Forum Overview :: Global Conflict Blue 2
The dumb shitwas pretended to be his alt for two hours on Fortnite by Can't make this up 01/04/2025, 9:11am PST

If you just skip around, you will see a pasty middle aged piece of shit in his 50s pretend to be a guy "in his twenties" who sounds and stutters just like Elon.

This is one of the absolute most pathetic things I've ever seen in my entire life.

The dumb shitwas pretended to be his alt for two hours on Fortnite by Can't make this up 01/04/2025, 9:11am PST NEW
    This is great by laudablepuss 01/04/2025, 2:35pm PST NEW
        This is worth listening to in its entirety NT by laudablepuss 01/04/2025, 2:38pm PST NEW
            "It wasn't." NT by The Narrator Yesterday, 3:33pm PST NEW
            Re: This is worth listening to in its entirety by Mysterio Yesterday, 5:03pm PST NEW
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