Forum Overview :: Rants
Nobody cared about this by until... 12/31/2024, 3:08pm PST
"Whataboutism!" dorks thought they could be extra contrarian and shitty by mentioning it as an unasked counterpoint to people...thinking it's not cool to burn infant girls' clits off with acid.

If you hate women that much, just think how uncircumcised men have to carefully fold back skin every time they piss for any kind of flow control and not making a mess, like a goddamn woman.

Only dudes who got circumcised after puberty should be allowed to weigh in on how much better it feels.
Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Gasoline 12/31/2024, 2:04pm PST NEW
    Our pediatrician described it as a medically unnecessary cosmetic procedure. by Fullofkittens 12/31/2024, 2:27pm PST NEW
        I won't tip for takeaway any more. by Lars 12/31/2024, 2:43pm PST NEW
            They pool tips cheapskate. NT by Judge Barry 12/31/2024, 9:13pm PST NEW
                You think they pool tips where I get pizza? by Lars 01/01/2025, 11:18pm PST NEW
                    What are you yelling at me, for? NT by Dan Driedelberg Yesterday, 2:09pm PST NEW
                        No yelling NT by Lars Yesterday, 8:49pm PST NEW
    Nobody cared about this by until... 12/31/2024, 3:08pm PST NEW
        Re: Nobody cared about this by laudablepuss 12/31/2024, 4:48pm PST NEW
            It started with the Hitchens and Dawkins nerds by Trenchcoat atheist 01/01/2025, 1:33am PST NEW
                In retrospect, the MRA stuff was probably Lawrence Krauss covering his own ass. by Mischief Maker 01/01/2025, 4:52pm PST NEW
                    First result for "Lawrence Krauss" by until... 01/01/2025, 9:50pm PST NEW
        I once read a personal account from a guy who was circumcised in his early 20s by Rafiki 01/01/2025, 10:37am PST NEW
            Right, it's settled then by until... 01/01/2025, 9:42pm PST NEW
                Re: Right, it's settled then by Lars 01/01/2025, 11:20pm PST NEW
                I’m not anti-circumcision. Learn to read NT by Blackwater Yesterday, 1:53pm PST NEW
        dude, nobody brought up female genital mutilation here except for you by blackwater 01/01/2025, 6:58pm PST NEW
    I bet it's fine by Ronan Farrow 12/31/2024, 4:27pm PST NEW
    It's not wrong or barbaric. by laudablepuss 12/31/2024, 4:47pm PST NEW
        We have Israel to thank for the procedure. NT by Niles 12/31/2024, 10:18pm PST NEW
            Re: We have Israel to thank for the procedure. by Dan Driedelberg 01/01/2025, 7:47am PST NEW
                cmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmon by cmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmo Yesterday, 4:58pm PST NEW
    Re: Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Mischief Maker 12/31/2024, 6:22pm PST NEW
    A foreskin is like a built-in fleshlight. You can pry mine from my cold dead NT by Mysterio Yesterday, 5:07pm PST NEW
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