Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
I joined a guild by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 10:55am PDT
After a week of guild-ing, I can't play this game anymore. More surprising is that my brother can't either, and he's way more into WOW than I ever was. Our guild is full of TEH STUPIDS and the guild channel is filled with the most inane dribble and awful non-jokes ever. I also love how nobody knows how to play the game -- priests looking for magister's sets instead of devout sets. (Devout what does that mean?) Basic tactical mistakes like guys running past enemies to kill others -- and oops the guys they ran past aggroed! Shocking! But they were in a hurry, see! Well now we get to corpse jog, so good time saver, man. Stuff like that. Should I mention the keystone cops horde-fighting we did? It's so embarrassing. :( Oh, and in my guild people say "ding" whenever they get a level. Any level. GRATZ! YAY GO YOU.

Not to mention that I just can't quit my job to play this game as much as these guys appear to play it.

I still love how nobody knows what floating debris is. "Don't fish there, it's just debris." It's free treasure, you fucking idiots. "Where did you get your spiritchaser staff of healing?" Caught it fishing. I don't know what bait I was using, but the mithril-bound crates were biting.

I joined a guild by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 10:55am PDT NEW
    Playing with idiots is unbearable, and playing with experts is a second job NT by Entropy Stew 10/29/2007, 11:28am PDT NEW
        Sure okay. NT by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 12:20pm PDT NEW
            He's exactly right. NT by How is this confusing to you? 10/29/2007, 2:50pm PDT NEW
                I think you misread my two word post. gg NT by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 3:25pm PDT NEW
                    Sure okay NT by whatever, psh, you fucking moron 10/29/2007, 4:29pm PDT NEW
                        You're an anonymous retard. You get nothing and like it. by laudablepuss 10/30/2007, 9:24am PDT NEW
    WHY AM I STILL PLAYING by diet Coke/Grumah forever 10/29/2007, 1:13pm PDT NEW
    Re: I joined a guild by Zseni \"Massive Plosives\" jein 10/29/2007, 3:16pm PDT NEW
        Re: I joined a guild by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 3:37pm PDT NEW
            I suppose I could also try missionary work to the Taurens by laudablepuss 10/29/2007, 4:13pm PDT NEW
            I think you could get a nice little news story going with that. NT by Fullofkittens 10/29/2007, 4:22pm PDT NEW
            So the game doesn't waste ENOUGH time doing nothing for some people. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 10/29/2007, 6:04pm PDT NEW
                I just want to do something else. by laudablepuss 10/30/2007, 9:23am PDT NEW
            thats the gayest thing you've said this week NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 10/29/2007, 8:02pm PDT NEW
            Re: I joined a guild by Zseni \\\"Massive Plosives\\\" jein 10/30/2007, 8:40am PDT NEW
                Re: I joined a guild by laudablepuss 10/30/2007, 9:32am PDT NEW
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