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Re: Update! by Bananadine 10/02/2007, 1:18pm PDT
Mischief Maker wrote:

Sonic Ironstorm has just gotten a major expansion, called Sonic Ironstorm: Fatal Attack. It's still an insanely intense 3-minute game, only now there are 2 fighters to choose from and twice the number of levels, which you choose via a branching campaign.

Renders the original obsolete and is highly recommended.

Wow, for some reason I completely ignored that one in your original listing. Wow! .

In order to download it just now (the updated version I hope), I had to bumble through five different Japanese-language pages, each time not knowing whether I was clicking the right thing. It is surprising that I actually reached the file in the end! There was probably a shorter way to get there though.
Freeware roundup: SHOOT-EM-UPS! by Mischief Maker 08/25/2007, 12:51am PDT NEW
    Clean Asia by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/25/2007, 1:31am PDT NEW
    Oops. That was only 9. Here's #10... by Mischief Maker 08/25/2007, 9:07am PDT NEW
    Update! by Mischief Maker 10/02/2007, 11:32am PDT NEW
        Re: Update! by Bananadine 10/02/2007, 1:18pm PDT NEW
            You completely ignored my guide to navigating, also. NT by Mischief Maker 10/02/2007, 8:08pm PDT NEW
                Bananadine is the new Caltrops village idiot. NT by Chronicles of Caltrops 10/02/2007, 11:06pm PDT NEW
                Re: You completely ignored my guide to navigating, also. by Bananadine 10/03/2007, 1:35am PDT NEW
                    Hermione kills yr boner. NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/03/2007, 1:41am PDT NEW
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