Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
I tried playing a test realm but an RP drove me away by Grumah 03/06/2008, 8:08am PST
The character copy is apparently burned to a crisp because the "copy queue is full" so I created a new character, messed around for a few minutes hitting wolves with my clown hammer, taking off my pants.

Then suddenly a fucking lvl 70 nelf faggot rides up into northshire valley with his full fucking epic gear because he is "bored" and requests that I roleplay with him for 300 gold. I told him no and went back to killing woofs, then I emote dance at him and he trades me money. I log off after 30 seconds and haven't been back since.
I tried playing a test realm but an RP drove me away by Grumah 03/06/2008, 8:08am PST NEW
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