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Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox Today, 7:27am PDT
the_third_wave 2 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]

Or you eat less and/or healthier food to achieve the same result without the side effects. Spend part of that $1000 (but not too much) on better food which you (or someone in your family) prepares at home, keep the rest for other purposes.

For some reason this suggestion, i.e. the suggestion to solve a problem by eliminating the root causes, does not seem to be popular on this forum. I'd very much like to know why this is given that this place is supposedly frequented by rational people. If eating too much unhealthy food is making you fat you don't solve that by putting a chemical stopper in your veins, you solve it by eating less of the bad stuff.

Hurm yes why doesn't everyone simply eat healthy fulfilling meals? What's the problem here? Why are all these ....... these UNRATIONALS not simply doing the rational thing and consume nutrients rationally beep boop?

Guys, this guy solved the weight epidemic. Why is he getting downvotes?
Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox 04/08/2020, 8:56am PDT NEW
    Seems like the thread to mention n-gate by The Happiness Engine 04/09/2020, 8:46pm PDT NEW
        Re: Seems like the thread to mention n-gate by awful, autistic nerds 11/10/2023, 7:07am PST NEW
            What’s awful about that one? by Blackwater 11/10/2023, 4:30pm PST NEW
        Douglas Adams by Mysterio 07/20/2024, 9:07am PDT NEW
            That was a great piece about Douglas Adams by Blackwater 07/20/2024, 8:35pm PDT NEW
        Re: Seems like the thread to mention n-gate by jfc 01/29/2025, 7:55pm PST NEW
    "Anecdotally" by Vidinfox 07/23/2020, 7:56pm PDT NEW
        it's everywhere by christ 11/13/2020, 7:39pm PST NEW
        Re: "Anecdotally" by Vidinfox 06/22/2021, 8:34am PDT NEW
            Re: "Anecdotally" by laudablepuss 06/22/2021, 3:07pm PDT NEW
                You came to the right thread. by Mysterio 06/22/2021, 4:20pm PDT NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by A. Wyatt Mann 12/01/2020, 3:57pm PST NEW
        Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox 12/29/2020, 1:23pm PST NEW
            hahahaha NT by Breonna Taylor, crazed arsonist 12/29/2020, 1:29pm PST NEW
                I am correct. Sorry you can't deal with it. by Vidinfox 12/29/2020, 2:42pm PST NEW
                    Worst jsoh impression ever NT by fuck off Vested Id 12/30/2020, 1:16pm PST NEW
                        Wasn't me NT by Vested Id (real) (mods pls confirm) 12/30/2020, 1:54pm PST NEW
                You can't shoot a black person NT by You just can't 12/29/2020, 2:55pm PST NEW
            Here's who's more likely to actually attack you in your home by meanwhile, back in reality 12/29/2020, 1:38pm PST NEW
                Why'd Minnesota's guv ask for disaster aid after noted POS George Floyd OD'ed? by Fuck off MM 12/29/2020, 2:34pm PST NEW
                    That wasn't me. Also the "umbrella man" who incited the violence was a neonazi. NT by MM 12/29/2020, 4:04pm PST NEW
            Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Mysteriousio 12/29/2020, 3:12pm PST NEW
                You're really convincing homeowners to pay exorbitant property taxes on their ho by Vidinfox 12/29/2020, 3:35pm PST NEW
            Ha, I saw the exact same cringeworthy comment by blackwater 12/29/2020, 11:33pm PST NEW
    Peak use of the word anecdote by Mysterio 12/29/2020, 2:40pm PST NEW
    psychotic homeless people by N/A 03/01/2021, 8:28am PST NEW
    I don't smell like shit. You do. by Vidinfox 03/25/2021, 5:31am PDT NEW
        Re: I don't smell like shit. You do. by Reg 04/27/2021, 7:08pm PDT NEW
    Bounties by Vidinfox 04/09/2021, 5:36am PDT NEW
        Re: Bounties by Vidinfox 01/25/2022, 2:54pm PST NEW
            I found one! by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/13/2022, 3:42pm PST NEW
                Re: I found one! by Horus Truthteller 02/27/2022, 8:03am PST NEW
    Such autism by Reg 04/27/2021, 7:07pm PDT NEW
        Is this something they enjoy? by Ichabod 04/28/2021, 5:01pm PDT NEW
    I enjoy overpaid clowns that serve ads talking about other subjects by Mysterio Cabal 05/10/2021, 7:01am PDT NEW
    This one is terrible. by Vidinfox 05/24/2021, 8:47pm PDT NEW
    A good one? by momma mia 05/24/2021, 9:47pm PDT NEW
    A week without reading Hackernews comments made me a happier person. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/14/2021, 7:33am PDT NEW
        Welcome to HN by blackwater 09/16/2021, 4:40pm PDT NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/05/2021, 5:50am PDT NEW
    Vidinfox by Guy makes a baby-naming app 11/05/2021, 9:44pm PDT NEW
    "Not defending Pol Pot, but" NT by Today's high score 11/10/2021, 6:10pm PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Mysterio 01/09/2022, 8:43pm PST NEW
        awebshitsayswhat? NT by "x1b[48;5;011TEXTx1[0m" 01/10/2022, 2:08pm PST NEW
            This has brought out the web shits. by Horus Truthteller 01/10/2022, 8:11pm PST NEW
    Ivermectin by Vidinfox 01/28/2022, 5:58am PST NEW
    This whole disaster thread about airlines...... by Vidinfox 02/05/2022, 10:20am PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Can I Play? 02/11/2022, 5:43am PST NEW
    Honestly, the OP has come across as the asshole with wrong opinions this whole t NT by Just Sayan 02/11/2022, 10:50am PST NEW
        Right. Not defending Pol Pot, but NT by Mysterio 02/11/2022, 2:33pm PST NEW
        Hush and drink your horse paste, cretin NT by Can I Play? 02/11/2022, 5:39pm PST NEW
    This is every exchange on that shit hole site by Mysterio 02/23/2022, 12:00pm PST NEW
    The Future of Perl NT by The Future of Perl 02/27/2022, 8:02am PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox 03/09/2022, 4:36pm PST NEW
        It's not that unreasonable, is it? by blackwater 03/10/2022, 10:56pm PST NEW
            Re: It's not that unreasonable, is it? by Judge Barry 03/11/2022, 6:34am PST NEW
    I can't do this asshole justice. by Vidinfox 04/05/2022, 6:23am PDT NEW
        I wonder this by Mysterio 04/05/2022, 7:02am PDT NEW
        In 2020, the median household income was $67,521. by YATA2 04/05/2022, 9:22am PDT NEW
            Re: In 2020, the median household income was $67,521. by Mysterio 04/05/2022, 9:36am PDT NEW
                You can't talk to people that way. It's not nice. by Oh 04/05/2022, 9:41am PDT NEW
                    The median income is literally the dividing line between wealthy and poor. by YATA2 04/05/2022, 10:39am PDT NEW
                        You got moxie, kid by I'll beat your ass 04/05/2022, 10:41am PDT NEW
                        Isn't it more that you'd be in the middle? A class.......... by in the middle? 04/05/2022, 10:42am PDT NEW
                            This guy is catching on. That would make one side of the median lower middle... by YATA2 04/05/2022, 10:48am PDT NEW
                                Wouldn't it make it "the middle class"? by in the middle? 04/05/2022, 10:49am PDT NEW
                                    The upper class starts at upper middle class. Que onda. NT by YATA2 04/05/2022, 10:51am PDT NEW
                                        I'm an economist and I don't think that's accurate. by Economist Guy 04/05/2022, 10:52am PDT NEW
                                            By volume, you would likely be two economists. NT by YATA2 04/05/2022, 10:55am PDT NEW
                                                Re: By volume, you would likely be two economists. by Economist Guy 04/05/2022, 10:59am PDT NEW
                                                    By volume, I can't hear you. NT by YATA2 04/05/2022, 11:01am PDT NEW
                                                        ouch NT by Economist Guy 04/05/2022, 11:26am PDT NEW
                                                            I would tell you to let your seed wither in your loin... by YATA2 04/05/2022, 11:36am PDT NEW
                                                                Re: I would tell you to let your seed wither in your loin... by Call Me Snake 04/05/2022, 12:23pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Pregnancy is a binary, wealth is a spectrum. by YATA2 04/05/2022, 12:42pm PDT NEW
                                                                        He's an expert on the spectrum NT by because he's on it 04/05/2022, 1:25pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Cheap shot NT by Oh 04/05/2022, 1:45pm PDT NEW
                                        YATA2! You are in a coma! We are trying to reach you! by PLEASE READ ON 04/05/2022, 10:53am PDT NEW
                                    No man, 30 bucks an hour in the US means you are FABRUROUSLY WEALTHY by Holy shit, that's what this guy 04/05/2022, 10:51am PDT NEW
                                        Not being poor makes you some degree of wealthy, pravda. NT by YATA2 04/05/2022, 10:57am PDT NEW
                                            You're a fucking retard and you got everything wrong NT by Hysterical Losers 04/20/2022, 7:37pm PDT NEW
                sHADDAP fake tough guy NT by I'll beat your ass 04/05/2022, 10:39am PDT NEW
    The worst one ever? by Mysterio 04/20/2022, 11:01am PDT NEW
        This is a good one by Hysterical Losers 04/20/2022, 11:11am PDT NEW
            Imagine being so broken as a person that you believe lying is not just acceptabl by but also laudable 04/20/2022, 5:54pm PDT NEW
                A pro-student loan guy. Only the cockroaches are left. NT by Hysterical Losers 04/20/2022, 7:36pm PDT NEW
                Re: Imagine being so broken as a person that you believe lying is not just by take the L 07/23/2022, 12:42pm PDT NEW
        Re: The worst one ever? by hO 04/20/2022, 11:23am PDT NEW
            Dogshit post as usual NT by Hysterical Losers 04/20/2022, 2:52pm PDT NEW
                This must be one of those nasty Trumpists who keep stirring shit up by Horus is gonna be pissed 04/20/2022, 10:33pm PDT NEW
            Re: The worst one ever? by Administrative STAAAAATE 04/20/2022, 6:58pm PDT NEW
                Re: The worst one ever? by Hysterical Losers 04/23/2022, 10:40am PDT NEW
        commandline fan is a real star, a real stupid take factory by lololololololololol 02/09/2023, 7:05am PST NEW
    webshits solve astrophysics by Vidinfox 06/15/2022, 12:12pm PDT NEW
        i cant even............................. by Gaige Grosskreutz 06/15/2022, 12:29pm PDT NEW
        That post is totally amazing by laudablepuss 06/15/2022, 2:01pm PDT NEW
    Experts on everything. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/12/2022, 6:47am PDT NEW
    Hackernews tackles the delicate subject of critising people on the internet by blackwater 08/14/2022, 12:14pm PDT NEW
        * criticizing NT by blackwater 08/14/2022, 12:14pm PDT NEW
    Watch doughy nerds incorrect one another in this thread. It's about fitness. by Mysterio 08/16/2022, 5:49am PDT NEW
    We got guys defending asbestos over there today NT by Booo 10/24/2022, 8:17pm PDT NEW
    Steve Jobs dying was AN INFLECTION POINT IN HISTORY by hackernews 11/07/2022, 9:27pm PST NEW
        Another inflection point: Hi-C inventing the fruit drink product that had no NT by effect on cancer 11/07/2022, 9:31pm PST NEW
    hackernews AI experts weigh in by mysterio prime 12/02/2022, 1:53pm PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Geryk 01/09/2023, 8:41am PST NEW
    The autism is uncontained by Vidinfox 01/29/2023, 6:09am PST NEW
        In a rare moment of clarity someone observes that by blackwater 01/29/2023, 8:36pm PST NEW
    If u buy something you think’s a scam from AMZN then return it, ur the bad guy by blackwater 01/30/2023, 6:21pm PST NEW
        Re: If u buy something you think’s a scam from AMZN then return it by Vidinfox 01/31/2023, 5:29am PST NEW
    Monocles fly at Hackernews as someone gets ahold of Google layoff records by blackwater 02/01/2023, 7:57pm PST NEW
        How is firing an L9 at Google ALLOWED OR TOLERATED??? by blackwater 02/03/2023, 5:33am PST NEW
            THIS by Yaris 02/03/2023, 6:08pm PST NEW
    it’s not that complicated to setup a VPN guys by blackwater 02/08/2023, 1:49pm PST NEW
        I genuinely hope that guy gets trapped in an earthquake by Vidinfox 02/22/2023, 12:52pm PST NEW
    Why nothing works on the internet by Vidinfox 02/22/2023, 11:44am PST NEW
    I find a lot of people who should quit don't. by blackwater 02/22/2023, 4:12pm PST NEW
    I have a question: wtf is hackernews NT by Fullofkittens 02/23/2023, 5:31am PST NEW by Mysterio 02/23/2023, 11:54am PST NEW
    Four Byte Burger by A FRIEND 04/27/2023, 7:29am PDT NEW
        The video needs its own thread. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/27/2023, 8:06am PDT NEW
    Hewlett Packard's ink subscriptions by Vidinfox 05/22/2023, 7:07am PDT NEW
    the Unabomber by Vidinfox 06/10/2023, 2:45pm PDT NEW
        Leave Uncle Ted alone! NT by h0 06/10/2023, 4:41pm PDT NEW
    Vincent Van Gogh by Bad as you think 06/28/2023, 6:22am PDT NEW
        Luxury that's worthless if you are chased by heat and thirst NT by Mysterio 06/28/2023, 6:48am PDT NEW
            Right? by God 06/28/2023, 10:24am PDT NEW
            The art market is a free market! NT by Hunter Biden 06/28/2023, 1:58pm PDT NEW
        Most of the comments aren't that bad. by blackwater 06/28/2023, 11:09pm PDT NEW
            Van Gogh: competent implementer by Senior Barborito 06/29/2023, 10:52am PDT NEW
                Oh so you're an art critic now? by blackwater 06/29/2023, 12:33pm PDT NEW
                    That painting is bad. NT by Andrew Bernard, Art Critic 06/29/2023, 3:10pm PDT NEW
            Holeup, 2 of them started complimenting Denver International Airport by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/29/2023, 1:16pm PDT NEW
                That horse's gigantic demonic testicles slipped and crushed the sculpture by Roop 06/29/2023, 4:44pm PDT NEW
    Speaking of turbo-autism on Hackernews... by blackwater 06/28/2023, 11:19pm PDT NEW
        Re: Speaking of turbo-autism on Hackernews... by dang 06/29/2023, 1:17pm PDT NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by The Bridge Tender 07/01/2023, 1:27pm PDT NEW
        Using "fail" as a noun is a fail. NT by I laid your mom's back. 07/01/2023, 3:40pm PDT NEW
    How to get Hacker News webshits Yosemite-Sam levels of mad by blackwater 07/05/2023, 7:43pm PDT NEW
        So far I've scrolled through fifteen pages and nobody seems mad. by pinback 07/06/2023, 5:01am PDT NEW
            There were some better comments upvoted after I posted. by blackwater 07/06/2023, 6:19am PDT NEW
                Vindinfox and you are the dummies NT by please stop with this thread -Caltr 07/06/2023, 11:26am PDT NEW
                    Not to defend Pol Pot, but by You are the dummy 07/06/2023, 11:28am PDT NEW
                        webshits incorrect each other about lead poisoning by blackwater 07/24/2023, 2:28pm PDT NEW
                    fuck you NT by Thonk 03/07/2024, 11:47am PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by My kid is getting bullied because o 08/30/2023, 9:18pm PDT NEW
        We, adults, need to bully kids with iPhones by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/01/2023, 5:51am PDT NEW
    Big Shit by blackwater 09/11/2023, 11:32am PDT NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox 09/25/2023, 6:30pm PDT NEW
        swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by Vidinfox 09/25/2023, 7:47pm PDT NEW
            Re: swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by swozey 10/31/2023, 7:20pm PDT NEW
                Re: swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by swozey 10/31/2023, 7:26pm PDT NEW
                    Re: swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by swozey 10/31/2023, 7:31pm PDT NEW
                    Re: swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by good work 01/08/2024, 5:12pm PST NEW
                        Re: swozey is a hero, of course he is downloaded to hell by i dint thonk it was him 03/07/2024, 11:46am PST NEW
    Hackernews is in a frenzy about the Bored Ape festival that blinded w/ UV lights by blackwater 11/06/2023, 4:22pm PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Mysterio2 01/08/2024, 9:15am PST NEW
        Re: Bad Hackernews takes by laudablepuss 01/08/2024, 11:24am PST NEW
        Webshits believe you should hire more webshits. Film at 11. NT by blackwater 01/08/2024, 3:44pm PST NEW
            "Film at 11" is the most cringe boomer comment imaginable, ofc it came from u by good work 01/08/2024, 5:09pm PST NEW
    HP Printing plans. Actually, everyone else was dumb. by Vidinfox 03/07/2024, 11:02am PST NEW
        Instant Ink is a good deal by PDFidelio 03/07/2024, 11:07am PST NEW
            You're stupid by You're stupid 03/07/2024, 11:36am PST NEW
            Paying a fee and receiving a product is a description of all NT by transactions 03/07/2024, 11:38am PST NEW
                Thanks? NT by PDFidelio 03/07/2024, 12:16pm PST NEW
                    You have made a friend here. I'm Thonk. I will be your guide on this channel. by Thonk 03/07/2024, 12:23pm PST NEW
            "HP ink is overpriced. I would rather subscribe to a third-party ink service." by The PC from those Mac commercials. 03/07/2024, 3:14pm PST NEW
                I need to borrow some money. NT by Thonk 03/27/2024, 11:06pm PDT NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox 03/27/2024, 10:58pm PDT NEW
        This cunt by Mysterio 03/28/2024, 10:09am PDT NEW
    A webshit reflects on his lack of employment by blackwater 07/17/2024, 1:37pm PDT NEW
        Re: A webshit reflects on his lack of employment by Niles 12/29/2024, 9:50pm PST NEW
    The Jimmy Carter thread is peak hackernews. NT by Niles 12/29/2024, 9:48pm PST NEW
    Crime by Vidinfox 01/26/2025, 9:28am PST NEW
    Re: Bad Hackernews takes by Vidinfox Today, 7:27am PDT NEW
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