Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Better trolling ideas than these dipshit plans to camp out in front of Ironforge by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 02/29/2008, 7:22pm PST
Or etc!

A guy named Beefytree quit the guild because he was whining every time loot dropped that it wouldn't go to him. Kraid observed that just from his whining over vent (like yelling BULLSHIT just because he lost yet another loot roll) that he sounded like a fat fuckin slob (like zensy), then we'd privately laugh and make fun of him. Not in guild chat of course, because they don't like it when you INSULT!!!!!!!!!!!! other players even if they leave the guild, especially because there will always be a faggot or two who will claim HEY HE WAS AN OKAY GUY no matter how much of an asshole they really were. Like remember how people defended sasy just because she was a girl? Like that. They wouldn't have any justification. For living. 8(

So I decided a couple days after he quit to start rumors about him being in the hospital. Like, I'd start telling the guild this convoluted story about how I heard from someone who signed on his account that beefytree was hospitalized a day earlier and apparently he's in serious condition and see if I could string people along, and then the twist ending would be that he was hospitalized when he tried to rape a girl and then Rambo bitchslapped his head clean off and hm yeah apparently he's not doing too well from that hand to chin.

I layed out the plan to tell this story over our private Snowglobes channel POPULATION: COLD AS ICE 8( and then later that night when I was busy Jso and Kraid did the whole bit, and it went over as well as I figured it would, with the guild mostly suddenly going dead quiet in shock at THE AUDACITY of such things since the internet is populated mostly with grown up infants watching children's cartoons well into being elderly and being unable to handle jokes or insults. They had a serious business OFFICER REVIEW where the officers reviewed the performance of our actions and uh uh behavior WHATEVER. Of course, we were the best players in the guild, Kred always being the top damage dealer and then me and Jso had two lvl 70s who could main heal or DPS (fat DPS holocaust that huhuran can provide for you ruuuuu beast 2 attack power upgrade beast etc beast), while other players were women who could barely do jack shit in raids because they were playing with one hand and holding their fucking babies (BEEG MISTAKE) with another.

When WHAT LICK comes out, we'll open Team Snowglobe to lvling 70 to 80 and "general new content," but one of our requirements for joining is that you will have to insult bilge in a global public channel. That should filter 99% of the deadweight (or just 100% of the players period).
Better trolling ideas than these dipshit plans to camp out in front of Ironforge by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 02/29/2008, 7:22pm PST NEW
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