by Choson 03/09/2009, 3:15pm PDT |
After slogging through two seasons of Mad Men, led on by mostly dumb people who claimed it was a terrific show, only to realize I was the dumbest person, I finally discover AMC's other series by reading a Globe and Mail article about the second season that started on Sunday. A quick assist from BT and I powered through the first season (seven episodes, shortened due to the writer's strike) in two days. For the most part, it's some of the best, funniest television I've seen in a while. I also liked some of the stylistic stuff they were doing early on in the season, like starting the second episode immediately following the first and then rewinding to an earlier time to flesh out some of the stuff that wasn't shown in the first episode. The main cast is really good, but some of the actors playing Mexican gangsters seem kind of lightweight. Anyone else know about this show already? |
Breaking Bad: amazing by Choson 03/09/2009, 3:15pm PDT 
Re: Breaking Bad: amazing by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/19/2010, 12:34pm PDT 
I hate AMC by laudablepuss 06/19/2010, 2:00pm PDT 
AMC hasn't meant anything for nearly a decade by Siskel and Ebert 06/19/2010, 9:39pm PDT 
I deleted this partway through S1E3 by Ray of Light 06/20/2010, 4:06am PDT 
Re: I deleted this partway through S1E3 by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/21/2010, 7:43pm PDT 
Re: I deleted this partway through S1E3 by Vested Id 06/21/2010, 8:40pm PDT 
that's a mistake, it gets progressively more awesome through that first season by jeep 06/21/2010, 8:50pm PDT 
Just to submarine this entire thread, and also, I hate you people. by Pinback 06/21/2010, 11:44pm PDT 
I watched the entire show all the way up to last week by Sword of Justice 06/22/2010, 10:46am PDT 
Ray's opinion NT by the worst show ever made. 06/22/2010, 1:12pm PDT 
Yeah, that scene sucks. by Fussbett 06/24/2010, 8:58pm PDT 
Re: Yeah, that scene sucks. by Mysterious Stranger 06/24/2010, 9:39pm PDT 
Re: Yeah, that scene sucks. by Fussbett 06/24/2010, 11:02pm PDT 
Re: Yeah, that scene sucks. by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/24/2010, 11:47pm PDT 
Re: Yeah, that scene sucks. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/25/2010, 7:09am PDT 
You've actually just improved the scene! by Fussbett 06/25/2010, 9:02am PDT 
Just started watching it by Mischief Maker 03/28/2011, 4:47pm PDT 
Re: Just started watching it by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/29/2011, 8:46pm PDT 
I only saw the first few episodes but I very much liked it. ^_^ by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/22/2010, 2:47am PDT 
Re: I only saw the first few episodes but I very much liked it. ^_^ by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/23/2010, 10:02pm PDT 
The Breaking Badifier by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/23/2010, 5:50pm PDT 
Re: The Breaking Badifier by Mysterious Stranger 06/24/2010, 7:15pm PDT 
dvds finally arrived. 4 eps in. THANKS FOR REC. NT by up with pod people 08/10/2010, 11:08pm PDT 
unreal by Mysterio 02/06/2011, 6:52pm PST 