Here's zensy playing wow. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/27/2008, 7:14pm PDT
beyond the pale/cannot let this INSULT stand NT by Grumah 04/27/2008, 7:26pm PDT
Here's zensy playing D&D and/or wow. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/27/2008, 7:42pm PDT
There may be other webcomics that apply to this situation. Keep looking! NT by Zsenitigole 04/27/2008, 8:32pm PDT
there might be one single webcomic which I found on 4chan NT by Grumah 04/27/2008, 8:56pm PDT
As an alternative, I can refer you to all of your previous posts about WOW. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/27/2008, 8:59pm PDT
yeah, no thanks PAL you have done enough damage for one LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Grumah 04/27/2008, 9:01pm PDT
There's a very real chance that you have left some webcomics unread. NT by Zsenitigole 04/27/2008, 10:37pm PDT
Read this. *blam blam blam blam blam blam* NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/27/2008, 11:35pm PDT