Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Some of my best new (recent) trolls to the wow blzrd forums by Grumah 06/25/2007, 8:37am PDT
I hammered the shaman forums. It's always interesting... to me anyway. On the one hand the shaman class has been hurt the most by bilzrurds incompetence. OTOHOTOH, there's a ton of people on the shaman forums who are morons. They don't see any problem with their class because their guild apparently has an empty slot for kkkarazan to fill with any fucking class, so they are allowed to stay melee damage specced while their healers toil over another faggot's healthbar which is constantly dropping for some inexplicable reason (the shaman made the mistake of not going for ranged dps or healing spec).

(this might be a long post)

So half the threads are about how "there is too much QQing not enough PEW PEWING!!!!!!!"

My legs were crushed in an industrial accident. I didn't want to QQ to any lawyers or my employers, so I learned to walk on my hands.

If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly. As long as you don't ever QQ about it. QQing is the worst thing anyone can ever do.

I used to frequently check the shaman forums, because there are some actually intelligent people who post reasonable ideas to fix their broken class. I got tired of that after like 2 months of the exact same problems not being fixed.

Hunter gear is ok for enhance. But I groan whenever an enhancement shaman joins our groups. No cc, no offheals, infrequent or non-existent buffs, no grounding totem, no tremor totem (as lame as it is, it does occasionally remove a fear or charm) no healing/mana stream totems and hopefully no fire damage totem. They are masters of reading their combat logs and announcing their crits at the party (I say "at" because no one else cares about their crits), but they are easily replaced by another dps class which can match enhancement dps while asleep and providing cc or other utility in a group. Enhance shamans eat a lot of cleaves/aoes and require a bunch of extra healing to burden my mana pool.

Tremor totem does need a huge buff though. If I'm gonna boot a shaman from the group, that might not be my preferred reason. That damn thing is just laughing at us while we run out of its range. Even if it does go off on time, I still get my casts interrupted by the fear effect.

My biggest source of anguish as a healer has honestly got to be the stupid first boss in SL. I gotta be standing on top of him to stay in range of the tank after the fear wears off. Tremor and fear ward are the only 2 spells that counter fears, which is way too few BLIZURD.

I'd list some of my favorite ideas for fixing tremor totem, but I'm tired of doing that every time I remember how weak tremor totem is. :(

The most entertaining posts there now are the obvious trolls. Someone posted a mock developer discussion about going to BK and ordering a whopper and large shadow shield, making fun of the unbelievably stupid error in a recent patch note. I replied to a situation with the shaman aoe damage totem pulling aggro *before it has even fucking dealt any damage yet*!!!!!!!!!

The shaman is primarily a horde class.

Blizzard doesn't play horde.

I remember doing ulda with those non elite scorpids on my shaman. Waited for the others to get some aggro with their aoe, set down my fire nova a few seconds later, and a spare add which somehow didn't get hit yet instakills my totem, and the magma totem I set down immediately afterward. gg bilz

Some of my best new (recent) trolls to the wow blzrd forums by Grumah 06/25/2007, 8:37am PDT NEW
    Part 2, handy archive search on blizs forums helps me to bore clapstro by Grumah 06/25/2007, 8:54am PDT NEW
        Safe to ignore, now I am just talking into the ether by Grumah 06/25/2007, 9:04am PDT NEW
            My wild wild trolling cannot be contained to just the wow forums by Grumah 07/10/2007, 6:20am PDT NEW
                link to paint comics NT by Fabitoulle 07/10/2007, 6:39am PDT NEW
                    I saved all of them so I will upload them somewhere and link them later NT by Grumah 07/10/2007, 8:58am PDT NEW
                        Ok here they are by Grumah 07/11/2007, 12:28pm PDT NEW
                            WOW was developed by guys who shit into socks for everquest raids. by Jhoh Cable o_O 07/11/2007, 12:35pm PDT NEW
                Caltrops is your #2 source for wow forum trolling by Grumah 07/13/2007, 12:52pm PDT NEW
                    Can you link to the thread? by laudablepuss 07/13/2007, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                        You have to have an account to post there. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 07/13/2007, 2:52pm PDT NEW
                            Oh! Well, um, good. So link to the thread already. NT by laudablepuss 07/13/2007, 3:05pm PDT NEW
                        They aren't all in the same thread, just do an advanced search on "jhoh" NT by Grumah 07/13/2007, 3:06pm PDT NEW
                    Even the account cancellation page isn't immune >:D by Grumah 07/14/2007, 11:12am PDT NEW
                        Final Chapter: the subtle art of bombthrowing by Grumah 07/14/2007, 11:18am PDT NEW
                            Trying to remember what else I was gonna add that I thought of while taking a SH NT by Grumah 07/14/2007, 11:23am PDT NEW
    That's the same reason why I used to read the shaman boards. by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/25/2007, 9:49am PDT NEW
        So, what is QQing? Google didn't help much. NT by laudablepuss 06/25/2007, 10:31am PDT NEW
            Crying. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/25/2007, 11:12am PDT NEW
                Re: Crying. by mysterio 06/25/2007, 9:33pm PDT NEW
                    nippon queue queue dog ash gala wonderful easy rider salad the mall NT by Grumah 06/26/2007, 2:09am PDT NEW
        Unfortunatly the shaman forums are now packed with bilzdurs sycophantic lackies by Grumah 06/26/2007, 4:13pm PDT NEW
            Re: Unfortunatly the shaman forums are now packed with bilzdurs sycophantic lack by Bruce Lee\'s mother-in-law 06/26/2007, 8:52pm PDT NEW
                I didn't even catch the sarcasm, because wowcraft is such serious bizness NT by Grumah 06/27/2007, 5:50am PDT NEW
    PSH NT by more like Warld of Worcraft 06/25/2007, 5:04pm PDT NEW
    Moar kyuu kyuuinj XD by Grumah 07/09/2007, 9:37am PDT NEW
        QQ by Jerry Whorebach 07/09/2007, 10:10am PDT NEW
            $15 a month ;-; NT by Grumah 07/09/2007, 10:26am PDT NEW
            Luckily for Jso he has a hunter. :( by Jhoh Cable :( 07/09/2007, 5:31pm PDT NEW
                I have given up on farming for any primals NT by Grumah 07/13/2007, 3:45pm PDT NEW
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