Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
They released the 3.0 patch. All 1.2GB of it by Rafiki 10/16/2008, 12:19am PDT
Changes I've noticed in 15 minutes:

-New talents, obviously.
-The queery achievement window. They even ruin everything by having a "The Cake is a Lie" achievement. I'm also some kind of poopsocker, because they have a complete 2000 quests achievement and it's tracked me at 1813/2000 before the expansion.
-Mounts and vanity pets are now learned abilities so they don't take up inventory, the tab for them is on the character sheet.
-They reorganized the reputation tab
-They added an option for more detailed shadows. Shadows for you, everyone else, and enemies, now real-time instead of the generic blob. Objects in the world also cast more realistic shadows. At the highest setting this can cut my performance by like 30-40%. I would not recommend this if you have a crappy video card, because it's dropping the framerate into the 20s in high-traffic areas.
-They seem to have redone the lighting a little by adding light sources, probably for the new shadows. Not so much noticeable in Shattrath, but noticeable in UC, outside at night, and extremely noticeable in places like nStrath-dead.
-You get a combat text message about what target an enemy is attacking. For example, as a shaman if something's attacking you and you drop Stoneclaw Totem, when it taunts a message appears over the enemy that says, "Changed target!." If something switches to attack you, you get a message that says, "Attacking you!."
-They remodeled Lady Sylvanas and Varimathras. Sylvanas is now normal-sized, in skimpier clothing, and sporting hunter gear.
-New abilities from tradeskills. Herbalists get a HoT for 1200 over 5 seconds at max level at 70. Skinners get 15 crit rating, miners get a health increase, and alchemists get a buff to anything they drink that they can make.

I haven't had time to play much with the new talents, but so far it looks like there's no reason to spec into the restoration tree as enhancement shaman anymore. The +hit talent is gone, and deep in the enhancement tree you get a talent that, when maxed, makes all of your healing spells (and elemental) instant cast. The new top tier enhancement talent Spirit Wolves also has a pet bar for some reason, even though they only last for 45 seconds.

WoW also still has the best user interface. Warhammer doesn't even come close, but then WoW has had 4 years to refine it.
They released the 3.0 patch. All 1.2GB of it by Rafiki 10/16/2008, 12:19am PDT NEW
    Correction: "The Cake is Not a Lie" NT by Rafiki 10/16/2008, 12:21am PDT NEW
        wowfags are so pathetic and stupid they probably won't even get that NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/16/2008, 9:10am PDT NEW
            They put vendors on all the transportation. Four years too late. NT by Fortinbras 10/16/2008, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                the game has been in development since about the time frozen throne was released NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/25/2008, 7:23am PDT NEW
    WoW's infinitely hackable interface is genius NT by Entropy Stew 10/16/2008, 2:50am PDT NEW
    some improvements that should have been made years ago by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/16/2008, 6:14am PDT NEW
    wow has the best UI... by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/16/2008, 6:22am PDT NEW
        Re: wow has the best UI... by Rafiki 10/16/2008, 10:54am PDT NEW
            Re: wow has the best UI... by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/16/2008, 10:59am PDT NEW
                I agree by Rafiki 10/16/2008, 11:12am PDT NEW
    They finally buffed classes that were disasters for years. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/16/2008, 9:55am PDT NEW
        Re: They finally buffed classes that were disasters for years. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/16/2008, 5:44pm PDT NEW
            Re: They finally buffed classes that were disasters for years. by Entropy Stew 10/16/2008, 6:50pm PDT NEW
                And quest text and NPC dialog and patch notes. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/16/2008, 6:52pm PDT NEW
                    They're only following my lead by J.R.R. Tolkein 10/16/2008, 11:55pm PDT NEW
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