The dumb shitwas pretended to be his alt for two hours on Fortnite by Can't make this up 01/04/2025, 9:11am PST
This is great by laudablepuss 01/04/2025, 2:35pm PST
This is worth listening to in its entirety NT by laudablepuss 01/04/2025, 2:38pm PST
"It wasn't." NT by The Narrator 01/05/2025, 3:33pm PST
Re: This is worth listening to in its entirety by Mysterio 01/05/2025, 5:03pm PST
The Nazi salute from this piece of shit by lololololololololol 01/20/2025, 3:07pm PST
This should be its own thread by laudablepuss 01/20/2025, 10:19pm PST
can we just fast forward to the point in your lived trans experience where you NT by become a statistic please Yesterday, 3:42pm PST
nazi salute hello to you too! NT by laudablepuss Yesterday, 9:55pm PST
Re: This should be its own thread by Ice Cream Jonsey Yesterday, 5:29pm PST