Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
WoW nerd envisions day where he's not an ass-kicking waiting to happen by Rafiki 05/14/2008, 11:23am PDT
Player vs. Everything: Putting raiding on your resume

I have enough play time in WoW to be embarassed about it (and still play with friends :( ). I also work in a corporation, and while I'm not directly involved in the hiring process if I were ever asked to review a resumé that had raid experience on it, I'd call the number just so I could laugh into the phone until the person hung up. Then I'd hit redial and do it again.

Next Week: An article about how with gaming becoming more popular, trying to impress women in a bar with your MMO exploits may become socially acceptable.
WoW nerd envisions day where he's not an ass-kicking waiting to happen by Rafiki 05/14/2008, 11:23am PDT NEW
    Hmm... I approve of this candidate's "more dots" policy. NT by Ice Cream Magnate Curt Jones 05/14/2008, 12:05pm PDT NEW
        "that time you said more dps, that was brilliant, because I was indeed not dpsin NT by Grumah 05/14/2008, 12:47pm PDT NEW
        I love both of these posts. NT by Fussbett 05/14/2008, 12:51pm PDT NEW
    I got WoW nerds hired. by Zsenitigole 05/14/2008, 1:52pm PDT NEW
        I forsee this career ending well by FABIO 05/14/2008, 2:18pm PDT NEW
            You're so hateful. by Zsenitigole 05/14/2008, 2:28pm PDT NEW
                the Viets breed those well NT by FABIO 05/14/2008, 4:02pm PDT NEW
        wow, standards have really dropped in the workplace wherever you live NT by Grumah 05/14/2008, 6:13pm PDT NEW
    Cameron seems to be have bitten by the new games journalism bug by FABIO 05/14/2008, 4:02pm PDT NEW
        Re: Cameron seems to be have bitten by the new games journalism bug by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/16/2008, 10:30pm PDT NEW
        Re: Cameron seems to be have bitten by the new games journalism bug by Fussbett 05/17/2008, 12:27am PDT NEW
            Re: Cameron seems to be have bitten by the new games journalism bug by FABIO 05/17/2008, 12:56am PDT NEW
                All over each other (accidentally). NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/17/2008, 1:06am PDT NEW
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