Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
trying to lvl johs rogue belf in BRD, and GUESS HOW THAT WENT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 2:30pm PDT
The tank guy instantly demanded we head towards bael gar, and I didn't argue because I was not jewish, so I picked the lock on the shadowforge because hey I can do that since I worked on lockpicking (grindan shit).

As soon as we kill the fucking boss the guy who demanded we do that one boss leaves, the other dipshits in the party then wander around in a daze while I ask why don't we at least kill the easy miniboss at the front door. A half hour later I give up and quit. I spent the entire run sapping garroting counterspelling and everything a good party member should do.

What the fuck is the point of paying money for this bullshit? For $15 a month the game should wipe my ass for me if I demand it to (not that I would or anything I am just saying it should be capable of that). It should AT LEAST offer 4 NPC bots to do the run with me.
trying to lvl johs rogue belf in BRD, and GUESS HOW THAT WENT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 2:30pm PDT NEW
    You should play on Ravenholt. With me. by Zsenitigole 05/15/2008, 5:53pm PDT NEW
        Haha three manned BDR NT by laudablepuss 05/15/2008, 6:03pm PDT NEW
            He's meable. :( NT by Zsenitigole 05/15/2008, 6:10pm PDT NEW
        joh and kraid are doubtlessly better players than you and they both quit so NT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 7:14pm PDT NEW
            So your standard WoW player then? NT by Worm 05/15/2008, 10:38pm PDT NEW
                my standard wow player what? NT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 11:06pm PDT NEW
                    Our standard wow player is someone like zensy, a person to be avoided. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2008, 12:48am PDT NEW
                        Except you've quit :( NT by Worm 05/16/2008, 6:27pm PDT NEW
                            Yes, so the obvious train of thought leads to there being no redeeming things ab NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2008, 6:48pm PDT NEW
                                I realized that! I am just trying to check if you actually quit. by Worm 05/16/2008, 6:56pm PDT NEW
                                    Let me know when you discover sentences that end with question marks. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/17/2008, 3:28pm PDT NEW
                                        On second thought, don't. 8( *blam* NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/17/2008, 3:32pm PDT NEW
                                            If those *blam*s are what you've been using on your WoW account by Worm 05/17/2008, 5:48pm PDT NEW
                                                Never mind question marks, you need to work on coherent sentences first. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/17/2008, 6:20pm PDT NEW
                                                    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! NT by Worm 05/17/2008, 6:33pm PDT NEW
                                                        Hey, give us a try! NT by neogaf 05/17/2008, 7:25pm PDT NEW
                                                            Sorry, I only have a gmail. by Worm 05/17/2008, 7:33pm PDT NEW
                                                                What EXACTLY is wrom complaining about here? by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/18/2008, 3:35am PDT NEW
                                                                    No, how often they repeat. You see Cpt. Jhoh I think we need to fire an inverse NT by Worm 05/18/2008, 8:00am PDT NEW
                                                                        Whatever post you're trying to make, it sucks. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/18/2008, 8:45am PDT NEW
                                                            He already has an account at selectbutton, what more do you want from him? NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/17/2008, 7:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                Re: He already has an account at selectbutton, what more do you want from him? by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/17/2008, 10:08pm PDT NEW
                                                                    the same as the new happy mondays album NT by Grumah 05/17/2008, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: He already has an account at selectbutton, what more do you want from him? by bombMexico 05/18/2008, 2:26am PDT NEW
                                                                    Let me put it this way: their best poster is worm. by Jerry Whorebach 05/18/2008, 3:35am PDT NEW
                                                                        I totally changed my opinion about these guys. by Jerry Whorebach 08/27/2008, 11:39pm PDT NEW
                                                                            gj turning an entire quote box into a link NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2008, 12:05am PDT NEW
                                                                            Everytime someone links to ABDN I read it again, briefly by Fussbett 08/28/2008, 12:53am PDT NEW
    You should quit. NT by Worm 05/15/2008, 5:57pm PDT NEW
    So is the BF2142 expansion still worse than WoW? NT by FABIO 05/16/2008, 2:06am PDT NEW
        We never played it so I guess we'll never know. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2008, 2:16am PDT NEW
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