Forum Overview :: Doom III
On writing like Zseni by Better Zseni Impersonations Inc. 11/27/2004, 7:11am PST
1. Zseni is never snide. She's deathly in earnest all the time, but playful, like a killer puppy. She would never attack Fussbett over the quality of his humor, of which she is an original supporter. She would attack him over something factual and drop the matter in disgust quickly as he and INC jointly failed to get her way-too-subtle and overthought point. She will hold to a silly ideological course until it's pointless to discuss it any further, but she will drop a silly aesthetic one immediately.

2. Zseni sentences aren't short, harsh, or abrupt. Like a Romantic composer she favors long singing chains of clauses and baroque constructions which veer between expertly controlled English and pompous messes that exist for no reason other than to keep the preposition off the end of the sentence. Unlike SB, there is nothing banal about her insanity or education, so hers is a more difficult style to emulate effectively.

3. When Zseni goes on the attack, she goes on the attack en masse. It's cyclical. She will never attack just one target at a time, and she needs rests between her fights. Instead of producing a constant trickly of petty insults, Zseni will ramp up and declare holy war on a number of targets and pursue her battles with varied success.

4. Zseni is always certain that she'll be misunderstood. She's ready with clarification and extrapolation of anything that anyone argues about in any post of hers, like an aggressive fractal. But the key to understanding Zseni is to understand that she's sure she's going to hurt or alienate everyone here just by writing the wrong word, so she's very very careful, because she really wants to be both right and accepted. When she feels she has fumbled one or the other goals, she goes into one of her restorative periods of writing reviews and playing nicely with others.

5. Zseni wants to save the world. She really loves people even though they don't much care for her. There is something deeply wrong with her that she's smart and active enough to keep under tabs for now, but it won't stay down forever. Posts by "Zseni" that fail to reflect those qualities in any way are obvious frauds, because Zseni herself couldn't help projecting them into each and every post she made.

Zseni hasn't posted here in almost a month, so Zseni impersonators have a lot of false messiah room to play with. Please take the points in this post under consideration.
CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Bill Dungsroman 11/02/2004, 12:05pm PST NEW
    Erik talks about Doom 3 in AIM (plus a special appearance by Half-Life 2) by Fussbett 11/02/2004, 10:12pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/03/2004, 3:55pm PST NEW
        Their lack of moral values reflect...well, nothing. by jeep 11/04/2004, 3:51pm PST NEW
            Re: Their lack of moral values reflect...well, nothing. by Creexul :( 11/04/2004, 4:47pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Souffle of Pain 11/04/2004, 3:00pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Jeff Green 11/24/2004, 11:57pm PST NEW
        OMG IT'S REALLY HIM! NT by Screaming Girls 11/25/2004, 1:06am PST NEW
        Holy shit. by Bill Dungsroman 11/25/2004, 1:27am PST NEW
            Well that was embarassing enough. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 1:56am PST NEW
                The guy at never heard of a Jeff Green? NT by I need even further clarification 11/25/2004, 2:06am PST NEW
                    Re: The guy at never heard of a Jeff Green? by Jeff Green 11/25/2004, 9:18am PST NEW
                        Dare not speak my name. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 1:09pm PST NEW
                            My you've gotten unfunny, Fussy-betty. NT by Zseni 11/25/2004, 1:12pm PST NEW
                                Who are you? Jeff Green? NT by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 3:56pm PST NEW
                                    Less weepy vagina monologues next time. by Zseni 11/25/2004, 7:00pm PST NEW
                                        Jesus, you're weird. Project much? NT by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 7:03pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Jesus, you're weird. Project much? by Zseni 11/25/2004, 7:37pm PST NEW
                                                Listen, Jeff Green. I've had just about enough of you. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 11:34pm PST NEW
                                                    And you're an unfunny cunt. NT by Zseni 11/26/2004, 7:00am PST NEW
                                                        And you're a fat bitch. NT by JUST GO HOME AND EAT SOME PIE 11/26/2004, 10:46am PST NEW
                                                            HOT PIE by Entropy Stew 11/28/2004, 2:38am PST NEW
                            Or what? by Bill Dungsroman 11/26/2004, 3:44pm PST NEW
                                Let's get to the bottom of what's wrong with me. by Fussbett 11/26/2004, 4:13pm PST NEW
                                    Problem: FUNNAY not found. New Search String... by Zseni 11/27/2004, 2:37am PST NEW
                                        Problem: FUNNAY not found. Error, buffer reached max size, exiting... by foolio, Zseni 11/27/2004, 3:02am PST NEW
                                            You may stop posting here forever now, thanks for the lame screenshots, goodbye. NT by Mystero 11/27/2004, 5:10am PST NEW
                                                Those words cut deep, like a sawblade in HL2 cuts deep. Right to the bone! by foolio 11/27/2004, 11:00am PST NEW
                                                    I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by Mystero 11/27/2004, 12:41pm PST NEW
                                                        Wait, now you're getting me confused with...who are you confusing me with? by foolio 11/27/2004, 1:09pm PST NEW
                                                        Re: I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by whydirt 11/27/2004, 5:25pm PST NEW
                                                        Re: I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by Creexul :( 11/30/2004, 4:55am PST NEW
                                            Faggot NT by Zseni 11/27/2004, 6:34am PST NEW
                                                On writing like Zseni by Better Zseni Impersonations Inc. 11/27/2004, 7:11am PST NEW
                                                    But this sounds like you by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 7:40am PST NEW
                                                    Re: On writing like Zseni by Choson 11/27/2004, 7:48am PST NEW
                                        Humour is subjective. by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 4:49am PST NEW
                                            Yes it is and yours is subjectively bad. NT by Zseni 11/27/2004, 6:32am PST NEW
                                                You failed at riling me up, so now you go after Fussbett? You so crazy! NT by Fullofkittens 11/27/2004, 8:22am PST NEW
                                                    You are a zero player, a non event. You are an afterthought. You never matter. NT by Mystero 11/27/2004, 12:47pm PST NEW
                                                        How do you fuck up the default blank author field, you tard NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 1:53pm PST NEW
                                                            Reflect on the amount of time and effort put into that post, oh mediocrity lord. NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 3:29pm PST NEW
                                                                "Mediocrity lord"! Brilliant! NT by Mysterioso 11/27/2004, 9:09pm PST NEW
                                                                    Thank you for providing an example. NT by Mystardo 11/28/2004, 3:06am PST NEW
                                                    P.S. Your musical career is as viable as Creex getting laid by anyone but Jsoh NT by DAYUM, that's harsh! 11/27/2004, 1:12pm PST NEW
                                                        zzz... NT by Fullofkittens 11/27/2004, 3:00pm PST NEW
                                                        OH YEAH WELL YO MAMA SO FAT NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 3:48pm PST NEW
                                                    Close! by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 3:54pm PST NEW
                                                Only subjectively, thank goodness by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 1:55pm PST NEW
                                    Actually, by Bill Dungsroman 11/27/2004, 6:31pm PST NEW
                    I fucked Veronica NT by Jeff Green 11/27/2004, 11:52am PST NEW
                        HIGH FIVE! NT by Umberto 11/27/2004, 3:29pm PST NEW
            BDR never fails to embarass :( by I need clarification 11/25/2004, 2:54am PST NEW
                Isn't working for Sony on PS2 titles a lot like working for Sega on Dreamcast? by Mister Fancy Pants 11/25/2004, 11:11am PST NEW
                Re: BDR never fails to embarass :( by Jeff Green 11/25/2004, 11:48am PST NEW
                    Re: BDR never fails to embarass :( by Lizard_King 11/25/2004, 9:15pm PST NEW
                        That's horrible. Everyone stop apologizing to Jeff Green for Caltrops. by I need clarification 11/29/2004, 11:22pm PST NEW
                            Why do jews have big noses? Air is free. NT by Lizard_King 11/30/2004, 12:41am PST NEW
                                Why do broke coders hate Jews? Because we're rich. NT by I need clarification 11/30/2004, 10:53am PST NEW
                INC never fails to embarass (himself) by Bill Dungsroman 11/26/2004, 3:13pm PST NEW
                    I AM A FUCKING GOD OF WAR by Jeff Green 11/26/2004, 3:35pm PST NEW
        Wow by Choson 11/25/2004, 5:01pm PST NEW
            IT'S LIKE EATING A DELICIOUS SPONGE! NT by Creexul :( 11/25/2004, 5:44pm PST NEW
    MARRIED... WITH CALTROPS by Ray of Light 11/27/2004, 3:41pm PST NEW
        It's like Hee Haw meets Jonestown in here NT by Entropy Stew 11/27/2004, 6:16pm PST NEW
            Re: It's like Hee Haw meets Jonestown in here by Bill Dungsroman 11/27/2004, 6:23pm PST NEW
                OMG GAY PM NT by Entropy Stew 11/27/2004, 8:13pm PST NEW
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