW
                    oh, that was written 3 years ago by FABIO 04/14/2008, 2:47pm PDT NEW
                        You also forgot the best/worst part by FABIO 04/14/2008, 2:50pm PDT NEW
                            Huh, I thought it was the teamwork and the long sequence of small rewards by Bananadine 04/14/2008, 5:43pm PDT NEW
                Re: The NYT had a knob-polishing piece about Chris Metzen when BC was in develop by Vested Id 04/14/2008, 10:28pm PDT NEW
        Okay hm (thank you for that information). NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/12/2008, 10:31pm PDT NEW
            Fuck you. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2008, 5:52pm PDT NEW
                joh 1, jerry NUTHIN NT by Grumah 04/13/2008, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                    Has jerry ever had a WOW account? by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/14/2008, 2:55am PDT NEW
                        Yeah it's more like me 10 jerry 0, pretty much. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 4:57am PDT NEW
                            My WOW virginity, much like my real virginity, remains intact :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/14/2008, 12:31pm PDT NEW
                                If you have nothing else to do with your life just go play wow. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 10:45pm PDT NEW
                Posting has gotten easier lately, maybe my meds are working?! NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2008, 11:32pm PDT NEW
                    How do your meds feel about you also being QB? NT by MedzMaster 04/14/2008, 1:09am PDT NEW
                        CAN MEDS BE SENTIENT? NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 1:13am PDT NEW
                        They're a little "blue" by Patch Adams 04/14/2008, 1:30am PDT NEW
    Which one is Chris Metzen? by FABIO 04/14/2008, 4:48pm PDT NEW
        The guy in the middle is by far the douchiest. I'm guessing it's him. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/14/2008, 5:11pm PDT NEW
        Re: Which one is Chris Metzen? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/14/2008, 10:47pm PDT NEW
            besides wh40k they also planned on a VTM ripoff wow the creative juices flowing NT by Grumah 04/16/2008, 4:15am PDT NEW
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