Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
feel free to clutch yourself in anticipation of a game site review of shit by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/15/2008, 6:02am PDT
we might look up from our game of L4D at around that time and see if you are still breathing

or we might not, but hey L4D doesn't force anyone to stay in the game all day just to make a tiny advancement so don't get too full of yourself if we provide you with the tiniest amount of attention
wrote a review on gamespit's website by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/14/2008, 2:18pm PDT NEW
    "(blizzard) want(s) to hurt their customers (my feelings)" This looks gay to me. by Worm 09/14/2008, 2:34pm PDT NEW
        wrom needs another post explained to him. Good job wrom. NT by wrom post watcher 09/14/2008, 3:12pm PDT NEW
            So far I only need Jso posts explained to me as much as his twin brother does. NT by Worm 09/14/2008, 3:16pm PDT NEW
                Neither one of them needs to explain any posts to you because you're dumb. NT by wrom post watcher 09/14/2008, 3:18pm PDT NEW
        not enough child dismemberment rape scat fetishism for wromg I guess by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/14/2008, 3:23pm PDT NEW
            Being hurt by a video game makes you a faggot. NT by Worm 09/14/2008, 3:28pm PDT NEW
                Yeah wrom definitely lost track of the point of the post there. NT by wrom post watcher 09/14/2008, 4:17pm PDT NEW
    "Time Spent: 40-100 hours" = "my opinion, like my time, is worthless" NT by Jerry Whorebach 09/14/2008, 5:48pm PDT NEW
        Better let Fussbett know his opinion is worthless for playing BF2142 so much. by wrom post watcher 09/14/2008, 6:23pm PDT NEW
            I'll let him know as soon as he reveals how fursecuted BF2142 makes him feel. NT by (in a gamespot reader review) 09/14/2008, 6:54pm PDT NEW
                WEEEEEELL I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WANTED TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE DISCUSSION MR HELPER NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/14/2008, 8:47pm PDT NEW
            830 hours NT by Ray of Light 09/14/2008, 7:43pm PDT NEW
            Spending time on games you enjoy is within the purview of normal people. NT by Anonymous 09/14/2008, 11:26pm PDT NEW
                How about spending time on a game you hate? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/14/2008, 11:29pm PDT NEW
                    Not so much, no :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 09/14/2008, 11:31pm PDT NEW
                        Have the Cable brothers tried Eve? Honest question. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/15/2008, 1:40am PDT NEW
                            no, I heard it was a huge waste of time NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/15/2008, 3:45am PDT NEW
                                You get a mount right away though, so already you're ahead in Eve. NT by Fussbett 09/15/2008, 10:47am PDT NEW
                                    I dunno if having a mount was the most important part NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/15/2008, 11:12am PDT NEW
        jerry and wrom both want to defend a shitty game, engage in blizzguzzling by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/15/2008, 2:29am PDT NEW
            Can't wait for your gamespot review of Wrath of the Lich King, cya in 40 to 100! NT by Worm 09/15/2008, 4:27am PDT NEW
                feel free to clutch yourself in anticipation of a game site review of shit by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/15/2008, 6:02am PDT NEW
                    You're so fucking over WoW. I don't know what I was even thinking. NT by Worm 09/15/2008, 6:18am PDT NEW
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