Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
I was disappointed by the shift towards polished linearity in Baldur's Gate II. by Jerry Whorebach 10/04/2013, 3:58am PDT
It seemed like once you started a quest chain in BGII, you'd visit the associated field maps in a more or less set order, and the maps themselves were designed more like thinly-disguised dungeons - long corridors with scripted encounters between entrance and exit - than actual locations. It felt more like a collection of published adventures, whereas BGI felt more like one of those big wilderness crawls, the kind that give you a single large map subdivided into hexes with maybe a page of description detailing terrain features and points of interest for each one.

Perhaps it's a personal thing. In the ideal D&D game that exists in my mind, the most complex part of dungeoneering would be locating the dungeons based on clues gleaned from folktales and archaeology; tracking monsters would involve researching their ecology to identify potential sources of food and anything else they need (water? shelter? heat?), combing the sites of their attacks for game trails or clues to their behaviour; disarming traps would entail examining the mechanisms with an understanding of the physical principles by which they operate. Obviously a "game" like this would be LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to make on a computer, and probably even harder to make fun, so I'll just stick to Ridge Racer and Lumines and leave CRPGs to people who actually enjoy the various systems and tropes associated with the genre as it exists today (nerds).

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:

(Best tactics in video games - Baldur's Gate 2 and BioShock.)

The idiot in me wants to ask "WHAT MAKES BALDUR'S GATE II MORE TACTICAL THAN [insert title of any comparable game, let's say CLOSE COMBAT]?" But the idiot savant in me understands that more tactical != better. The fact that you had more fun with BGII is all the proof you need for this assertion, because that's the whole fucking point of games. The ultimate argument against Close Combat might very well be that a reasonable person could fail to even make it all the way to the end of the box copy before unceremoniously dumping it back on the shelf at Babbages, now suffering from a case of terminal boredom only curable by ten minutes of Blazing Lazers on the TurboGrafx-16 demo unit outside.

That being said, the real-time D&D combat in any Infinity Engine game is still objectively terrible, like Command & Conquer with six units and a panic button on the space bar.
Games you skipped for dumb/idiosyncratic reasons by Jerry Whorebach 10/02/2013, 10:45pm PDT NEW
    The Baldur's Gate series still makes me writhe in ambivalence. by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 12:02am PDT NEW
        The reading was always the worst part of Baldur's Gate. by Jerry Whorebach 10/03/2013, 1:10am PDT NEW
            My problem was I got ahold of Torment first, and that skewed expectations foreve by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 4:03am PDT NEW
            Re: The reading was always the worst part of Baldur's Gate. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:12am PDT NEW
                You know you can use mods to play BG1 in the BG2 engine, right? In case it helps by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 10:54am PDT NEW
                    You know you can use mods to play BG1 in the BG2 engine, right? In case it helps by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 11:59am PDT NEW
                        Torment by Cannibal Dave 10/04/2013, 5:30pm PDT NEW
                    Whatever happened to fucking newbie? NT by Eury 05/12/2024, 9:37pm PDT NEW
                        Got sick of your whining and left NT by back to sucking my cock! 05/13/2024, 2:40am PDT NEW
                            Nobody here whines. You seem sad and lonely, tbh NT by Eury 05/13/2024, 11:54am PDT NEW
                        He transitioned from newbie to oldfag by blackwater 05/13/2024, 10:35am PDT NEW
                            only in that I used more swearing per post than a 4chan user by fucking newbie 05/13/2024, 11:31pm PDT NEW
                                You are a valuable member of this forum. Thank you for reading. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/14/2024, 8:01am PDT NEW
                Arguably the dialogue writing in New Vegas rendered F3 unplayable. Not that it NT by was the only thing - fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 11:05am PDT NEW
                I was disappointed by the shift towards polished linearity in Baldur's Gate II. by Jerry Whorebach 10/04/2013, 3:58am PDT NEW
                    I was disappointed by the shift towards polished linearity in Baldur's Gate II. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/08/2013, 3:43pm PDT NEW
    I didn't give Unreal a chance because I was a Quake Man. by Fussbett 10/03/2013, 6:42am PDT NEW
        Hey Paul, what do you think about the Civilization series of games? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:23am PDT NEW
            Brian, DON'T! NT by Stewie 10/03/2013, 9:24am PDT NEW
            I don't think about the Civilization series of games. I have never played them. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/08/2013, 5:49pm PDT NEW
            And unlike Peter Griffin, I don't think 'bird' is the word. Grease is the word. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/09/2013, 8:47pm PDT NEW
        As a fellow Quake partisan, I can confirm you made the right choice. by (Especially w/r/t Civilization.) 10/04/2013, 4:08am PDT NEW
    Anything Link / Zelda by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:22am PDT NEW
        Well, I fucked that up right quick. Delete my post above in response to yours pl NT by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 10:59am PDT NEW
            edit function please! by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 12:09pm PDT NEW
                Make sure they're not talking about Enhanced Edition, which takes away the old f by eel & replaces it with a goatfuck. 10/03/2013, 3:09pm PDT NEW
                    So that's what happened to my goat while you guys had it. Sick fucks. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/09/2013, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                        Quit trying to be funny, fatso. NT by Mysterio 10/09/2013, 10:43pm PDT NEW
    My AC reluctance reason by fabio 10/03/2013, 1:31pm PDT NEW
    Re: Games you skipped for dumb/idiosyncratic reasons by Entropy Stew 10/04/2013, 12:19pm PDT NEW
        I wasn't even aware of the virtual reality thing before playing the game by Eurotrash 10/04/2013, 9:15pm PDT NEW
            Re: I wasn't even aware of the virtual reality thing before playing the game by fabio 10/04/2013, 11:16pm PDT NEW
                I forgot there were that many. Plus loading. *cries a little* by Eurotrash 10/05/2013, 2:16am PDT NEW
                    Re: I forgot there were that many. Plus loading. *cries a little* by Souffle of Pain 10/06/2013, 10:57am PDT NEW
                        Another problem I had: did AC sequels improve the combat any? by Entropy Stew 10/07/2013, 11:17am PDT NEW
                            Re: Another problem I had: did AC sequels improve the combat any? by fabio 10/07/2013, 9:44pm PDT NEW
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