Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by kyrie derbingle 08/13/2019, 11:05am PDT
I bought a Panasonic 3DO back in ‘94 or ‘95 in college. The CD drive crapped out after about a year, so I sent it in with a sob story about being a poor student who packed up all my belongings and travelled cross country between terms and so had no receipt, then threw in a bit of slobber about what a great company Panasonic is. They replaced and shipped it back for free.

Fast forward—graduated, got married, moved across the country, started a family, bought and replaced several other consoles, but kept and continued playing the 3DO for years, mostly because back when I bought it, I had to go with something like 6 meals a week to offset its stupidly high purchase price (and this was even after the initial price drop...I think something like $800 -> $600?) You don’t just toss something that caused that much trauma out with old banana peels and unwanted puppies, y’know?

Anyway, in 2014 I moved back to my home state and needed to purge a lot of stuff. The 3DO had to go, but I needed to play it one more time, so I dug it and my old 13” tube tv out of the closet, hooked up the original rf adapter, and the damn thing worked like new. Thing was a fucking tank, it’s still probably sitting unclaimed in a Salvation Army store somewhere.

Anyhoo, sorry the universe and Ebay Guy have it in for you. :(
A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 8:12am PDT NEW
    Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by kyrie derbingle 08/13/2019, 11:05am PDT NEW
        Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 1:56pm PDT NEW
    The best thing about the Jaguar is that you can call it “the Jag” NT by The Angry Video Game Turd 12/13/2019, 11:46pm PST NEW
        Let's make this a video game site again. NT by Dick Clownshoes 12/19/2019, 12:44pm PST NEW
            Homophobic Dogwhistles, -15 demerits NT by Bradley Svedka 12/19/2019, 9:25pm PST NEW
    Some homegrown games now available as paid downloads by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:51am PST NEW
        Homebrew. Not homegrown. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:52am PST NEW
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