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Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 1:56pm PDT
kyrie derbingle wrote:

Anyway, in 2014 I moved back to my home state and needed to purge a lot of stuff. The 3DO had to go, but I needed to play it one more time, so I dug it and my old 13” tube tv out of the closet, hooked up the original rf adapter, and the damn thing worked like new. Thing was a fucking tank, it’s still probably sitting unclaimed in a Salvation Army store somewhere.

Anyhoo, sorry the universe and Ebay Guy have it in for you. :(

Thanks, pal. I think I'm gonna call this one and give it to 3D0 over the Jaguar. Enough time has elapsed.

I apparently have a Jaguar power supply on the way that is going to fix the situation but I'm not getting my hopes up. :(

A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 8:12am PDT NEW
    Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by kyrie derbingle 08/13/2019, 11:05am PDT NEW
        Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 1:56pm PDT NEW
    The best thing about the Jaguar is that you can call it “the Jag” NT by The Angry Video Game Turd 12/13/2019, 11:46pm PST NEW
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    Some homegrown games now available as paid downloads by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:51am PST NEW
        Homebrew. Not homegrown. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:52am PST NEW
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