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Week and a Half Review: **** out of **** by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/12/2009, 12:19am PDT
Nobody calls me, so I can't speak to what it's like making or taking calls.

Positives: / music integration. I realized a few years ago that it was simply easier for me to buy any and all video games I found myself interested in, rather than attempt to pirate them. (The final straw was when some group suggested I unplug the IDE cable to one of my drives.) Music - singles at least - are getting to be the same way for me because of this phone. I hate iTunes, as all right-thinking people should, but I really like getting a good song to pop-up in, making note of it, then listening to it a couple more times on the band's website or Youtube or something, and then just buying it. The bands I like are all broke (this isn't a hipster thing: they're kids and are untalented and broke; I certainly was at their age) (I mean to say I was both untalented AND broke, for purposes of clarification) so the idea that a few pennies get scattered their way is pleasing hmm yes.

App store. I really like browsing the free apps when I don't have anything else to do. This thing is going to pay for itself by lowering my blood pressure. I'm not saying that Colorado is a "slow" state, action-packed with the functionally retarded or anything, but I frequently find myself fantasizing about spree killing the people who get into the self-scan checkout line, which ceased being a good idea in this country a couple years ago. And not just because of the customers! The entire setup is horrible from a comp sci and design standpoint. Now, I spend that time downloading, like, a level for my iPhone. Not a level for a video game, but an actual level.

GUIs in general. They're just good on the thing, and it makes trying to go back to shitty GUIs even more painful than they are just on their own as shitty GUIs. My work computer is four years old, and now's not a real good time to be the squeaky wheel asking for a new one. It's already outdated and slow, having to deal with what Microsoft or Eclipse thinks is a workable user interface has become more frustrating since getting this phone.

WiFi. The thing is constantly trying to put me on a secure, wireless connection. I don't have any WEP keys. I'm not going to suddenly get some, either. I know I can turn this "feature" off, but ... well, there is no "but," this is a fairly weak complaint.

Suggested words for text messages: I texted the woman I'm a little sweet on today and was making fun of my own cooking. I wanted to use the word "delish," in order to sarcastically berate the "curry" I recently "made." The phone suggested "relish," instead. Since I was done typing the word I wanted, I hit the space bar... which in turn accepts the suggestion. I only caught it because the only pleasure currently in my life is the mild rush I get off reading my own posts/texts before submitting them, but look Apple people: you have no idea what kind of stress I am under, trying to make this, all of this, work. Don't get in my fucking way with text messages.

Custom text message "ring tones." To do this, Christ. I've got to get my phone attached to a wireless network (which I don't have at home), find the IP address, then FTP in and upload a new sound clip with the same name as one of the ones already in there. If the phone had tachyon support, I'd text this debacle of a process back to 1984 when they were making that Super Bowl ad, and (etc.) There's no way I'm doing this twice, so I'm paralyzed with fear until I can find a text message alert that I can stand to listen to for the rest of my life. I'm going to have to go into a Starbucks to get a free WiFi connection to pull this off, so if it helps anyone out there, you can imagine every single pretentious pile of shit sitting in a Starbucks, waving their iPhone around like some sort of prick, has cat-5 cable strewn all over their house.

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!
Has anyone enjoyed owning an iPhone? by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/26/2009, 3:42pm PST NEW
    Re: Has anyone enjoyed owning an iPhone? by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/26/2009, 3:57pm PST NEW
        Re: Has anyone enjoyed owning an iPhone? by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/26/2009, 4:02pm PST NEW
            Re: Has anyone enjoyed owning an iPhone? by I need clarification 02/26/2009, 5:30pm PST NEW
                The 3G networks of AT&T and T-Mobile are incompatible by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 02/26/2009, 6:01pm PST NEW
                I get back in two days, I'll be on AIM properly then NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/27/2009, 7:48am PST NEW
                    You could probably be on AIM more with an iPhone. ^_^ by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/27/2009, 7:57am PST NEW
                        She says it has an AIM application which is free. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/27/2009, 8:11am PST NEW
                            As long as you have an unlimited data plan, yes by Fussbett 02/27/2009, 9:36am PST NEW
                                Are you kidding? That is clearly made-up. NT by NURRR, OUR SISTER'S NAME IS BLERTHA 02/27/2009, 10:16am PST NEW
                                    Their sisters, Lursa and Ba'tor NT by laudablepuss 02/27/2009, 10:26am PST NEW
                                Also Devera, Mary and Tandy. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/27/2009, 11:30am PST NEW
                                    Like Crumb's sisters, they declined to participate in this documentary. NT by D'orion 02/27/2009, 12:19pm PST NEW
                                    Dverea, Mard and Tandd NT by Fussbett 02/27/2009, 12:22pm PST NEW
                                        No come on that's just ridiculous (what). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/27/2009, 12:42pm PST NEW
                                No longer available :( NT by Fortinbras 06/05/2010, 4:44am PDT NEW
        They're all over here, many people seem to love them by CO2 02/26/2009, 4:49pm PST NEW
    Re: Has anyone enjoyed owning an iPhone? by QuĂ©tinbec 02/26/2009, 5:34pm PST NEW
    one of our sisters has one, shes a big macfag and uses macs in her job (lawl?) by Weyoun Voidbringer 02/26/2009, 5:38pm PST NEW
        The fatal flaw in our iPhone plan: what about people who never go outside? NT by Steve Jobs 02/26/2009, 6:23pm PST NEW
            they get to save a ton of money hey steve how's that CANCER coming along? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 02/26/2009, 6:32pm PST NEW
        one of our sisters has one, shes a big macfag and uses macs in her job (lawl?) by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/27/2009, 9:24am PST NEW
            Psh any second you get on AIM sure (HM WHERE ARE YOU I DON'T SEE YOU) NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/27/2009, 11:34am PST NEW
            how many of your micro$loth xbawks funbucks mspoints is it worth to you? (send s NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 02/28/2009, 9:41pm PST NEW
    I sell them by Vested Id 02/26/2009, 7:55pm PST NEW
        Re: I sell them by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/26/2009, 8:19pm PST NEW
        Re: I sell them by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/27/2009, 7:51am PST NEW
            Maybe you should AIM me! NT by I need clarification 02/27/2009, 12:08pm PST NEW
                INC needs ICJ's love and affection?! NT by What 02/27/2009, 12:14pm PST NEW
            Re: I sell them by QuĂ©tinbec 02/28/2009, 1:26am PST NEW
            Re: I sell them by Vested Id 02/28/2009, 9:35pm PST NEW
                Put a ringfence around this one STAT by Caltrops Biohazard Team Zeta 03/01/2009, 12:07am PST NEW
                You have SOLD me on the iPhone by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/01/2009, 6:36pm PST NEW
                    Re: You have SOLD me on the iPhone by Vested Id 03/02/2009, 12:44am PST NEW
                    Sheesh, at least go to Best Buy if you're a rewards zone member it's cheaper now NT by I need clarification 03/02/2009, 1:29pm PST NEW
                        ALSO YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MANY INCREDIBLE OFFERS SUCH AS THE BLOO BLEE ETC NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/02/2009, 1:45pm PST NEW
                            I got it yesterday. It's great. Thanks everyone. Thanks VID! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/03/2009, 9:38am PST NEW
    It's a perfect little gestapo Apple universe where all the trains run on time by Entropy Stew 02/26/2009, 8:16pm PST NEW
    Week and a Half Review: **** out of **** by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/12/2009, 12:19am PDT NEW
        I think you can type "delish" unhindered if you set your prefs to "woman/faggot" NT by Fussbett 03/12/2009, 1:42pm PDT NEW
            In my defense, I had expected this Apple product to be defaulted to that. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/12/2009, 1:53pm PDT NEW
        Congratulations to the new girl. Now give yourself thumbs up in a mirror!! NT by Last 03/12/2009, 1:54pm PDT NEW
        Settings > Wifi > Ask to join networks > OFF by Entropy Stew 03/12/2009, 2:29pm PDT NEW
    I've enjoyed owning an iPhone by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2009, 3:05am PDT NEW
        Not pictured: cool phosphor screen refresh effect, 16yo girls picked up via FB NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 08/13/2009, 10:31am PDT NEW
            Is there an app for that? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/13/2009, 11:03am PDT NEW
        and he's got... horn rim glasses NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/13/2009, 12:33pm PDT NEW
        I do not approve of this less than 10mb download limit NT by iFortinbras 11/18/2009, 4:43pm PST NEW
        UPDATE: the iPhone drives me crazy and aggravates me. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2010, 1:00pm PDT NEW
            Re: UPDATE: the iPhone drives me crazy and aggravates me. by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/05/2010, 1:29pm PDT NEW
                Re: UPDATE: the iPhone drives me crazy and aggravates me. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2010, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                    Re: UPDATE: the iPhone drives me crazy and aggravates me. by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/05/2010, 3:43pm PDT NEW
                        Re: UPDATE: the iPhone drives me crazy and aggravates me. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2010, 4:35pm PDT NEW
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