Where's the posts about Louis CK's new special? by Jhohward n Jsostein 12/10/2011, 10:16am PST
He's just selling this himself for 5 bucks as a download by Entropy Stew 12/10/2011, 11:50am PST
Whaaat, you don't love Louis CK? NT by Louis CK 12/10/2011, 1:54pm PST
mp4, 1.2GB, it'll be a while... by jeep 12/10/2011, 3:35pm PST
I'm a fan of his and this is the first I heard of it by jeep 12/10/2011, 3:41pm PST
Just listen to O&A on a regular basis there solved you're welcome. 8( NT by Jhohward n Jsostein 12/14/2011, 6:40pm PST
Re: Where's the posts about Louis CK's new special? by Lurker 56498 12/11/2011, 2:29am PST
Re: Where's the posts about Louis CK's new special? by Last 12/11/2011, 9:19am PST
it was really good NT by jeep 12/11/2011, 9:26am PST
Thanks for the heads-up. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/11/2011, 10:36am PST
He's doing an AMA on reddit right now by Vested Id 12/12/2011, 12:31pm PST
Dedicated to Patrice O'Neal NT by Mischief Maker 12/13/2011, 10:44pm PST
What I got for opting in to emails by Entropy Stew 12/15/2011, 9:39am PST
Goddammit, I opted out and now you all get to be pals with Louie C.K. NT by Fuck. 12/15/2011, 11:35am PST
Re: What I got for opting in to emails by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2011, 12:07pm PST
Re: What I got for opting in to emails by E. L. Koba 12/15/2011, 11:25pm PST
Re: What I got for opting in to emails by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/15/2011, 11:55pm PST
Should have been "famous comedian" by Fullofkittens 12/16/2011, 3:43am PST
I didn't get it yet and now I'm jealous NT by up with pod people 12/15/2011, 1:41pm PST
other comedians are gonna have a hard time scaling that by jeep 12/16/2011, 1:51pm PST
Wouldn't scale be on the side of comedians here by Vested Id 12/17/2011, 1:38am PST
A million bucks by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/30/2012, 10:38pm PDT