In this thread, I will make statements that no one should disagree with NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:29am PDT 
Dinosaur Comics is by far the best web comic of all-time, no other ones are clos NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:30am PDT 
I almost agree ... but Achewood :( NT by Bunyip 08/05/2008, 6:01pm PDT 
The last 18 months have made Bunyip look pretty dumb for saying this. NT by a fairy princess 02/26/2010, 6:23pm PST 
I have had reason to wish it was further down the thread. NT by Bunyip 02/28/2010, 3:35pm PST 
Kasabian has the best haircuts in rock NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/05/2011, 10:15am PDT 
Warlords is the greatest Atari 2600 game ever, NOT River Raid, as sometimes said NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:31am PDT 
I agree with this statement. NT by Hans Clastorp 08/05/2008, 11:38am PDT 
A competitive eating game will work on only two platforms: Wii and Arcade NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:31am PDT 
No one wants to code for shitty piss 3 anyway. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/05/2008, 6:14pm PDT 
The Kotaku review video for this will be amazing. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/18/2008, 1:19pm PDT 
Had the Toronto Blue Jays been an NL team, they would have won the WS in 2007 NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:32am PDT 
It was not impossible to make Caltrops loginless. It was impossible to do it oth NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:34am PDT 
Actually you could have logins but still post ano - SHIT by Entropy Stew, R.S.S. 08/05/2008, 3:37pm PDT 
Well, yeah, and Rapture could have technically been built in Africa, BUT STILL. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 5:25pm PDT 
The Twilight Zone is the greatest pinball game ever made NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 11:37am PDT 
No, Cyclo WHOOPS by I need clarification 08/05/2008, 12:35pm PDT 
It's better than The Addams Family? by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 08/05/2008, 12:49pm PDT 
Yes. NT by Fussbett 08/05/2008, 1:25pm PDT 
Re: Yes. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/07/2008, 2:38am PDT 
Geez get a room by bombMexico 08/17/2008, 1:01pm PDT 
We're living in a world where it is less embarrassing to be Jubilee than "the NT by ball"? REALLY? Ice Cream Jonsey 08/17/2008, 1:25pm PDT 
Socially, pinball's up there with lawn darts is all i'm saying. by bombMexico 08/17/2008, 1:51pm PDT 
You can judge me. *You* may judge me. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/17/2008, 2:43pm PDT 
not having permission to judge was the only thing holding me back by bombMexico 08/17/2008, 6:09pm PDT 
Re: not having permission to judge was the only thing holding me back by Sadakichi Hartmann 08/17/2008, 9:46pm PDT 
Robot Hooker: The game NT by mark 08/17/2008, 10:31pm PDT 
Bride of Pinbot by Mischief Maker 08/31/2008, 9:42am PDT 
This forum used to be so fucking good. No wonder I posted here. by Jerry Whorebach 08/13/2020, 10:43pm PDT 
Yep. It used to be great. Then you guys all left. NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/14/2020, 3:09am PDT 
Re: Geez get a room by Mischief Maker 08/18/2008, 10:34am PDT 
We should have tags for embedding webcomics directly into the subject line. NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/18/2008, 10:51am PDT 
Apple would have won if the first Mac was backwards compatible with the //e NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 10:00pm PDT 
The health constantly decreasing in Gauntlet killed off arcades, not home consol NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 10:03pm PDT 
The PC version of Lode Runner was the best because it did NOT use a joystick NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2008, 10:05pm PDT 
Destructivator is fucking awesome and anyone who disagrees is a whiny shit by Mischief Maker 08/07/2008, 6:07pm PDT 
Last one: Debaser by the Pixies is the greatest side one track one of all-time NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/08/2008, 1:51pm PDT 
You had a good posting run here. It couldn't have lasted forever. NT by Smells Like Teen Spirit 08/08/2008, 2:57pm PDT 
Hm that song wasn't really that good. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/08/2008, 3:09pm PDT 
It was an excellent song! Especially the parts that sound just like "U-Mass" NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/08/2008, 4:31pm PDT 
Was it better than Debaser? Yes. NT by Smells Like Teen Spirit 08/17/2008, 9:30pm PDT 
I don't listen to SOFT ASS SHIT. 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/17/2008, 11:31pm PDT 
Can Debaser have its guitar and drum parts back when SLTS is done w/ them? NT by Even Cobain Admits Rip-off 08/18/2008, 11:35am PDT 
This guy seems like a sort of one-topic new poster NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/18/2008, 1:15pm PDT 
I like this argument. Is the end game that rock and roll is just the blues, rea NT by Fussbett 08/28/2008, 1:05am PDT 
In the end, didn't Chuck Barry get the idea from Marty McFly? by Mischief Maker 08/28/2008, 9:19am PDT 
Re: You had a good posting run here. It couldn't have lasted forever. by Mischief Maker 08/18/2008, 11:40am PDT 
Tying it all together by Zsenitan 08/18/2008, 12:43pm PDT 
Although this is the best album of all time, "Tired of Sex" is the best S1T1. by Fullofkittens 08/28/2008, 12:07am PDT 
You're right NT by Vested Id 08/28/2008, 2:03am PDT 
Grantland guy does an article on side 1 track 1s by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/20/2015, 9:56pm PDT 
At the Drive In - Arcarsenal NT by Entropy Stew 08/22/2015, 10:49pm PDT 
The Pianist is a better holocaust movie than Schindler's List by Jerry Whorebach 08/27/2008, 11:53pm PDT 
SSX Tricky is still the best SSX game. NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/16/2009, 11:52am PDT 
Strike that, best snowboarding game period. NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/16/2009, 11:54am PDT 
I liked SSX3 slightly more NT by Fortinbras 06/16/2009, 1:11pm PDT 
Def Jam Fight for New York is the best Def Jam game. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/16/2009, 1:11pm PDT 
Having to login to Steam and WGL to play DoW2 will be viewed dumber than IRQ NT by shit was in the DOS days - ICJ 08/04/2009, 9:53pm PDT 
Can someone explain this to a newbie? NT by Lurked, Loved, Lost 12/15/2015, 1:36pm PST 
Time has told: correct NT by Yaris 12/28/2021, 5:57pm PST 
The Jerry Orbach/Jesse L. Martin periods were the best seasons of Law and Order NT by Fortinbras 08/09/2009, 4:11pm PDT 
Any seasons without Adam Schiff should be immediately disqualified. by Jerry Whorebach 08/09/2009, 5:57pm PDT 
You didn't even like the episode where ADA Borgia gets found dead in a trunk? NT by Fortinbras 08/09/2009, 10:38pm PDT 
Ratcheting screwdrivers are awesome. by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/12/2009, 11:06pm PDT 
This will be my first cybernetic implant by Cyberstew 02/19/2013, 4:34pm PST 
Every game Brian Reynolds touches is awesome NT by Fortinbras 09/27/2009, 9:37pm PDT 
The Super Mario Bros. in Super Mario All-Stars isn't as good as the original. NT by Jerry Whorebach 01/07/2010, 5:43pm PST 
Super Mario All-Stars Wii: still broken. Reviewers: still don't know or care. by Jerry Whorebach 12/18/2010, 2:25pm PST 
Simon Parkin sounds like a bit of a gay ass motherfucker. Eurogamer indeed. NT by Eurotrash 12/18/2010, 2:54pm PST 
Irfanview has the worst icon in the history of computing. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/28/2010, 10:27pm PST 
Re: Irfanview has the worst icon in the history of computing. by Jerry Whorebach 01/28/2010, 10:56pm PST 
yes, and aaahahha. solution: change it. NT by up with pod people 01/28/2010, 11:46pm PST 
Was anyone looking for a solution? NT by It's just like a man to look for so 01/29/2010, 3:31am PST 
Re: yes, and aaahahha. solution: change it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/03/2010, 10:49am PST 
Re: yes, and aaahahha. solution: change it. by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/04/2010, 5:38pm PST 
I can't disagree with this NT by Entropy Stew 01/29/2010, 12:09am PST 
Unless you use VS for everything dev work in Windows is complete misery NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/03/2010, 9:36am PST 
I'm using Visual SlickEdit so I guess I can't disagree by Entropy Stew 02/03/2010, 10:26am PST 
YouTube is now more MTV than MTV is. NT by Noi Dau Don 02/03/2010, 4:15pm PST 
What lifestyle is YouTube selling by Vested Id 02/04/2010, 12:34am PST 
The IF Panel is going to be the only PAX East Panel that I enjoy. NT by Worm 02/04/2010, 7:29am PST 
Ice Cream Jonesy's PAX East NT by Fullofkittens 02/04/2010, 7:35am PST 
NDX East (Necrotic Drift Expo) NT by Get Limp 02/04/2010, 8:00am PST 
The fact that playing a game on Steam pauses downloads is bullshit. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/26/2010, 3:35pm PST 
it doesn't pause the downloads they still run in the background what are you stu by irony 02/26/2010, 5:59pm PST 
Re: it doesn't pause the downloads they still run in the background what are you by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/27/2010, 12:10am PST 
Because I really want some TF2 hat downloads to fuck up my ping NT by Entropy Stew 02/28/2010, 6:40pm PST 
Re: The fact that playing a game on Steam pauses downloads is bullshit. by jeep 11/28/2011, 3:58pm PST 
The term "Role-Playing Game" is vague and confusing, we should call them NT by Fantasy Adventure Games 10/13/2010, 7:43am PDT 
Every band with more than a handful of singles should have a singles compilation by Jerry Whorebach 10/16/2010, 7:45pm PDT 
Waitaminnit, Once doesn't have any B-sides! Which compo was I thinking of? NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/16/2010, 7:47pm PDT 
Twice Upon A Time? NT by McMoo 12/02/2011, 6:52am PST 
This goes double for The Smiths, The Cure, and Depeche Mode by Fullofkittens 10/16/2010, 8:05pm PDT 
You should be careful what you say to me about music... by Jerry Whorebach 10/16/2010, 8:45pm PDT 
Pet Shop Boys by Noi Dau Don 10/18/2010, 3:24am PDT 
Jsoh sings Rent to Jhoh every night before bedtime NT by discuss. 10/18/2010, 10:38pm PDT 
Crowd: PLAY WHIP IT! Mark Mothersbaugh: No. NT by Entropy Stew 10/18/2010, 8:36am PDT 
they will look up and shout, "Save us!" And I'll whisper, "no." NT by Rorschach 10/18/2010, 10:58am PDT 
That's the joke. NT by Wolfgang McRanier 11/30/2011, 8:36pm PST 
Re: This goes double for The Smiths, The Cure, and Depeche Mode by ndd 12/01/2011, 4:36pm PST 
Hmm by Fullofkittens 12/01/2011, 8:57pm PST 
In the World Series, the Designated Hitter rule should take precedence NT by Fortinbras 10/28/2010, 6:47pm PDT 
You were correct, are correct, and now it is. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/18/2024, 5:29pm PDT 
Hellraiser 2 is by far the best Hellraiser movie NT by fullofkittens 06/14/2011, 3:21pm PDT 
Well great, you broke the thread. by Mischief Maker 06/14/2011, 3:33pm PDT 
What's wrong with camp? by FoK 06/14/2011, 4:30pm PDT 
Kaitlin Olson is the finest female situation comedy actor ever. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/26/2011, 7:42pm PDT 
In order to stay thin after Halloween by Souffle of Pain 10/31/2011, 9:30pm PDT 
Re: In order to stay thin after Halloween by Vested Id 10/31/2011, 10:35pm PDT 
Throwing away perfectly good doughnuts? That's it, this thread is over. NT by I'm shutting it down. 10/31/2011, 10:55pm PDT 
People who say "bro" ironically are worse than people who use it genuinely NT by Commandment 12 11/05/2011, 12:04pm PDT 
Slapshot is terrible whenever the Hansons aren't on screen. NT by Jessica Alba 11/28/2011, 9:26am PST 
Jessica Alba sucks pussy NT by Vested Id 11/28/2011, 2:42pm PST 
The questions in Ebert's Movie Answer Man column are mostly all written by him NT by Vested Id 12/27/2011, 3:20pm PST 
16:9 is a stupid aspect ratio. NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/12/2012, 2:50pm PDT 
grok is a stupid word that no one should use NT by Rafiki 07/02/2012, 2:47pm PDT 
Power Rangers: Jungle Fury is by far the best iteration of Power Rangers. NT by Fullofkittens 02/19/2013, 3:43pm PST 
I think I subliminally put 'by far' in my own head looking at the thread. NT by But it's true. 02/19/2013, 3:47pm PST 
Five black rangers? NT by that's racist 02/19/2013, 5:10pm PST 
HTML/CSS are abysmal for layout. HTML should have been deprecated 23 years ago by Rafiki 03/04/2013, 10:18am PST 
Examples? I thought the main issue was cross-browser compliance (IE) by Entropy Stew 03/04/2013, 10:45am PST 
Everything. All things. by Rafiki 03/04/2013, 12:02pm PST 
Re: Everything. All things. by Entropy Stew 03/04/2013, 3:28pm PST 
Re: Everything. All things. by Rafiki 03/05/2013, 7:52am PST 
Haha, I didn't try this on IE9. Worked perfectly in Chrome and Firefox by Entropy Stew 03/05/2013, 11:54am PST 
Aaaand IE 10 has the moving-under problem like you said. Fuck CSS by Entropy Stew 03/05/2013, 12:22pm PST 
Re: Aaaand IE 10 has the moving-under problem like you said. Fuck CSS by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/05/2013, 7:07pm PST 
After taking classes for HTML/CSS for the first time, this post was gold by nope 06/14/2016, 6:11pm PDT 
How a CSS triangle is made by E. L. Koba 10/09/2013, 12:25pm PDT 
They will never make a better Tetris than Tetris DX. by Jerry Whorebach 04/12/2013, 9:36pm PDT 
Does that one let you "save" pieces for later? NT by MM 04/13/2013, 11:32pm PDT 
Ha ha, NO. But it does add a battery, so you can "save" your high scores! NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/14/2013, 1:29am PDT 
The blue shell in Mario Kart should be an option you can turn off. NT by Fullofkittens 04/13/2013, 8:40am PDT 
Mario Kart is a game that places fun ahead of pure competition by fabio 04/13/2013, 3:45pm PDT 
It's a good thing this thread isn't a democracy... by Jerry Whorebach 04/13/2013, 5:02pm PDT 
It's still on when you're playing single player... still more fun? by Fullofkittens 04/13/2013, 7:07pm PDT 
Re: It's still on when you're playing single player... still more fun? by fabio 04/13/2013, 9:09pm PDT 
Plenty of Fish is Okcupid for fat people NT by no chubbies 04/26/2013, 11:20pm PDT 
Anyone who starts a sentence with "You realize" is a faggot. NT by Souffle of Pain 05/25/2013, 4:14pm PDT 
Really? NT by REALLY? 05/25/2013, 4:19pm PDT 
YOU REALIZE..... NT by I am a faggot? Oh FUCK. 05/26/2013, 3:25pm PDT 
Anyone who owns a Scarface poster does not understand the point of the movie NT by The Happiness Engine 05/27/2013, 12:55am PDT 
Anyone who quotes Duval from Apocalyse Now does not understand the NT by point of the movie 05/27/2013, 12:57am PDT 
Quoting the bad guys means you didn't understand the thing you watched. NT by From Hell's heart, I st--DIDNTGETIT 05/27/2013, 2:06pm PDT 
So what was the point of the movie? NT by Eurotrash 05/27/2013, 12:29pm PDT 
The American Dream is a hollow lie. by Mischief Maker 05/27/2013, 12:39pm PDT 
The most interesting thing about Wonder Man was his jacket. by Jerry Whorebach 09/07/2013, 3:51am PDT 
I agree with this, too. NT by Souffle of Pain 10/06/2013, 10:54am PDT 
Chris Kluwe is the worst "famous gamer" since Gabe from Penny Arcade by WITTGENSTEIN 10/06/2013, 9:56am PDT 
It's true NT by Souffle of Pain 10/06/2013, 10:53am PDT 
I don't always have time for internet pity parties. What's the story here? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/07/2013, 8:58am PDT 
Streets of Rage 2 is superior to any version of Final Fight, even the arcade. NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/03/2014, 2:12pm PDT 
Street Fighter Alpha 2 should've been called Street Fighter III by Jerry Whorebach 09/06/2014, 12:20pm PDT 
The best publicity for Common Core: the examples shared by idiot parents on FB by Vested Id 09/30/2014, 10:42pm PDT 
The only point to city street sweeping is making money from parking tickets by fabio 10/27/2014, 8:34am PDT 
(I also suspect cycling zealots are to blame) by fabio 10/27/2014, 8:40am PDT 
The way postgres handles users and trusts by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/14/2014, 10:05am PST 
Gonna have to disagree. by The Happiness Engine 11/14/2014, 2:56pm PST 
I brought the issue up in BIT.TRIP.RUNNER. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/14/2014, 9:57pm PST 
*massages temples* NT by Entropy Stew 11/14/2014, 10:35pm PST 
"The Impression That I Get" is the definitive Third Wave Ska song. by Fullofkittens 02/17/2015, 7:54pm PST 
The Github streak is a more motivating factor to work than salary. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/28/2015, 11:54pm PDT 
Five Nights at Freddy's should have stopped at 1 NT by WITTGENSTEIN 07/24/2015, 11:17am PDT 
Autoplay videos anywhere other than Youtube, et al. should be banned NT by Rafiki 07/28/2015, 11:16am PDT 
Bon Appetit's web developers should be shot by Rafiki 08/20/2018, 7:32pm PDT 
News videos that don't show the thing but just a report about the thing should b NT by Rafiki 07/28/2015, 11:19am PDT 
"No video, pretend story does not exist" - stations do that already NT by Vested Id 07/28/2015, 1:16pm PDT 
Nobody under 25 gets half the jokes in Wayne's World anymore NT by fabio 09/27/2015, 7:11am PDT 
fuck, maybe even 30 NT by fabio 09/27/2015, 7:13am PDT 
People that password protect archives of pirated software are worthless shitheel by Rafiki 11/15/2015, 6:47pm PST 
Anyone writing an article with Mr Skin style porn jokes needs to be shot NT by 8======D 12/18/2015, 12:34pm PST 
Win7's exp when you hit the Win key was perfect, should not have been changed. NT by Fullofkittens 03/15/2016, 7:42pm PDT 
Universal ammo has never improved any action game ever. by Mischief Maker 06/14/2016, 5:00am PDT 
Buffalo Trace is the best fifth of bourbon you can buy under $30. NT by Fullofkittens 07/21/2016, 8:13pm PDT 
Keith Olbermann is the Confused Matthew of political commentary NT by HOW DARE YOU, MOVIE! 07/30/2016, 5:52am PDT 
People who write smug articles to "ruin" something are universally awful people NT by Rafiki 01/04/2017, 12:51pm PST 
Example? I am intrigued. NT by pinback 01/04/2017, 1:15pm PST 
No Man's Sky was The Phantom Menace of video gaming. by Mischief Maker 01/07/2017, 11:35am PST 
Yes. And some people to this day still defend it! NT by Kenny Mayne 01/07/2017, 1:32pm PST 
Expectations for me are high? by procedural generated survival craft 01/07/2017, 6:14pm PST 
Steam should not engage "Big Picture Mode" if you are not using a TV. by Fullofkittens 05/10/2017, 7:03pm PDT 
Yes! Huge annoyance. by Jack Bauer 05/10/2017, 7:14pm PDT 
Nobody uses the "skip intro" button when watching Stranger Things. NT by Mischief Maker 10/29/2017, 7:52pm PDT 
hahah by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/29/2017, 8:51pm PDT 
Referring to glorified complex statistical models as "neural networks" or "AI" NT by cheapens the concept 11/07/2017, 10:41am PST 
7 years later they're so thoroughly embarrassed that their AI is dumb as rocks NT by they call them "LLMs" now 04/20/2024, 10:38am PDT 
People with the garbage can car should stop volunteering to drive by Rafiki 11/07/2017, 5:51pm PST 
No, you should stop _accepting the offer_ NT by Every girl crazy for dry-assed man 11/08/2017, 5:04am PST 
Your car stinks and is filled with trash and you should feel bad NT by Top coat, dry ass, and I don’t wo 11/08/2017, 10:55am PST 
Let's get a group order in for top coat. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/09/2017, 8:41am PST 
You should be glad we're not signing posts anymore, because this one would haunt NT by you like an unpleasant odour. 11/08/2017, 12:00pm PST 
Every tower defense shooter hybrid would be improved by going pure shooter or TD NT by fabio 11/14/2017, 9:55am PST 
Nobody will notice at a glance your overpriced SUV is a Lamborghini. by Mischief Maker 12/04/2017, 9:27pm PST 
Reminds me of the 2014 Cadillac Escalade by Mysterio, "Thought Leader" 12/04/2017, 9:29pm PST 
Mr Bean has aged horrendously NT by holy shit 12/19/2017, 8:14pm PST 
Feather is the best fill material for a pillow. NT by Mehphistopheles 12/20/2017, 4:06pm PST 
Nop NT by People with allergies 12/20/2017, 4:46pm PST 
20% down outer 80% feather inner all night long BEDBRO NT by Entropy Stew 12/27/2017, 7:07pm PST 
I enjoy feeling the occasional quill to remind me that I'm sleeping on dead by animal parts. -Mehphistopheles 12/28/2017, 6:22am PST 
Isn't this the guy who tried convincing Bill Dungsroman to be a doctor? NT by Roop 12/28/2017, 12:41pm PST 
No. Though I've never tried dissuading someone from being a doctor. NT by Mehphistopheles 12/28/2017, 6:12pm PST 
My mistake, wrong prince of darkness NT by Roop 12/28/2017, 9:22pm PST 
People with allergies are just faking it to get sympathy. NT by Mehphistopheles 12/20/2017, 5:49pm PST 
Mass Effect 2 was only the 2nd best Mass Effect NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 12/27/2017, 10:36am PST 
This is the best Dr Who theme by laudablepuss 12/28/2017, 3:33pm PST 
Delia Derbyshire is God NT by Fullofkittens 12/28/2017, 8:04pm PST 
Re: Delia Derbyshire is God by laudablepuss 04/05/2021, 8:02pm PDT 
updated link by laudablepuss 03/06/2018, 3:00pm PST 
At least the Sylvester version didn't have bombastic orchestral accompaniment. NT by MM 04/06/2021, 9:50am PDT 
No I agree by laudablepuss 04/06/2021, 12:34pm PDT 
The instructional designers at LEGO should make the docs for everything by Fullofkittens 12/29/2017, 12:47pm PST 
That's orchestrators but it is a valid point by Fullofkittens 12/30/2017, 7:09am PST 
Every single Star Wars video game has had a better story than all the movies NT by since 1983 12/30/2017, 4:02pm PST 
(Dirty dishes) it's never ok to put silverware in glasses by laudablepuss 01/01/2018, 9:53am PST 
Not ok to use this important thread to try and prove existence of girlfriend by Bob mexico 01/01/2018, 8:19pm PST 
Videogame Dunkey is the only good gaming youtuber by Vested Id 02/28/2018, 7:45pm PST 
This is like saying South Park is the only good TV show. by Dream Cast 03/01/2018, 2:56am PST 
Dumb aside by laudablepuss 03/01/2018, 11:47am PST 
More like..... no guy buy NT by hrewhrwehrwehrwehrwerhwerhwerhwer 03/06/2018, 5:40pm PST 
Bro Team is good, Dunkey is great NT by I'm Oyster 03/01/2018, 7:13am PST 
Fair but in his own category by Vested Id 03/01/2018, 3:49pm PST 
The KOF cast would be way more interesting if SNK allowed them to age naturally. NT by Like 'For Better or For Worse' 04/01/2018, 6:49am PDT 
I enjoyed that Steeets of Rage 4 did this for Blaze/Axle NT by Blaze is a MILF now 06/14/2024, 3:50pm PDT 
Fortnite is superior to PUBG in every single way and PUBG deserves to die NT by like the POS asset-flip it is 04/16/2018, 8:47pm PDT 
What a dumb take. Fuck off. NT by Eury 01/21/2020, 1:55pm PST 
Yeah. This one was awful. This person should be ashamed. NT by Kenji Carter 05/24/2020, 11:29pm PDT 
Half the political strife in the US would be gone if we eliminated writing on NT by cake. 05/22/2018, 9:14am PDT 
Wing Commander 3 and 4 go completely off the rails from WC1/WC2 by Mysterio 11/05/2018, 1:42pm PST 
Re: Wing Commander 3 and 4 go completely off the rails from WC1/WC2 by laudablepuss 11/06/2018, 10:54am PST 
It's not that it sucked but with the jump to a 3D engine they changed everything by Mysterio 04/20/2024, 10:36am PDT 
Fantastic Beasts is as damaging to HP as prequels were to SW NT by Mysterio 11/27/2018, 12:04pm PST 
The “stop” button should be removed from browsers since it has no purpose NT by Rafiki 12/20/2018, 1:29pm PST 
what about unwanted redirects from pirated movies NT by Mysterio 12/20/2018, 2:42pm PST 
Does it actually accomplish that? by Rafiki 12/21/2018, 8:07am PST 
Haribo-brand gummy bears are the best gummy bears of all gummy bears NT by pinback 01/09/2019, 1:30pm PST 
pinback actually RIGHT about something for once by Mmm, Venus Gummi 01/09/2019, 1:32pm PST 
What are the best gummies of all time then? NT by RetroRomper 01/09/2019, 6:28pm PST 
I'm a fan of Gimbal's Scottie Dogs. NT by Mischief Maker 01/09/2019, 6:39pm PST 
American AAA gaming is a wasteland and Paradox and ProjektRED in Europe are NT by carrying the torch for good games 04/09/2019, 8:05pm PDT 
HA! NT by CyberPUNKED! 02/20/2021, 8:56am PST 
The way SublimeText handles preference setting is a fucken shitshow. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/20/2019, 10:36pm PDT 
Good Christ, yes. Yes it is. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 04/27/2019, 10:18pm PDT 
Atom as well! What the fuck! by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/13/2019, 6:36pm PDT 
The Cleveland Show was funnier than American Dad. NT by pinback 10/22/2019, 12:35pm PDT 
Re: The Cleveland Show was funnier than American Dad. by pinback 03/26/2025, 11:44am PDT 
Randy Marsh is the best South Park character. NT by pinback 11/02/2019, 11:50am PDT 
ok boomer is the most desperate attempt at generational divide the Russians have by Kenji Carter 11/06/2019, 7:33pm PST 
Is this for real? by Vested Id 01/21/2020, 1:58pm PST 
It has morphed from sarcasm to a thumbs up and a smile. OK! Boomer! by Roop 05/25/2020, 1:48am PDT 
It's impossible to kidnap a kid from a house with a dumbwaiter. NT by Can't be done. 05/24/2020, 6:55pm PDT 
1.8 ounces of whole nutmeg is a lifetime's supply. by The Happiness Engine 08/10/2020, 1:58pm PDT 
Nothing makes me cringe more than someone my age posting on video game forums. by Jerry Whorebaach 08/13/2020, 10:16pm PDT 
????? NT by Huh? 08/14/2020, 2:04am PDT 
NordVPN is ATORing as Jerry and it's really easy to tell the difference. NT by The Happiness Engine 08/14/2020, 4:02pm PDT 
'Western' is the least worst genre of film. by Brody Wilder 10/15/2020, 4:46pm PDT 
If you want to identify bad movies by keyword, start with "consumption". by Brody Wilder 11/15/2020, 3:26pm PST 
Re: If you want to identify bad movies by keyword, start with "consumption". by Vested Id 11/16/2020, 10:45pm PST 
We're like the two opposing male love interests in a Powell and Pressburger movi by Brody Wilder 11/17/2020, 8:23am PST 
Being honest, I'm not 100% sure I understood Colonel Blimp. by Brody Wilder 11/20/2020, 3:42pm PST NT by pinback 11/17/2020, 6:04am PST 
The idea of a "ground floor" should be done away with and just make it 1st floor NT by The Butcher 11/16/2020, 10:49am PST 
Chess needs to stop being treated as a sign of general intelligence by The Queen's ham pit 11/17/2020, 2:12am PST 
Anyone with an alternative spelling to their name has a 90% chance of by being an asshole 11/30/2020, 6:27am PST 
Anyone who claims the "same thing over and over" definition of insanity is a NT by philosopher idiot 12/02/2020, 10:31am PST 
I agree with this one too. NT by I Hate Epic 12/02/2020, 11:57am PST 
Doom 3 did nothing right NT by nothing 12/04/2020, 6:40am PST 
"Stay safe" is the new "thoughts and prayers" NT by veneer of caring 12/05/2020, 10:10am PST 
No, "we believe the science" is the new "thoughts and prayers" NT by MM 12/05/2020, 10:43am PST 
The best thing about the COVID vaccine will be... by veneer of caring 12/10/2020, 11:15am PST 
Learning the International Phonetic Alphabet is more work than rotely memorizing NT by pronunciation ofevery existing word 12/10/2020, 11:39am PST 
Sad! by Peregrine 12/10/2020, 12:46pm PST 
AC adapters located right at the plug should have been phased out 25 years ago NT by economy of outlet space 12/13/2020, 6:56am PST 
Every single xkcd fan I've met in real life was a terrible human being NT by truth 12/27/2020, 4:40am PST 
The one things there's not an xkdc about NT by Incredible self-importance 12/27/2020, 11:06am PST 
Lars Van Trier's documentaries are as great as his non-docs are terrible NT by mic drop 01/12/2021, 4:55am PST 
WHOOPS! by Werner Herzog 01/12/2021, 8:22am PST 
The DisplayPort adapter sucks dick. NT by Mysterio 01/31/2021, 8:05pm PST 
All radio stations need to stop playing Diver Down by laudablepuss 02/02/2021, 1:48pm PST 
What's a radio NT by , GRANDPA? 02/02/2021, 3:16pm PST 
*angry inarticulate old man noises* by laudablepuss 02/02/2021, 3:22pm PST 
No more Pretty Woman *boo hoo hoo* NT by laudablepusss 02/02/2021, 3:47pm PST 
Are you not getting that these are all shitty covers? by laudablepuss 02/02/2021, 5:12pm PST 
Contra is the best aged NES game NT by Spread eagle shot 02/12/2021, 12:58am PST 
It's true NT by Ichabod 02/20/2021, 9:24am PST 
Metroid is the worst aged NES game NT by curl up into ball, cry 02/23/2021, 2:17pm PST 
Twin Peaks: The Return was to Lynch fans as Great Gatsby was to Kaufman fans NT by it fucking sucked, guys 02/20/2021, 8:53am PST 
It was brilliant, shut up by Vested Id 02/20/2021, 3:59pm PST 
Of course the dumbest person here loved it NT by to own the fans 02/20/2021, 11:50pm PST 
Every Nintendo DS game should have been made compatible with the Switch NT by at least 3 years ago 02/23/2021, 12:46pm PST 
No first entry in a creative franchise should have a colon in the title NT by Small Intestine: The Rectum 03/01/2021, 10:42am PST 
Dr. Mario is Tetris for dads and girlfriends NT by ur mom 03/16/2021, 1:02pm PDT 
Ducktales NES was only good comparative to other licensed games NT by LJN garbage heap 03/22/2021, 9:04am PDT 
Robot hookers and VR-Matrix sex will eradicate all conflict NT by Dresden COCKak 04/02/2021, 9:44am PDT 
We should be printing books about how to survive a societal collapse. by Droz 04/05/2021, 6:17pm PDT 
Good news AND bad news NT by You'll fucking die 04/05/2021, 7:19pm PDT 
No offense, but you sound like every gypsy I've ever talked to. by Droz 04/05/2021, 8:03pm PDT 
We prefer Rom or Romani. NT by You'll still fucking die 04/06/2021, 6:50pm PDT 
You're already sunburnt, too, so you've got nothing to worry about. by Droz 04/06/2021, 8:59pm PDT 
Ryan North wrote this, it's called HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING. NT by Fullofkittens 04/06/2021, 5:53am PDT 
creampies > facials NT by wake up, porn producers! 04/12/2021, 12:11pm PDT 
and is regulating the volume of the preceding commercial still by beyond our tech level? 04/19/2021, 12:55am PDT 
and what is the fucking deal with the deluge of by incest 04/19/2021, 1:00am PDT 
Milf porn with an edge NT by Stop looking at porn 04/20/2021, 4:30pm PDT 
Any porn video that ends with the man jerking himself to orgasm is a failure NT by Let her work her magic! 04/20/2021, 4:26pm PDT 
Nobody has missed the point of a movie harder than John Wayne with High Noon NT by when he made Rio Bravo 06/13/2021, 12:58pm PDT 
I thought Rio Bravo was an intentional counter to High Noon. NT by MM 06/13/2021, 1:59pm PDT 
nevermind. NT by MM 06/13/2021, 2:00pm PDT 
No Mercy was the best Left 4 Dead campaign NT by from BOTH games! 06/18/2021, 9:24am PDT 
Re: No Mercy was the best Left 4 Dead campaign by laudablepuss 06/18/2021, 2:08pm PDT 
Iron sights, not regenerating health, is the worst thing to ever happen to NT by FPS games 08/05/2021, 6:39am PDT 
Why? NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/05/2021, 10:50am PDT 
If you can't see the reason why by mic drop 03/30/2022, 7:52pm PDT 
Shake Hands with the Devil (2004) is the most important movie ever made about NT by military interventionism. 08/30/2021, 11:38am PDT 
Kinder Buenos are the best possible candy bar. NT by pinback 12/28/2021, 3:29pm PST 
"It has been up for some debate[by whom?] whether a Kinder Bueno is a chocolate NT by bar or a wafer." Thanks, Wikipedia. 12/28/2021, 3:43pm PST 
Not as good as a Mars bar or a Snickers or a NT by (list candy bar here) 12/28/2021, 4:38pm PST 
If Japan made a candy bar called CHILDREN GOOD, we would laugh at them for it. NT by Jerry Whorebach 12/28/2021, 5:28pm PST 
The 90s was the most cringe decade. The 00s the most forgettable. NT by mic drop 03/30/2022, 7:50pm PDT 
Cringe colored specs NT by No era more cringe than now 03/30/2022, 8:10pm PDT 
This is a complicated one. by Brody Wilder 04/01/2022, 7:42pm PDT 
People who think the Ramseys did it are child-minded retards. NT by Mysterioioio 04/13/2022, 9:09pm PDT 
I wouldn't be as insulting, but I agree with your larger point. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/14/2022, 9:35am PDT 
Wordle "hard mode" is a tutorial for retards and a cheat code for non- NT by retards 04/14/2022, 6:39pm PDT 
The only people who want to play Codenames are control freaks who insist on bein NT by g the code master 04/30/2022, 2:59am PDT 
Wrong opinion by Therefore, weong thread. 05/25/2022, 1:21pm PDT 
Seinfeld was the worst part of Seinfeld. NT by pinback 05/25/2022, 12:32pm PDT 
It took me a minute to get what you meant here. But now I agree. NT by blackwater 05/26/2022, 11:51am PDT 
"Carrot and stick" is a mangled metaphor (from "carrot on a stick") NT by Bugs Bunny 05/27/2022, 10:49am PDT 
But a great episode. NT by pinback 05/27/2022, 11:16am PDT NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/28/2022, 9:20am PDT 
Youtube Shorts is a terrible feature NT by Rafiki 06/14/2022, 9:40pm PDT 
All turn-based games should let you crank up the animation speed. NT by Dream Cast 06/28/2022, 3:33pm PDT 
The most thoughtful present you can give a woman is a riding crop. by Genius of Love 08/02/2022, 6:30pm PDT 
PS: If your relationship with your florist is so remote that this would be embar by rassing for you, you've already fuc 08/02/2022, 7:18pm PDT 
50 pushbuttons on the floor so pets can "talk" is as bad as believing AI is real NT by Rafiki 08/13/2022, 10:01am PDT 
What? No. What? Wrong. You explain it then, smart guy. NT by Mysterio 03/26/2025, 12:40pm PDT 
The worst part about the internet isn't the trolls or crazies, it's that by Rafiki 08/13/2022, 10:34am PDT 
Re: The worst part about the internet isn't the trolls or crazies, it's that by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2022, 2:56pm PDT 
Harry Potter is a ripoff of Spellcasting 101 NT by Ernie 08/29/2022, 7:12am PDT 
Re: Harry Potter is a ripoff of Spellcasting 101 by Mysteriobama 08/29/2022, 6:13pm PDT 
90% of the top comments on imgur is some killjoy stating our the person in the by image could get hurt 09/01/2022, 8:27pm PDT 
Anyone saying "More at 11" is an uncreative smug fuck worth blocking and ignorin NT by Mysterio 09/09/2022, 11:37am PDT 
Internet Crank Hates Overused Internet Idioms by Story At 11 09/09/2022, 1:20pm PDT 
Anecdotally, I've seen bigger shopping days. NT by Tomb of the Unknown Poster 09/09/2022, 2:14pm PDT 
For instance... *checks notes*... Boxing Day. NT by Tomb of the Unknown Poster 09/09/2022, 2:16pm PDT 
Film at 11, but I'm with you NT by Need a list of these 09/09/2022, 1:25pm PDT 
Anyone who starts a simple Windows tutorial by telling you to go the command bar NT by is an asshole 09/09/2022, 4:50pm PDT 
Ha! Why is that, though? NT by Gentleman Jim Browser 10/22/2022, 11:17am PDT 
Everyone who uses Scrivener is an asshole by batting 1.000 so far 09/16/2022, 12:29pm PDT 
Any programmer that discovers LaTeX will never use Word again. NT by Fullofkittens 09/17/2022, 8:18am PDT 
Documentation psssssshhhhh. PPSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NT by Entropy Stew 09/21/2022, 7:56am PDT 
Tech execs obsession with VR has set meaningful PC tech advances back 10 years NT by at least 09/20/2022, 1:16am PDT 
Intel’s bungling set back PCs by like 15 years by blackwater 10/12/2022, 1:55pm PDT 
VR is the motion control of the 2020s NT by fist bump 10/11/2022, 12:43pm PDT 
Linux users should be banned from leaving user game reviews by or at least... 11/01/2022, 1:53pm PDT 
Re: Linux users should be banned from leaving user game reviews by Johnny Fivedicks 11/01/2022, 4:51pm PDT 
My autism is just as good as your shit taste by Entropy Stew 11/13/2022, 1:53pm PST 
No one here has ever doubted your autism NT by Caltrops & OMM history 11/13/2022, 3:19pm PST 
Star Trek V has one of the greatest lines in the history of cinema. by Brody Wilder 11/03/2022, 5:29pm PDT 
Excuse me by Generations 11/03/2022, 5:31pm PDT 
I can only remember three things about you. by Brody Wilder 11/03/2022, 6:14pm PDT 
Re: I can only remember three things about you. by laudablepuss 11/03/2022, 11:47pm PDT 
*SHATTER* NT by Kurlan naiskos 11/06/2022, 9:41pm PST 
(HUGE COKE SNORTING SOUND EFFECT) ...and then the Duras sisters blow up the ship by Brannon Bragga/Rick Berman 06/14/2024, 9:43am PDT 
Shenmue is a garbage franchise. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/06/2022, 9:09pm PST 
Humanity's survival depends on Twitter disappearing NT by Elon unintentional hero? 11/13/2022, 6:19am PST 
Dead Simple was the best Doom map NT by single player 02/28/2023, 5:58pm PST 
It's good but is it better than the very next level? by laudablepuss 02/28/2023, 8:21pm PST 
Doom 2 Entryway (E1M1) is the best multiplayer map NT by HAL-69000 04/06/2023, 4:02pm PDT 
David Lynch's Dune is fine NT by Mysterio 03/02/2023, 4:57pm PST 
It really is! NT by Mysterio 04/06/2023, 3:16pm PDT 
Re: In this thread, I will make statements that no one should disagree with by laudablepuss 04/14/2023, 11:11am PDT 
get with the times, BOOMER by Gen Zzzzzzzz 04/14/2023, 11:52pm PDT 
Re: get with the times, BOOMER by laudablepuss 04/15/2023, 7:41am PDT 
Also I'm gen x by laudablepuss 04/15/2023, 7:42am PDT 
"Boomer" became "anyone over 25" back when "ok, boomer" blew up by Rafiki 04/15/2023, 9:28am PDT 
Re: "Boomer" became "anyone over 25" back when "ok, boomer" blew up by laudablepuss 04/15/2023, 1:23pm PDT 
The only bigger waste of space than "^this" or "+1" posts by Letterman 04/23/2023, 4:02pm PDT 
Gary Larson is the only cartoonist to pull off the single panel strip NT by ->(^_^)<- 07/09/2023, 3:44pm PDT 
Bitch, I will cut you! NT by Bil Keane 07/09/2023, 4:04pm PDT 
Re: Gary Larson is the only cartoonist to pull off the single panel strip by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/09/2023, 7:36pm PDT 
Phantasy Star was the best looking game of the entire NT by 8 bit generation 10/03/2023, 5:11pm PDT 
The most bullshit gaming design choice ever is any game where easy mode cuts out by 25% of the way through the game 11/25/2023, 7:39am PST 
I must be protected at all costs. by Droz 01/18/2024, 3:44pm PST 
Every user review that mentions "Linux" should be automatically deleted NT by Tux sux 04/11/2024, 12:45am PDT 
Product as a service is the worst product trend of all time by Rafiki 04/11/2024, 8:53pm PDT 
Groundhog Day should have been named Sex Pest Reset NT by Punxsutawney Philherassup 05/09/2024, 9:50pm PDT 
UT's CTF-Face is the best CTF map of all time NT by 2fort is second best 06/14/2024, 8:30am PDT 
Jim Shooter was the best Editor-in-Chief in comics history. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/18/2024, 5:27pm PDT 
Steam counting demo time played towards the full version 2 hour refund window is NT by bullshit 06/26/2024, 12:13am PDT 
"I cook all my meals from scratch" is the new "I don't own a TV" by Blue Ape 08/10/2024, 8:38pm PDT 
Every article with headline ending in "And that's a good thing." NT by is wrong 01/21/2025, 6:00am PST 
"Classic" edition is Blizzard itself admitting that their game has NT by jumped the shark 02/09/2025, 4:39pm PST 
Indie game success on Steam is a lottery, not a meritocracy NT by Jon Blow is a Nazi 02/09/2025, 7:02pm PST 