Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Square creates 18+ hour boss fight, poopsockers find their limit. by The Happiness Engine 08/13/2008, 1:22pm PDT
some fags wrote:

People were passing out and getting physically ill. We decided to end it before we risked turning into a horrible new story about how video games ruin people’s lives.
Square creates 18+ hour boss fight, poopsockers find their limit. by The Happiness Engine 08/13/2008, 1:22pm PDT NEW
    They just haven't found the right sock. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/13/2008, 1:48pm PDT NEW
    Just in case the retarded link method of fagmaster is unclear by Zsenitan 08/13/2008, 3:03pm PDT NEW
        the retarded link method in common use for years by The Happiness Engine 08/14/2008, 10:43pm PDT NEW
    technically there is no limit, these aren't even human beings by Grumah 08/13/2008, 8:16pm PDT NEW
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