Posted on September 8, 2017, 11:39 PM, by Mischief Maker, under
Everybody should try the Ys series, and The Oath in Felghana is the best place to start. If I were to sum up the Ys series in a single word, it would be “speed.” Ys has mirrored the Zelda series by taking a few core gameplay concepts and experimenting with different genres over the years. […]
Posted on September 19, 2014, 8:29 AM, by Worm, under
Our Heroine Yumemi I feel like in deciding to review Planetarian I may have bit off more than I can chew. Planetarian came out back in 2004 and received a fan translation in 2005. It only recently received a licensed translation because some increased interest in Japanese Visual Novel games has made them somewhat profitable […]