Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
bilge lies and people will believe them. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/01/2008, 4:36am PDT
fortinbras pasted this to me on AIM. :(

As was previously announced, all of WotLK's Raid dungeons will be available in 10 and 25 man flavours. Opt for the ten man version and the loot rewards will be a full tier lower than in the 25 man variant, but that you won't have anywhere near as much trouble rounding up a group makes it a far more viable prospect if you're not a member of an ultra-guild. Similarly, they're aiming to keep every dungeon to an hour or less - "It's definitely not our intention to have people stuck in a dungeon for three hours," explains Blizzard's Lead Dungeon Designer Cory Stockton. They've also admitted that many of TBC's Heroic-level dungeons were too hard, and that getting your entire group to many instances was quite the headache. Summoning stones will be revamped to make it rounding your chums up much easier - there's even talk of their operating inside instances. The message is clear: WOTLK is much more about instant gratification. "There shouldn't be a barrier to entry to a dungeon just because it's annoying to get there", says Stockton.

bilge lies and people will believe them. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/01/2008, 4:36am PDT NEW
    funny what they think the definition of "instant gratification" is NT by Grumah 07/01/2008, 4:39am PDT NEW
        How's the new apartment, guys? Have you worked out your sleep schedules yet? NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/01/2008, 4:42am PDT NEW
            It's great, and no. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/01/2008, 5:11am PDT NEW
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