Posted on August 21, 2011, 6:12 PM, by Ice Cream Jonsey, under
I never bought River City Ransom for the Nintendo Entertainment System because I thought it took place in Venice, and I was raised xenophobe. Hung over and barfing, I am literally the perfect target audience for the Cable Brothers, who are answering the question “Does River City Ransom pass the test of time?” Comments? Join […]
Posted on August 15, 2011, 8:40 AM, by Ice Cream Jonsey, under
Does Deus Ex stand the test of time? It’s an honest question. Some would say “no” because they never cared for it in the first place. Others might say no just because of the dated graphics, but there’s a high definition texture pack for Deus Ex. The Cable Bruddas started a thread last summer where […]