Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
the ramblomatic review is positive (game's been out one day) fuckem by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/14/2008, 9:23am PST
the ramblomatic review is positive (game's been out one day) fuckem NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/14/2008, 9:23am PST NEW
    You mean Escapist. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/14/2008, 9:41am PST NEW
        hold on, let's see what wromg has to say NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/14/2008, 10:24am PST NEW
            Your trolling is cleverly disguised as you totally fagging out, I won't bite! NT by Worm 11/14/2008, 10:47am PST NEW
                I WON'T BITE THIS TROLL IS TOO OBVIOUS YOU FOOL *bites* NT by biting person 11/14/2008, 10:49am PST NEW
                    oh wait you're really fagging out NT by Worm 11/14/2008, 10:59am PST NEW
                        wrom, the arbiter of levelheadedness. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/14/2008, 1:54pm PST NEW
            haha,"wronmg", we get it, wow, you're unreadable and tedious, spam more threads NT by helpful advice 11/14/2008, 11:15am PST NEW
                you didn't even spell it right NT by biting person 11/14/2008, 11:28am PST NEW
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