by Last 05/05/2008, 9:08am PDT |
The World Ends with You is a grindfest treadmill level-up game surrounded by a candy coating of Square Enix bullshit " ... " emo anime literally-going-clothes-shopping-for-the-latest-fashionable-trends storyline starring a standoffish amnesiac teen male protagonist who slowly learns the value of friendship thanks to the wacky party members he encounters, but even despite all of these reasons why I fucking hate Square's video games IT IS STILL A TON OF FUN.
The storyline is that there's this secret game being played in Tokyo where people are given missions once per day for seven days by a group of demons. If you fail the mission for that day then you are killed. The players are invisible and can't interact with normal people directly, but they can read the minds of those around them and even "push" suggestions into people's heads, so you might run into a guy who's trying to decide whether to keep his job or follow his dreams and you can push the word "pension" into his head and he'll think "Oh, yeah, I guess I should stick with my regular soul-crushing job because it has a nice pension". You can also help a cosplay group get their costumes together and meet in public for some LARPing and yet I'm telling you that even with this magnitude of gay faggotry the game is still good! There's a lot of different things going on in people's minds so just running around reading minds really adds a nice flavor to the game
Combat is hectic, with the top and bottom screen having simultaneous battles and you control the bottom screen combatant with the stylus by making quick slashes across enemies or tapping on yourself to gain health or drawing a circle around enemies, etc. You control the top screen combatant with the d-pad or the ABXY buttons if you are left-handed. You get bonuses by hitting enemies with combinations, and the combo bonus will travel back and forth from the top and bottom combatants so you can build up a huge damage multiplier if you are dextrous or have ADHD. Luckily you can also set the top combatant to auto-pilot if you are just starting out and need to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Your weapons are 'Pins', and you can bring a certain number of pins into each battle. The pins have unlimited ammo but they can only be used a half-dozen times per battle before they need to cool-down/reboot/reload which takes 2-4 seconds. So, it's a lot like having three guns and you fire one until empty, then empty the next, then the next, then the first one is reloaded so you go back to that so on and so forth. Some pins are health items and some are quest items that can't be used in combat and they all have stats and they all level up the more you use them. I guess there's a minigame later using the pins where you have a whole other set of stats and stuff but I haven't gotten that far yet.
Also, there are no random encounters.
For further reading, here's a video review and also Tycho's newspost about it from last week.
Tycho wrote:
This is a game that makes digestion cool. Many games have food, it's classic really, but how many games model the size of your stomach? Foods act as buffs, with ongoing effects that last a certain number of battles, capped off with a permanent increase when they complete. This makes me so happy that I want to pop the fucking cartridge out and kiss it.
It's relatively easy to get your head around the game's notion of "In" brands that give you advantages in specific districts, with an escalating hierarchy of cool that confers ever more potent effects - but even the weapons are branded. In this game, your weapons are called "Pins," which act as its Pokémon Equivalent. They are ultra-desirable, have custom art, and there's a fuckload of them. The Pins themselves gain experience in a number of ways, leveling and sometimes evolving. These pins bristle with twinkling systems, let me show you them:
- First, they represent substantial custom combo potential, with many unique touchscreen interactions.
- Turn off your DS, and when you turn it back on, your currently equipped pins will have earned XP for up to seven days.
- Each pin has another set of statistics, parallel to the standard ones, for use in a mini-game called "Tin Pin Slammer."
- Set the game to "Mingle Mode" and earn a special variety of experience each time your system comes in contact with another wireless DS, regardless of what they're playing.
The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Last 05/05/2008, 9:08am PDT 
Beltan Zipar, the Motion Picture. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/05/2008, 9:32am PDT 
Re: The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/05/2008, 9:36am PDT 
I suffered through what must've been an hour of clicking through cutscenes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/06/2008, 11:41am PDT 
100% correct about the cutscenes. by Last 06/06/2008, 6:28pm PDT 
Re: 100% correct about the cutscenes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/06/2008, 6:43pm PDT 
Japanese devs have a 0.000 success rate when it comes to human emotion/relations by Last 06/11/2008, 10:28am PDT 
Japanese devs have a 0.000 success rate when it comes to human emotion/relations by Tiger Oni Mask Dude Man 08/08/2010, 8:09pm PDT 
Japanesu characters are just bodies without personalities. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/09/2010, 11:16am PDT 
Okay the game is really really selling me on itself now. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 2:13pm PDT 
PS: This is really Scientology: The Video Game. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 2:52pm PDT 
Vegeta, what does the e-meter say about his OT level? NT by Entropy Stew 06/09/2008, 10:22pm PDT 
Re: PS: This is really Scientology: The Video Game. by motherfuckerfoodeater 06/09/2008, 10:36pm PDT 
Thanks wrom. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 10:45pm PDT 
One thing about this game that is really fuckin gay. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/13/2008, 2:10am PDT 
The ending is a Martrix rip-off and then the main kid takes his headphones OFF. by Last 06/14/2008, 6:06pm PDT 
Well at least I have a + game to look forward to. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/14/2008, 7:15pm PDT 
It lets you FFWD all the talking parts, and you find previously impossible items by Last 06/15/2008, 10:53am PDT 
Even more shocking, that tin pin slammer minigame is actually fun and not shit. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/15/2008, 5:43pm PDT 
Re: The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Tiger Oni Mask Dude Man 08/08/2010, 4:40pm PDT 